Kinda pointless given we can't change our teapot companions, but here's this:
Better Heizou video. Looks like such a cool kit.
If I had to guess, it's probably because MHY got super anal about leakers and have hidden stuff everywhere to identify who's leaking stuff. The obscurity of these brown filters must counter whatever MHY's done. It's different for like the Heizou gameplay, because they're spinning that stuff up on a private server not linked to any particular are those leaks? might as well not leak anything at all.
Silhouette ass bullshit.
Still feels like clout chasing to me, cause these leaks are just completely worthless.If I had to guess, it's probably because MHY got super anal about leakers and have hidden stuff everywhere to identify who's leaking stuff. The obscurity of these brown filters must counter whatever MHY's done. It's different for like the Heizou gameplay, because they're spinning that stuff up on a private server not linked to any particular user.
Not as useless as the dozen of "Ayayayayayato with x character" that plagued the sub last month.Still feels like clout chasing to me, cause these leaks are just completely worthless.
In other news, aponia preload available.
It is simply encrypted, the skins are very easy to encrypt and usually unnecessary for the testers to test them.If I had to guess, it's probably because MHY got super anal about leakers and have hidden stuff everywhere to identify who's leaking stuff. The obscurity of these brown filters must counter whatever MHY's done. It's different for like the Heizou gameplay, because they're spinning that stuff up on a private server not linked to any particular user.
She technically becomes more useful/powerful as a Cryo sub dps with her burst, but then she's just there to spam her skills and swap out. I personally run her as physical dps. A popular team for her is to use Xiangling in the party with her, spam her burst and do reverse melt while a 3rd character is your carry DPS. It's like running 2 full time DPS at the same time. Seems very hungry for energy though and you need to get lucky on artifact rolls to make it viable.So with the downtime in GI, I've been circling back and completing builds on characters that were half finished. One of those characters is Rosaria, who I already have at lvl 70 C3, but with minimal investments in talents and no investment in artifacts. I have a half-built lvl 60 Dragonspire spear currently equipped and don't really have other polearm options for her outside of a Favonius lance.
My question for people in this thread who have built Rosaria is: physical DPS or cryo sub-DPS? I don't really have a physical character built-out for WL8, but I'm not sure I need one. As for cryo sub-DPS, I do have a fully built Chongyun. Thanks in advance for any advice.
She technically becomes more useful/powerful as a Cryo sub dps with her burst, but then she's just there to spam her skills and swap out. I personally run her as physical dps. A popular team for her is to use Xiangling in the party with her, spam her burst and do reverse melt while a 3rd character is your carry DPS. It's like running 2 full time DPS at the same time. Seems very hungry for energy though and you need to get lucky on artifact rolls to make it viable.
Others do a team of Rosaria (phys dps with either Homa or R5 Crescent Pike)/Shogun or Fischl (apply electro for superconduct)/Albedo/a 4th (usually Diona for particles, shield and healing). If you want to run her as phys carry, R5 Pike is almost mandatory unless you have Homa or I guess Xiao's spear. There's not much wiggle room with that because her individual hits are fast but not necessarily hard hitting.
There's also the "sunfire" team, but it takes a very specific setup:
Finally, if you want to run her with Chongus/Anemo (for VV effect)/Hydro character, she is one of the best Freeze team characters. Coincidentally this is how I use my Shenhe. You'll want to tailor at least her goblet depending on which team comp you're using with her.
I don't kid myself that my Rosaria will ever be stronger than my Eula, but I do think she's one of the most fun characters to actually play, with her frequent use of her elemental skill and dodging, and fast hits. She also makes your whole team move notably faster at night, which is a nice bonus for getting around.
In other news, I'm glad to hear that we're finally getting 2.7. Earlier than I expected actually. It's actually been kinda nice to have a bit of a break from the game, but I'm ready for part 2 of the Chasm. I saw a few leaks of the upcoming area, looks really cool.
2pc Pale Flame + 2pc Bloodstained + phys goblet is her "go to" artifact setup. I can't stress how important R5 Crescent Pike is though for physical. It adds so much damage due to the passive.Thanks for the feedback. Leaning towards physical DPS, so I'll need to go back and review my artifacts. I probably have a bunch of pale flame artifacts from when I was farming the ridge watch domain for Zhongli's ToM artifacts.
