Gold Member
Yea, the "culling the weak" thing was one of the coolest part of her kit in beta. If you did her dash/ground dive thing near an almost dead enemy, she would pop out and do a dash strike to end them, it looked cool as fuck.Woof, they did her dirty. How, why? Damn, Inazuma looked amazing at the distance, but closer it gets, better I see that we waited for mediocrity lmao
Remove her "culling the weak" ability? Burst is 80? So what does she has now? "Press ○ 5 times for awesome"? Groan. YMY is another hectic character who can't do shit on her own without constant switching and skill juggling. Bah.
I feel seriously bad for Ayaka fans. Not even waifu lovers made it through, she got safety shorts, not even attractive ones.