What's this about?

Nice, thanks.XTNDKTEBWA59
What's this about?
Nice, thanks.XTNDKTEBWA59
It's kinda funny, the more equipment/characters you get in the game, the less attractive ATK% substat weapons become. I honestly couldn't find a sword character that preferred the weapon even though I think aesthetically it's one of the best we have. I hope they eventually let us transmog/use weapon skins.Finished Kazuha's story quest last night. I'd put it in the average/slightly above-average category for character story quests.
It's nice to get a free Kaz-themed sword, but of course the devs had to spec the sword so that it's mostly a option for high constellation DPS KazuhaWhich is funny since those C6 Kazuha owners probably have Freedom Sworn Sword as a better option.
Had they just re-skinned Iron Sting instead of the Flute, it would have been so much better, although the lacking the ability to refine it is also a bummer.
Yes, it's definitely one of the nicer designs. Apparently only Albedo gets a free 4 star BIS weapon.It's kinda funny, the more equipment/characters you get in the game, the less attractive ATK% substat weapons become. I honestly couldn't find a sword character that preferred the weapon even though I think aesthetically it's one of the best we have. I hope they eventually let us transmog/use weapon skins.
I haven't heard/seen it yet for spincrystals, not sure what the name is.Anyone knows which music is the one in the big restaurant in Inazuma? And if there's a spincrystal of it?
Mildly amused that Venti is actually on the roof of the Cat's Tail (if you travel back to Mondstadt after opening up the islands).
...there's diona inside there.Shame you can't still able to enter the bar.
...there's diona inside there.
Apparently they think that when we say we want more character hangouts, they think we mean that we want to watch a character exposition dump with 200 lines of dialogue to a random NPC. They really strayed away from the better formula of making them about the Traveler hanging out with the character and getting to know stuff about their past/interests/personalities.Man, Heizou's hangout could have been great, a real investigation! Yes but actually no, it's just a sequence of infodumps.
Any fake rock? Under the water? Use the witcher cat vision.
You have to swap out the islands. 2 of the torches are on a different 'structure'. I'm actually impressed at the quality of the puzzles on this island. You have to mix/match the island pieces just to open the ability to solve puzzles. Good shit.![]()
Any idea where the third torch might be?
Looks good, also I forgot about seven thunders, so now I'm going to have to try and get it...R Reizo Ryuu
First In-Game shot. Supposedly her official leaked name is Herrscher of Humanity
Not sure if it's an Ely in-joke with giving herself that title because of >>Ego<<, or if it's a whole new type of Herrscher.
Yeah, I guess so. It's gonna be a struggle for a lot of people to save up. They'd have to skip basically everything in Sumeru until 3.2. IDGAF about him so that's good for me. At this rate I might just get Eula since there doesn't seem much else to pull for. It's gonna depend on some of these new characters' kits though.Kusanali and Scaramouche together is a dick move, toh.
I made the mistake of pulling for Yelan due to peer pressure and how you bastards are overhyping her (also her charged is reeeally good).
Need to farm artifacts now. I saved 137 fragile resin for this moment.
I vastly underestimated how many talent books are required to triple crown, holy shit, I had him prefarmed since 1 year, my diligence books were the most farmed ones and I completely ran out. Can't crown him until the next diligence domain.
Also had just got to 40M and planning to 50, dream ruined.![]()
Aaaand he's friendship 10 now.
Took more than one month, felt much less.
lolnopeSo the real question is: did you buy Diluc's skin so you can play dress up with him? Does the skin meet the high standards for Italian fashion?
Good video showing the Dendro reactions in relation to the little buds
So Burgeon can hurt the player, the rest do not. Ranged Pyro is a must with Dendro/Hydro, it seems. Bennett crutch users are in shambles. (realistically it probably does barely any damage to a level 90 character with level 20 artifacts, but a guy can dream).
Wacky artifact conspiracy theory: the devs mess with artifact drop rates depending on the limited character banner.
Pulled Heizou recently, but I don't have many VV artifacts after building Kazuha and Sucrose last year, so I've been farming that domain the last 3-4 days. Unfortunately, I've only pulled 2-3 VV artifacts versus 20+ Maiden Beloved artifacts (talking 5 star quality only). I've never had this lopsided a breakdown in artifacts before in this domain or any other domain for that matter.
That's when the paranoia sets in. Kazuha's on the limited banner, so maybe they reduced the drop rate on VV artifacts. No good artifacts = No big number swirl damage to brag about on reddit. This will lead wayward players to the darkest path: pulling on the weapon banner to get the BIS sword for Kaz to make up for their shit artifact setup.
This theory is airtight so don't bother trying to refute. Yes, I know that conspiracy theory is bunk and that I just have shitty luck, but you guys could at least humor me![]()
Wow, lots of people here wanted Heizou, huh? 4 stars truly are the bigger hurdle compared to 5 stars.
Been farming for a Crimson Witch feather, and I swear that's the only piece I'm not getting. MHY definitely checks your artifacts and characters and gives you shit you don't need.
Heizou definitely has a cool and unique kit, but anemo characters are really only strong as supports. Heizou is more like an on-field DPS.Anemo guys are big deal. And Heizou is the first melee catalyst, no?
I just gave up because I wasted like 7~8 pulls. No way gonna speedfarm just for him... better start to collect for Sumeru.
Heizou definitely has a cool and unique kit, but anemo characters are really only strong as supports. Heizou is more like an on-field DPS.
You'll get him eventually on a different banner.
