Is it me or burning is crap?
2.0 is a whole new land, but yea the cyberpunk zone is one of the new zones in it.I posted it because I thought it was, but sadly it's not. :<
2.0 is the cyberpunk zone? It looks really cool.
Yea I'm really happy with Keqing's performance with Dendro. I'll be happier when my Collei isn't quite so fragile because right now I have to spend way too much effort worrying about positioning and timing of attacks. I bet Barbie/Fischl/Mona also are enjoying a nice buff with Dendro on the menu. Mona is next on my "to be built" list after I get Collei maxed out. Ideally I'd like a Dendro healer character for team comp reasons, unfortunately we all know that means that I'll have to end up pulling for Baizhu.I did as soon as I got Dendro Traveler.
Like I said previously, the team consists on Barbara/Fichlz/ Dendro Traveler/Keqing. And it's worked the way I predicted, Dendro is all about reaction so using a Dendro just to mark people while the others do heavy duty it's a great idea(and just take a note that Traveler still in very low level in terms of talents). The conjuction of Traveler Burst, Fichlz Skill and Barbara auto-attack is surelly a good combo.
I haven't tested it yet, but Burning had potential to be useful to Cryo characters to be able to proc multiple melts on the same enemy. I think Vaporize overwrites the burn, but Melt does not. Meaning that you could burn an enemy with Pyro+Dendro, then switch to Ayaka or other fast Cryo characters and Melt like every 2-3 hits. As far as its own damage, it's absolute garbage, but it could make Ayaka even more powerful if it works like I just described.Not just crap, its just basically non existant.
Its so low and so short that you don't even notice. I would advice people to forget this reaction.
Almost done with mounts
Yea and it's a bit misleading, it's underground (and so is the telepoint near it).Sonofabitch, they put Collei's boss at the other side of the universe?![]()
Maybe. In old MMO terms, the drop rate is ultra-generous on top of the fact that there's no competition for the enemies that drop it. Plus only one piece per mount is a drop, the rest are quest rewards or in specific chests. Plus the enemies that drop the pieces almost all give upgrade mats for your mounts, which in turn gives you more color options and dark crystals. I've farmed much longer for much less, this is baby mode grinding.ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE?
the drop rate is ultra-generous
Yea it's bad, but comparatively for stuff I've grinded/farmed in other games, this is nothing. FFXI had some .1% drop rates on monsters that would only spawn once every X number of hours, which could be anywhere from 1-2 or 36-48. Flyff had world drops that were .05%
I didn't realize you could actually advance the "Mona owing rent" Mondstadt Commission. I wish more commissions would allow you to interact with playable characters.
Yea I even used the interactive map to find materials for her and was still only able to ascend her to 50 yesterday. Currently waiting for them to respawn. Worst part is that everybody got her, so nobody is keen to let you steal their shrooms.Upgrading Collei is a fucking nightamare. Those stupid mushrooms are super rare.
Miho REALLY don't want us to level her up quickly. If I have to guess, I'd supposed Tighclown has easier materials.
R5 Sacrificial for me. More boomerangs.My Collei stopped in time.
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Rukkhashava Mushroom is a Specialty material (item) in Genshin Impact 5.4. Guide includes locations, where to find, how to get, where to get, & how to find Rukkhashava
So, how bow are you guys using for Collei?
Using the Windblume Ode and is actually a decent bow for her support use.
Done that too.Also some of those withering zones are no joke. I ran into one with 3 ruin guardians, 3-4 of those cube mechas, and then the boss was a flying gargoyle thing.
Nothing stopping you from making said community thread. I like both games, i'd post there too.Just dropping by to praise Tower Of Fantasy. Genshin who? We need a community thread and console version.
Nothing stopping you from making said community thread. I like both games, i'd post there too.
Are you talking about the "End of Line" bow you can buy from Sumeru fishing association? I don't think there's any bonus EXP event for it that I'm aware of.Does the new fishing bow have a discounted leveling event currently? Before I farm...
