Hoho for breakfast
Yeah I know thats gacha I've basically just been very lucky up until now. I was like 10-2 on my 50/50s prior to this and I have C2 Raiden, C1 Zhongli, and C1 Ganyu (and C1 Childe though I don't use him) so I've been pretty spoiled up til now with the luck. This is the first time I've basically lost the 50/50 3 straight times and it sucks. Especially throwing $$$ at the weapon banner. That's completely my fault obviously but it still sucks. I should have just spent those wishes on the character banner....where we will get another (old) Geo and his new F2P sword haha
LOL, it's nice to want things. 210 wishes is required only for 1 5☆ weapon guarantee.
That's like... totally on you, man. 17k and 1 5☆ is something you should be glad for considering that you were on 50/50.
I lost all 50/50 on my way to C3 Baal. All of them. And most of my C were on HARD pity.
That 80$ on weapon banner is a total waste, either have 210 pulls ready or don't expect anything.
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