I'm getting to the point with my character roster that I'm not sure some of the remaining unleveled characters are worth an investment. This isn't based off them being good or useful characters, but more about my likelihood of actually using them with any frequency.
So with the downtime in GI, I've been circling back and completing builds on characters that were half finished. One of those characters is Rosaria, who I already have at lvl 70 C3, but with minimal investments in talents and no investment in artifacts. I have a half-built lvl 60 Dragonspire spear currently equipped and don't really have other polearm options for her outside of a Favonius lance.
My question for people in this thread who have built Rosaria is: physical DPS or cryo sub-DPS? I don't really have a physical character built-out for WL8, but I'm not sure I need one. As for cryo sub-DPS, I do have a fully built Chongyun. Thanks in advance for any advice.
2pc Pale Flame + 2pc Bloodstained + phys goblet is her "go to" artifact setup. I can't stress how important R5 Crescent Pike is though for physical. It adds so much damage due to the passive.
I use the Catch on the Shogun, so don't envision switching it to Rosaria. If I went the cryo sub-DPS route with her, I might lean to the ER from the Favonius Lance.Main Rosaria. I don't use her as a DPS, but like a element skill/burst spammer with decent dmg.
She is not fast at the polearm so make me rethink about making her DPS.
You told about favonius being the only? What about the spear from the fishing? I use with her and she do wonders.
For artifact, 2 glad and 2 cryo bonus.
Other point, my last artifact main attribute is CRITRATE, so works with both the polearm, her constelation and her burst.
Now, if you really want DPS, get 2 glad and the another one with ATK bonus.
The other spear for DPS are from the shop with keep increase the chances of doing a critical rate. His substatus is ATK as well. Physical bonus don't works well with her.
If you're using Rosaria as a sub dps, that Favonius would work well on her. Also, if you don't want to invest too much into her, the Dragonspine is ok, but you will notice that kills feel a lot slower with it, which is unfortunate because it matches her aesthetics so well.Yes, that artifact setup makes a lot of sense phys damage. I don't currently have the Crescent Pike, so I'll need to decide if I want to use that many billets + weapon EXP on crafting and refining it.
I use the Catch on the Shogun, so don't envision switching it to Rosaria. If I went the cryo sub-DPS route with her, I might lean to the ER from the Favonius Lance.
I haven't had much luck with polearms in this game. I've bought the BP more than a few times, but I used it to refine the Black Sword and the Solar Pearl. My current polearm allotment:
Zhongli - Black Tassel
Shogun - The Catch
Xiangling - Dragon's Bane
Rosaria - Dragonspine Spear
Thoma - Favonius Lance ( I don't plan to build Thoma, he's just keeping the spear warm)
R Reizo Ryuu
How'd you do on the banners? I had sizable savings going into this patch. Got Aponia 6 pulls away from hard pity, so now I'm left with 2000 crystals. Had some pink cards for the equipment banner, got dupe Hler's serenity and a shakespeare stig. Awful awful day for gacha. in 2 weeks, I get the 900 day bonus, so I'll have 15 more pink cards to be disappointed by. I was hoping to luck into Aponia and at least 2/4 of her set, I didn't expect it to go this badly.
Aponia's kind of a fun main dps/sub dps combo. I like her gameplay quite a bit, it's certainly unique. I haven't had the chance to do Eden's trial yet, but we'll all get her for free eventually so I'll have time.
I did pretty awesome all things considered, got Aponia and her pri in 15k crystals, and then I dumped the rest (6k) into trying to get klein, didn't get her yet but only 20 pulls away now, so I think I'll get her before she leaves.
Also got a copy of Wenji (T), which is surprisingly good for Aponia as well.
Aponia is def cool, but I think I like her ER version way more, with how the weapon active spawns a clone instead, but I guess that's the trade-off for not having Eden/Fischl to feed her in ER.
Eden also seems cool, but I'm wondering how good her damage will be, kind of a waste if she's just support, don't have her guns, but I got fenghuang pinions way back and they seem to be good on her, so I don't feel like pulling for her gear at all tbh, I'll just keep putting everything on klein.
Also for her trial, I got a bit stuck with the charge mechanic she has, because the tutorial doesn't explain it properly; you need to hold to attack button until the projectile loops back, and then right as it comes back, a light will flash on Eden, this is when you release the attack button and press it again quickly; was stumped for a long time cause you can let the button go once the charge attack fires, but then the follow up won't work, keep holding it.