I am a little confused about the ruin gargoyle combat design. They already nerfed several enemy types that stay off the ground too far and too long, then they make this thing that is nearly permanently out of melee reach. Then they give it moves where it flies up even further, so high that even ranged character auto attacks won't reach it, like Catalyst/bow users. The only way you can hit it is charged attacks from bow users, so unless you're using Ganyu or I guess Tiggy, it's gonna be a LONG fucking fight.
I'm assuming there's a way to knock them out of the sky, I just haven't figured out how yet. Any of you guys figure it out?
Performance while playing the game has been improved on my PC, but load times took a shit for sure. I really should re-install this on my SSD. I put it on my old hard drive back when I started because I wasn't sure if I'd like it or not, then just never moved it.I did that 2 or 3 times without noticing, mainly because I spam everything on it before he keeps running away. The 4th time was when I was inside a cave(notice the cave is not adapted to fight it), and I hit it in its "eye" and it suddenly grounded.
Btw, does any of you got a 300 mb update for GI? It took me more than 30 minutes just to install and every good thing about Sumeru was destroyed. The game stuters frequently, the team deploying is this slower version just like before Sumeru update...what happened? It was too good to be true.
Performance while playing the game has been improved on my PC, but load times took a shit for sure. I really should re-install this on my SSD. I put it on my old hard drive back when I started because I wasn't sure if I'd like it or not, then just never moved it.
I didn't notice any update when I logged in to do dailies earlier. Maybe a Playstation/PS4 exclusive update?But thats the thing, the game I was playing was better. I think I even posted that alot of things were improved, the best one being the team deployment being a lot faster.
But that 300 MB update I received today ruined everything, hence why I'm asking if any of you got this update. Its even more weird because it took a heavy load to just install, which was incredibly weird.
How the fuck did you managed to finish it so quick?God damn, that was a long ass Archon quest. I started playing right after the servers came up and just finished it 10 mins ago. Not bad HYV, not bad. I could have done without all the running back and forth, but I like the story part of it.
I'm fucking exhausted now and have to be up for work in like 4 hours. Fuck.
I wouldn't say it was quick. I started playing it pretty much after servers came back up and I got my bearings in Sumeru, then finished it nearly 9 hours later on a overnight bender when I had work the next day. Mistakes were made, but it was a high quality quest.How the fuck did you managed to finish it so quick?
They never
I've been at it (plus some exploration to break the pace) since the update and I'm still at Groundhog's Day. Excellent quest, though. So far, the best archon quest we've had - until the point I'm at. Pacing is kinda bad though. They really talk too much.
By the way, the archon quest is absolutely this:I wouldn't say it was quick. I started playing it pretty much after servers came back up and I got my bearings in Sumeru, then finished it nearly 9 hours later on a overnight bender when I had work the next day. Mistakes were made, but it was a high quality quest.
Great comparison.By the way, the archon quest is absolutely this:
Zhongli finally came home
Now to figure out what to do with him
I do 4pc Millelith with the Fishing spear, but similar idea.2 set HP, 2 set geo
The fishing spear reward.
I do 4pc Millelith with the Fishing spear, but similar idea.
2pc is HP+20%, 4pc is 30% shield strength and 20% atk buffIs Milletith increase shield strenght?
Does anybody have any witty thread titles?Nothing stopping you from making said community thread. I like both games, i'd post there too.
Mobile had a 20mb or so update this morning.But thats the thing, the game I was playing was better. I think I even posted that alot of things were improved, the best one being the team deployment being a lot faster.
But that 300 MB update I received today ruined everything, hence why I'm asking if any of you got this update. Its even more weird because it took a heavy load to just install, which was incredibly weird.
2pc is HP+20%, 4pc is 30% shield strength and 20% atk buff
Ah, thats I remember why I don't go with Zhongli. I know geo need to crystalizate to make a elemental shield, but Zhongli don't have a proper shield like Noelle.
Holding his elemental skill creates a shield that scales with his HP…and lasts long enough to have near-permanent uptime.
…plus at C2 (where mine is now), he gives shields to the party on his burst.
Shields are the main reason to have ZL. (Mine’s 2pc geo set + 2 pc Noblesse. I’m all about that burst.)
The new mushroom for Collei is giving me bad flashbacks to farming the philanemo mushrooms for Barbara, Klee, & Mona.