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Gaming is doomed if great games from inexperienced studios don't show up on Shill up goty list. Wukong and Stellar Blade missing


The logical approach is to simply ignore journalists / outlets / youtubers with greatly different taste or views on videogames to yours. It's them who should be worried that people will stop caring what they think and stop consuming their content.


Can’t Git Gud
No it's not. It's a pretty standard action game that if it had any other main character would get absolutely zero attention. It is a MUCH better game than that garbage unoptimized UE5 tech demo Wukong though.

Astro Bot, Helldivers, and FFVII are WAY better PS exclusives last year.

Dragon's Dogma 2 requires a $700 console upgrade to be playable.
ooof. There are barely any "standard action games" you speak of. Let alone like Stellar Blade.
Wukong UE5 unoptimized tech demo?! what? 40fps balanced mode, not issues whatsoever. There is so much care and crazy animations with each boss. It's insane.

And DD2 doesn't require 700$ console to play. I finished the game on it's release, locked 30fps with dips just fine. Played great. It's your stubbornness that prevents you from having fun, then just get it on pc

Boss fights are good. Music is good. Eve is good.

But I don't like the level design, those big open areas with some random enemies. Not appealing at all. And enemy design is just bad.

I started playing back in April, but dropped and come back now... But I honestly don't think this games is too much. I can see good things on it, especially being made by a unexperienced studio, but the game never clicked for me.
fair enough. It didn't grab you.
That's the problem, though. He makes his living as a professional YouTuber lol. You're contributing to his profit margin by advertising his video for him. Stop caring what other people think or don't think about something that you clearly don't need their help to decide on. It's fun and entertaining to watch YouTubers to a degree but what they say isn't gospel, and you cannot control what other people think and say.

Yes, I get what you mean by "responsibility" since many people do listen to content creators, but it also really isn't their responsibility to do or say anything. Some sell out to the corpos, other speak their mind and stay true to themselves at the cost of money, others still just do their own weird thing regardless of money or trends. Ultimately you cannot hold them accountable for their "opinions" when they disagree with your opinions. And I say this as a fan of both Wukong and Stellar Blade. If people stopped putting so much faith and stock in what these digital muppets said. we wouldn't be having this discussion.
It's not that serious to me. YT just recommended me the vid.... I watched while packing the dishwasher.
it's all there is to it :p

Say no more! 🤣

In all seriousness though, its all subjective. If you enjoy a game, great.
You should try it. It's a fantastic game.
but you didn't see me in 2023 running around creating threads that it's not on peoples list.
But I do think wukong and stellar blade should not be ignored by any respectable reviewer.


Gold Member
Oh no, a single youtuber didn't talk about 2 games.
The horror!
Jim Carrey Omg GIF

Gaming is doomed if good games don't sell.
Wukong is one of the best selling games of the generation and Stellar Blade did decently for a new IP from an unknown dev releasing on a single console


Can’t Git Gud
fuck. I can't make a single post/thread on this forum that people agree with. It's like some of you disagree just because it's my post.
You guys don't know good games or I am fucking crazy. idk. I play games my whole life ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
man this is depressing af. I should probably stop engaging

Buggy Loop

I think you should make a YouTube channel rofif rofif

After all, nobody is enthusiastic as you for gaming. Nobody has a library like you do, yuge.

Funny Face Lol GIF
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fuck. I can't make a single post/thread on this forum that people agree with. It's like some of you disagree just because it's my post.
You guys don't know good games or I am fucking crazy. idk. I play games my whole life ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
man this is depressing af. I should probably stop engaging
You're taking things too personally my friend. The reason you created this thread is because you disagree with a person's opinion and feel wronged.

Just relax. Enjoy your game, and maybe offer some insights on your opinions why do you think they are so great.


He is a professional
LMAO, run of the mill youtuber, also a massive CP2077 shill when the game was crashing and burning on platforms it should never had launched, but I don't remember him saying shit about that, just avoiding criticisms and stating that the game was wonderful on his ultra high end PCMR setup

1 million subs. he is too big of an influencer to skip those. He is in a position of responsibility.
And what if he didn't like both of those games or did like them but not enough to consider them part of a GOTY list from his OPINION?

SB has a hot female protagonist as the MC, that in itself hinders any chance of being prominent in any GOTY list, idk about monkey-man the game to give any opinion, some say is boss rush empty game without any kind of exploration, some say it's just so amazing in every way, the truth is in the middle, I'll judge when its get cheap enough to buy on a sale
He is a professional. It's his work.
He's a YouTuber.

1 million subs. he is too big of an influencer to skip those.
at which number exactly does a YouTuber lose his right to have his own opinion?

He is in a position of responsibility.
Studios and future games like that will suffer if more reviewers have bad taste.
bullshit. And your taste doesn't invalidate his, get your colossal ego in check.

His personal taste is one thing. but even if he disliked those, HE SHOULD mention those.
He doesn't have to do shit, he's just a YouTuber.


I have yet to play both Wukong and Stellar Blade, because I'm not interested in them. BUT I did purchase Concord and Veilguard, did he mention any of those? I'm having a hard time on this site to get people to agree with me that these 2 games are actually alright.


4-Time GIF/Meme God
Probably bait, man

Still, Wukong and Stellar Blade got great sales and great critics. It's not a "too much water" situation


Gold Member
rofif rofif , you say Skill Up is abdicating his "responsibility" by not mentioning these games. But his main responsibility is to be honest about what he thinks. If he didn't think those two games qualified for a 'best of the year' video, then it's his responsibility to not include them.

