There's no real distinction to be fair. The sales tracking just tracks Ayato/Venti together, so I don't know if it's cause of Ayato or Venti or both.I thought Ayato did well. Unfortunately.
There's no real distinction to be fair. The sales tracking just tracks Ayato/Venti together, so I don't know if it's cause of Ayato or Venti or both.I thought Ayato did well. Unfortunately.
What did you do all those ley lines for? Are you leveling an obscene amount of characters or what? I literally only do them when there's double rewards.
It's impossible to know which banner contributed the most because we just get total revenue numbers. Venti was never very popular in JP apparently, so it's likely they spent for Ayato.
I thought Ayato did well. Unfortunately.
Official now. Looks like we get compensation for it at least. Neat.
They'll give us breadcrumbs, anyway.
Maybe a whole chicken.I'm betting it will be like 200 primos and perhaps 2 meats if they're on good mood.
Man I wish. I really wanted that glider but I refused to spend a dime on Twitch. If they'd have just let me buy it for 10 bucks, I'd have done it. Or preferably by enjoying one of KFC's Famous Bowls™.And maybe the KFC Glider.
Totally agree. I wish they'd stop with the namecards or do something else with them. you can only have one at a time featured on your main profile pic, which nobody ever looks at and then 9 of them inside the profile, which nobody ever looks at. They really need something else to do with the Friendship mechanic in general. Even if we could dye the existing gliders to a character's theme once getting them to 10, that'd be a big improvement.Color-matched personalized gliders would have been so much better as the Lvl 10 Friendship reward than the name cards.
Shows how lacking the glider color choices that we'll take a KFC one just to get something that works with red-themed characters.
This makes me curious what the average amount of leveled characters per account is. I have 20 characters leveled to at least 80. Ten of those are fully leveled to 90. I still have a bunch of mora and exp materials as well.Unfortunatelly I'm the 1% of player base who uses more than 12 characters.
This makes me curious what the average amount of leveled characters per account is. I have 20 characters leveled to at least 80. Ten of those are fully leveled to 90. I still have a bunch of mora and exp materials as well.
According to Honey Impact, his base attack goes from 178 to 191 when going from 80/90 to 90/90. I think this the number his burst attack buff scales from.If i up Bennett from 80 to 90 how much i'm gonna get bonus ATK?
Benny + Sara's buff scales from Base ATK + Weapon flat attack. %s from weapon substat doesn't affect it, and niether do artifacts.According to Honey Impact, his base attack goes from 178 to 191 when going from 80/90 to 90/90. I think this the number his burst attack buff scales from.
This makes me curious what the average amount of leveled characters per account is. I have 20 characters leveled to at least 80. Ten of those are fully leveled to 90. I still have a bunch of mora and exp materials as well.
Thanks, well that's still something, may lvl 90's him maybe sometimes.According to Honey Impact, his base attack goes from 178 to 191 when going from 80/90 to 90/90. I think this the number his burst attack buff scales from.
You're welcome to mine, but I won't be playing until closer to 8pm EDTSo uh....
Anyone wanna let me come into their world and farm Specters? I need them for Kokomi's talents and I'm out in my world.
Thanks, I'm not gonna be on for a bit anyways, I farmed mine out at lunch and still have a few more hours of work. I'll look you up later.You're welcome to mine, but I won't be playing until closer to 8pm EDT
So uh....
Anyone wanna let me come into their world and farm Specters? I need them for Kokomi's talents and I'm out in my world.
Yea Yoimiya + Shogun deletes them in a few hits, I just vastly underestimated how many of their drops I was going to need for weapons/talents.Specters are those little fucking orbs that resists to everything?
You're more than welcome to kill them in my world as well.
Yea Yoimiya + Shogun deletes them in a few hits, I just vastly underestimated how many of their drops I was going to need for weapons/talents.
So uh....
Anyone wanna let me come into their world and farm Specters? I need them for Kokomi's talents and I'm out in my world.
Those weapons....Since everyone's showing their hands.
I have 19 characters field ready (if you count Barb, Kokomi as dedicated healers)
So did you get you specters last night? I was AFK a couple times last night while playing, so if you tried to join my world and were not able to, I apologize.Yea Yoimiya + Shogun deletes them in a few hits, I just vastly underestimated how many of their drops I was going to need for weapons/talents.
Also i guess you pulled Yoimiya by accident?
I thought I had one of the highest investment Chongyuns, but I guess not:
Mine is also 80, carried me the entire early game. Still think he's fun i would gladly go back to him if i'll get him C6.I thought I had one of the highest investment Chongyuns, but I guess not:
I've actually skipped a lot of weapon banners. Gotten some from the standard banner.Those weapons....
No wonder you're always farming ore. Do you live on the weapon banner or did you just get lucky on standard banner?
I tried to join your world and noticed that it was WL8, so I couldn't join it since I'm a wee baby that hasn't done my final uncap quest yet. Thanks for hanging around regardless. I found some strangers that let me in.So did you get you specters last night? I was AFK a couple times last night while playing, so if you tried to join my world and were not able to, I apologize.
My Chongus is 90 now too, I needed him to make main DPS Shenhe viable unfortunately and got annoyed when he kept dying to random hits.I thought I had one of the highest investment Chongyuns, but I guess not:
Apparently you're supposed to use geo traveler's burst.Any of you guys do the "Fraught Return" achievement in the Challenger V category yet? I'm having issues stopping the slimes from joining in the center without killing them.
Yea I looked up a video and that's what they did. Got it on my 2nd try. Now I'm just waiting for my friend so we can do our weekly boss run so I can try Signora with no butterflies, then I have all of that achievement group done.Apparently you're supposed to use geo traveler's burst.
Socrumbs indirect dig at me for being unable to join his world to farm specters caused me to finally do my last Adventurer rank uncap quest. After doing so immediately bumped up to WL8 and AR59 and 1/2.
Got enough blue fates from that to do a full 10 pull on standard banner, which got me Lisa C7. Sure wish I'd have done that before and saved myself from buying her from the shop last time. Ah well.
Initially, nothing feels any tougher at all in the overworld, but the material bosses take a little longer to kill. Can still 1-shot the bathysmal vishaps though.
I was bummed to find out that there is zero increase on the amount of Mora you get from leylines, it still caps out at 60k for a single or 120k for a double/condensed resin.
Any of you guys do the "Fraught Return" achievement in the Challenger V category yet? I'm having issues stopping the slimes from joining in the center without killing them.
New web event for those that haven't done it yet.