Gonna head into the open world stuff later.
Don't the versions run about 6 weeks normally? So I'm expecting banners to run for 3 weeks like normal or am I missing something?I'm not spending any resources on Eden, despite me liking her design a lot. That charge attack thing sounds goofy, but I'm sure it's something that we'll get used to. I don't think she's supposed to be a damage valk at all, so if you were hoping for more than support, that's probably sad news. I will be crafting 2/3 of her Stigs though, since we got the one in the free selector. I have enough of the red things, but obviously like everyone I have to farm Mirage for the new tier 7 mats. I haven't tried it yet but I saw they put god damn nihilus husk in as the boss. Thanks a lot MHY. Take an awful time gated grind and make it even worse.
*edit* - Just tried stage 7 in Mirage, blew him up in under a minute with my Mobius. So just a regular time gated grind, no more annoying than the previous ones.
That's some amazing luck on Aponia. Don't forget that the felis store has elf frags to buy too, including Klein I think. Up to 50 frags you can get that way.
So it looks like 2.7 Genshin will start on Tues the 31st. It's also shortened down to only 6 weeks, so I'm not exacty sure how the banner schedule will look.
Don't the versions run about 6 weeks normally? So I'm expecting banners to run for 3 weeks like normal or am I missing something?
Yes, that artifact setup makes a lot of sense phys damage. I don't currently have the Crescent Pike, so I'll need to decide if I want to use that many billets + weapon EXP on crafting and refining it.
I use the Catch on the Shogun, so don't envision switching it to Rosaria. If I went the cryo sub-DPS route with her, I might lean to the ER from the Favonius Lance.
I haven't had much luck with polearms in this game. I've bought the BP more than a few times, but I used it to refine the Black Sword and the Solar Pearl. My current polearm allotment:
Zhongli - Black Tassel
Shogun - The Catch
Xiangling - Dragon's Bane
Rosaria - Dragonspine Spear
Thoma - Favonius Lance ( I don't plan to build Thoma, he's just keeping the spear warm)
I've been tinkering with the idea of Keqing using the Echoes set and using a N1-4, Dash, repeat combo. I have no idea if it's actually going to be good or not once I've fully leveled the set, but the attack string is fun to play around with, and I never have stamina issues with it.It's a shame that none of her constellations address her biggest issue - Stamina usage from her charged attacks. Yanfei is a 4 star and has the same stamina issue, but she has a constellation that helps mitigate it.
My man. Who knew that the first playable character with a beard would be a collab character.
They also gave me Itto, Yanfei, Fischl, and Miko. So I got to complain about midriff males and furry ears.My man. Who knew that the first playable character with a beard would be a collab character.
My survey was about Benny/Zhongli/Mona/Lisa. I asked for more leotards even though I know we're probably never getting another one ever again.
I've been tinkering with the idea of Keqing using the Echoes set and using a N1-4, Dash, repeat combo. I have no idea if it's actually going to be good or not once I've fully leveled the set, but the attack string is fun to play around with, and I never have stamina issues with it.
You can just exit and restart the survey and you'll get a different set of charactersMy survey was about Benny/Zhongli/Mona/Lisa. I asked for more leotards even though I know we're probably never getting another one ever again.
My original intention was to see if I could make a viable setup that didn't use her charged attacks, but I'm fairly certain a N1-4, CA, Dash, repeat would work as well. I need to get to work on leveling a decent Echoes set now.The Echoes set could be worth a shot if you can find a way to mix an occasional charged attack into the string somehow. It is a shame that a lot of these characters have really slick normal attack animations that you don't get to see very often.
It's okay, we all have bad tastes at times. I used to like the Starship Troopers movie back in the day, so I know how it is.You can just exit and restart the survey and you'll get a different set of characters
I figured, but thanks for explaining your vote.we all have bad tastes at times
You can just exit and restart the survey and you'll get a different set of characters
Hey, if you're into masculine potato girls more power to you. Remember to ask for burka DLC costumes too! I tend to appreciate the feminine form myself, but of course that's not for everybody.I figured, but thanks for explaining your vote.
Remember to disregard nuance and only talk in extremes, again thanks for explaining your vote.Remember to ask for burka DLC costumes too!