I don't agree with a lot of Skill Up's choices myself. We have different tastes in games. I still like to listen to some of his reviews, though, because he is one of the more literate and articulate reviewers out there, and he has (imo) good taste when it comes to dissecting aspects of a game's story and dialog - a skill other reviewers often lack.


So what other games were on this person's list? Did they chose simliar games from big pubs instead? Despite the universal praise they get the only thing I like about souls games are their art design/atmosphere.


Who the fuck cares? I used to like OP before he got banned last year, he came back being a fucking dumb manchild for some reason.


Gold Member
And dragons dogma 2 being so low? tragedy.

About DD2, he says, "I fucking loved this." The game got a lot of flak from gamers, from what I heard (e.g., about being unoptimized and not much improvement over the first). He says he "fucking loved it," though. And it made the 'best of' video. Not sure why its ranking on that list is so disappointing to you. I'm a bit surprised it made the list at all.


Gold Member
So what other games were on this person's list? Did they chose simliar games from big pubs instead?

He named a bunch of smaller titles, several of which I'd never even heard of. Check the video out yourself if you're curious (they're time-stamped and labelled). Ralph has always been decent about trying to highlight smaller, indie games when he can - not just the big-budget AAA stuff.


fuck. I can't make a single post/thread on this forum that people agree with. It's like some of you disagree just because it's my post.
You guys don't know good games or I am fucking crazy. idk. I play games my whole life ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
man this is depressing af. I should probably stop engaging
Absolutely no need to be down over how the thread went. You are definitely one of the more interesting personalities here and your opinions are at the very least entertaining to read.

In this case however, you have to realize that there is no such thing as an objective review/ranking for games or any pieces of art for that matter. Every review and every ranking is just a reflection of his/her/their subjective view on the games. A game that is your all-time favorite may not be even in the top 50 of someone else, and that is perfectly valid. Same goes for reviewers, professional or not. If skillup didn't like Wukong or SB enough to be in his top 10, that is 100% valid. It's his (and/or his team's) opinion. He is doing his duty by telling us his opinion, and that's all there is to it. You can disagree with his list of course, but his list is his, and your list is yours.
Womp womp. Both games scored in the low 80s, most people disagree with your evaluation of those games. Plus it's his opinion and it's impossible to list every low 80s game that people liked.


It’s his list, he can put what he wants on it. It’s not a meta score list. It’s the list that he wanted. People are allowed to like different things. Balatro was huge this year but I certainly wouldn’t put it on a list of mine. Doesn’t mean you can’t like it.


I have no problem with him leaving them out? Black myth is overrated by the community and i can understand why people didnt like Stellar Blade
Stellar Blade and Wukong are easily the top games this year no matter what lame Journalist picks.

1 Space Marine 2
2 FFVII Rebirth
3 Stellar Blade
4 Wukong
5 Nuclear Nightmare
It was a great year with many excellent games, I’m not surprised those you listed were missed. If anything, it’s an indication how good the year was. Not doomed by any means.

Side note - you seem to take a lot of opinions personally, rofif rofif , especially Forspoken criticisms all last year. I think it’s pretty clear you have very different tastes. Chill and enjoy your nice gaming setup with the games you love.
The worst thing anyone could do (and yet so, sooo many will) is take any subjective personal GOTY list seriously as if it has any larger impact on a god damn thing. Hell, we had an organized movement of supposedly prestigious sites actively wanting Hogwarts Legacy to fail yet the game went on it's merry way to success. Meanwhile critics couldn't give enough reacharounds for Hi-Fi rush yet we all saw how that went. Thankfully it still found a happy(ish) ending for the studio.

It just doesn't matter. It's not worth any stress thinking that deep about. Instead, grab a glass/cup/shot of your favorite beverage and just laugh at whatever goofiness you feel is unjust.


Both games sucked and felt like cheap UE5 dogshit. Much better games from 2024. Astrobot alone clears both.


For me, I take steam sales numbers as well as users reviews seriously, yt is just a way to communicate with whoever speaks common sense, if the youtuber/streamer are far from my understanding, fuck him.


A game can be good without being a GOTY contender. Indiana Jones is also a good game and I think it's great, but I wouldn't call it a GOTY contender. In my opinion, GOTY are top notch games that are beyond (most) doubt. Wukong is simply not one of them in most people's opinion - and neither is Stellar Blade.
I’m honestly so used to Stellar Blade and even Black Myth Wukong getting screwed over with these awards, reviewers, etc to the point where I even feel most of these people can’t or refuse to spot talent and potential even if it’s right in their face. Sure, it’s ok not liking Stellar Blade, but I find it highly suspicious that no outlet to my knowledge will even consider it as a GOTY contender or even acknowledge the game’s existence despite MANY gamers stating it’s their GOTY or they loved the game. It’s also one of the highest rated games on PSN EVER, is it not?

It’s fine not winning an award as that doesn’t necessarily equate to quality, but Stellar Blade imo seems purposefully ignored most likely because it has a really attractive protagonist in it honestly which is a shame. These first console attempts from these two studios imho are as good, if not better than games that were created from veteran studios that’s been around for many years.
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Gold Member
The issue (maybe a poor choice of words as I don’t care all that much) as I see it is that they were such big games that dominated a lot of discussion. Not including them in a top games of the year list discussions is absolutely fine, but a reason why would be nice as they are fairly noticeable in their absence.

Other than that I couldn’t care less about these reviews. I don’t know much about this reviewer or content creator.
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I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Dude if the youtuber makes you mad just close the tab and move on.

You are giving a content creator too much credit, plus games qualities are subjective so who cares if you or me disagree with him? Doesn't matter at all.
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