So what do you guys think of the Archipelago this year? I'm having a lot of fun with the domains, the story is better than the usual character stories lately, The new puzzle types have been good.
I like Fischl, she's verbose, and those fucking bastards at mihoyo don't let us speed up the text with new events, but I find her fun. And the game (and the other characters and even herself) don't make a mistery that she's delusional and downright crazy. Much better that the overworked perftect waifu for weebs who never met a real woman in their life.It's cool, I'm liking the Kazua quest so far.
But brain melts everytime she talks.
Yeah same. The switching mechanism is really cool, but too cumbersome. And it's hard to keep up of what you found and what you didn't EVEN with the map, since layouts don't overlap and it shows marked stuff as unmarked when you switch.So what do you guys think of the Archipelago this year? I'm having a lot of fun with the domains, the story is better than the usual character stories lately, The new puzzle types have been good.
I am not a fan of the "switch the island to this and this and this" stuff though. It does add a layer of complexity to the puzzles, but it's an annoying one where you have to go back to the switch, wait for it to load, run back to where you were, etc. I think I'd be fine if GAA was permanent, but considering it's only hanging around for another 25~ days, it makes me want to rush finding all the chests and makes it an annoying "checklist" type thing. So far I haven't used any guides/maps, so we'll see how it goes after all the islands are open. I also think it's a bummer that they have these potentially good "move the gramophone to point towards the right direction" puzzles, but they only let you move like 2 out of the 7 in the chain. Like they thought it'd be too much for the general playerbase if they put all/most of them facing the wrong direction and make us figure out how to bounce the notes between them.
Is the tanuki quest supposed to be incompletable until later? I didn't look it up yet, but I assume so given that they randomly shout out things while you drive past different islands on the boat.
So what do you guys think of the Archipelago this year? I'm having a lot of fun with the domains, the story is better than the usual character stories lately, The new puzzle types have been good.
I am not a fan of the "switch the island to this and this and this" stuff though. It does add a layer of complexity to the puzzles, but it's an annoying one where you have to go back to the switch, wait for it to load, run back to where you were, etc. I think I'd be fine if GAA was permanent, but considering it's only hanging around for another 25~ days, it makes me want to rush finding all the chests and makes it an annoying "checklist" type thing. So far I haven't used any guides/maps, so we'll see how it goes after all the islands are open. I also think it's a bummer that they have these potentially good "move the gramophone to point towards the right direction" puzzles, but they only let you move like 2 out of the 7 in the chain. Like they thought it'd be too much for the general playerbase if they put all/most of them facing the wrong direction and make us figure out how to bounce the notes between them.
Is the tanuki quest supposed to be incompletable until later? I didn't look it up yet, but I assume so given that they randomly shout out things while you drive past different islands on the boat.
Well, there are 9 combos total, so of course.By the 9th combo on Kazuha's island, I was ready to be done
I get it, a lot of people have been saying that since her first event. I find her dialogue a bit less of an issue this time, not sure the reason. Maybe it's that the game's become so verbose normally, her lines don't feel longer than the rest.It's cool, I'm liking the Kazua quest so far.
But brain melts everytime she talks.
Agreed, we need more personality types, and the moments where she breaks character are fantastic.I like Fischl, she's verbose, and those fucking bastards at mihoyo don't let us speed up the text with new events, but I find her fun. And the game (and the other characters and even herself) don't make a mistery that she's delusional and downright crazy. Much better that the overworked perftect waifu for weebs who never met a real woman in their life.
I get why they needed to make the "switch" areas away from the actual maps, so that they could load in the resources without affecting character position, but boy is it annoying to have to run back to where you were. I wish they didn't make the temporary waypoints 1 time use so I could just plop those down.Yeah same. The switching mechanism is really cool, but too cumbersome. And it's hard to keep up of what you found and what you didn't EVEN with the map, since layouts don't overlap and it shows marked stuff as unmarked when you switch.
I think you can't finish the tanuki quest until all islands and dreams are completed.
Yea, it just feels very cumbersome to work with. The islands aren't big enough that it's too much of a hassle, but like yesterday, it took me a good 4 hours to complete the story domain, clear both versions of the islands, and then get all of the chests in the revisited story domain. I do appreciate that they have a tracking mechanism for the limited time story event domains, so you know when you've gotten everything. Some of those chests were tough to get too.1. The mechanic of changing the islands is interesting at first, but gets old quickly. It feels like a way to stretch limited content out by having you re-explore islands that you already explored to find the slight changes that could lead to loot. By the 9th combo on Kazuha's island, I was ready to be done. Xinyan's islands have a similar mechanic, but it doesn't appear that you need to spend as much time re-exploring.
Name a more iconic duo than MHY and time-gating.2. They time-gated exploring the islands by removing almost all the content (some conch shells are available right away) from an island until the story event progresses to it. I learned this quickly and stopped myself from exploring since I knew I would need to wait for content. This would suck for new players that hadn't experienced the GAA last year since they would want to explore right away (at least I would), but there isn't anything on most of the islands when the event started.
You'd have to go heavy on EM/Anemo damage and then you'd probably want electro/Hydro in the same team since Electro-charged works well with Swirl. Generally, other than for stamina/exploration benefits, I never ever use 2 Anemo in the same party.Guys, is there any feasible team that plays both Kazuha and Heizou together?
You'd have to go heavy on EM/Anemo damage and then you'd probably want electro/Hydro in the same team since Electro-charged works well with Swirl. Generally, other than for stamina/exploration benefits, I never ever use 2 Anemo in the same party.