Yeah, just like any properly built free 4☆.
Sure, your time/money is yours to waste.
But the question was "did I missed something?".
And yes, yes he definitely did missed on 2 OP as F heroes... And no, it wasn't YMY or Kokomi lmao
Oh yes. It IS the hardest content in game. Regardless of how you feel about it, it's the only way we can measure our heroes strength so far. So saying that Raiden and Ayaka isn't Meta or isn't a big deal to skip is factually wrong and a pretty misleading.
You're obviously not digging deep enough into it, strategies on 12-3 are almost always the same, same goes for heroes. Ayaka was on top of the Abyss since her release, same goes for Baal: she's a permanent party member for the most Abyss teams.
Heroes like Kokomi or YMY is an actual meme heroes and require meme strategies. Like I said, literal nobodies.