I’d add Crash Bandicoot to the list but dont. want toWrong. Sea of Thieves would like a word, as would Age of Empires, Minecraft and Flight Simulator. Just because you don't like those games doesn't mean they are not consistent and popular.
You're also omitting success stories out of Gamepass like The Ascent, Psychonauts 2, Tunic, Sable, Shredders, Grounded etc. Gears 5 was only 2.5 years ago too, sames goes for Ori 2 borderline 2 years ago now.
Posts like this that Xbox has only Forza and Halo are irrelevant and ignorant these days.
How about the roadmap for 2022/23? Starfield, Avowed, Perfect Dark, Redfall, Contraband, Hellblade 2. Unknown release dates surround Everwild, State of Decay 3 and Fable.
We haven't even really pushed into ActiBliz studios that much here either with COD, DOOM, Wolf, Overwatch, WoW, Diablo, Star/War craft, Tony Hawk, Guitar/DJ Hero, Sierra games and if you want to get picky Sekiro is under ActiBliz IPs too.

some people here