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Georgia special election heads to runoff as Ossoff earns 48% of vote

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^^^^ actually that's hilarious as fuck.

I'd have voted for Jill Stein out of protest but GAF told me to not waste my vote on a third party.

Oh wow you ARE the worst.

I'm sorry Hillary Clinton hurt your feelings once!

Posted for a new page!

the best way to win an argument with selfish republicans is to help make calls for Jon Ossoff so he wins



Hey, shoplifter. I understand doing what's best for your kids within the parameters of the current educational system (my son has always gone to public schools, but we've put in the work to make sure he goes to the best ones in Tulsa, instead of his home school). Not sure how you thought Trump could possibly be a better choice over Clinton when it comes to education, though. And I really don't understand how you could stand by that decision post-DeVos. I mean come on, my man.


Which school would you choose for your children to go to, at no cost to you aside from the property taxes that you pay? Consider that both are ethnically diverse, which was something we wanted.
What does picking a charter school has to do with voting for and supporting Trump?
Dems are not even a monolythic bloc on Charters, as illustrated by Obama.

Trump is ruining the planet (much beyond the country) by de-regulating Industries that are harmful to the environment, de-funding the EPA, breaking international accords, as well as antagonizing foreign govs all over the place and seemingly being very thin skinned and prompt to escalate conflicts, being pro dictatorships that kill women and children and ultimately boost support for international terrorism, and he shows himself as a bully, a profiteering cheater and a self described serial sexual assaulter.

But you are thinking of your kids? You think so?


Yeah, why should I give my vote to someone who was an asshole to me?

Because the person you voted for is an asshole to the rest of the planet, maybe, just throwing it out there. I'm sure Trump would have looked you right in the eye and said how fantastic you are, shook your hand, jerked you towards him suddenly while saying,

"You're one of the smart ones, although I've heard some people say otherwise, but we don't believe them, do we? Dishonest, just like the media."


Trump literally ran a scam education institution.

Which is a huge positive if business is your focus!

There's some easy perspective on the Trump thing. Some of the supporters are anti-establishment and are somehow convinced he's actually an outsider and less establishment. For many it comes down to charisma. They feel like he's the only one being honest and talking straight, even if they don't agree with everything he says. They also strongly believe that immigration is a serious problem.

I can definitely see the allure in some of that, but it requires so much work to rationalize it when asked about it. Many will talk about how Clinton changes her policy frequently, but it's seriously been no less than Trump.

The worst mental gymnastics is the terrorism issue. They're very concerned about terrorist attacks, but most terrorist attacks will occur in highly liberal areas with the most liberal ideas being attacked. It is touching to know more conservative people deeply care about liberals welfare, though.


Hey, shoplifter. I understand doing what's best for your kids within the parameters of the current educational system (my son has always gone to public schools, but we've put in the work to make sure he goes to the best ones in Tulsa, instead of his home school). Not sure how you thought Trump could possibly be a better choice over Clinton when it comes to education, though. And I really don't understand how you could stand by that decision post-DeVos. I mean come on, my man.

Columbus native here and this is not at all what this guy is doing even if he is in Columbus City Schools, which had a huge scandal a few years ago for altering records.

The charters here are trash and his kids are not getting a good education.
Yeah, why should I give my vote to someone who was an asshole to me?

This is fucking hilarious considering we learned that Trump sexually assaulted women, and we saw him insult our nations most famous POW and a disabled person. Did you really put that much stock into whether a politician was rude to you personally instead of how we can see they treat people generally and how their policies will affect people?
I'll be so damn thankful when 2020 rolls around so the country can finally move on from the Trump, Clinton, Sanders debate. It's going to be a long 3 years.


Hey, shoplifter. I understand doing what's best for your kids within the parameters of the current educational system (my son has always gone to public schools, but we've put in the work to make sure he goes to the best ones in Tulsa, instead of his home school). Not sure how you thought Trump could possibly be a better choice over Clinton when it comes to education, though. And I really don't understand how you could stand by that decision post-DeVos. I mean come on, my man.

I don't think I said this but perhaps I may have implied it.

I won't say I'm happy with everything he's done. I wasn't going to be happy with the majority of what either of them would have done. I'm still willing to give him time, and would be even if I hadn't voted for him. Unfortunately politics are toxic as fuck these days.

Columbus native here and this is not at all what this guy is doing even if he is in Columbus City Schools, which had a huge scandal a few years ago for altering records.

The charters here are trash and his kids are not getting a good education.

The vast majority of charters here are indeed trash, which is why I waffled so long on moving my kids. This one is not. Their kindergarten curriculum is more advanced than my oldest's first grade curriculum was at his public. The communication from the school and openness from their teachers in both *what* they're doing in class and how well they are doing is night and day. Is it perfect, no, but it's a fucking far cry from what we were dealing with.
I'm a Georgian who is voting in this election. I'm telling you to stop referring to people as peaches as its offensive to a large portion of the population.

Who are you people?

Trump literally ran a scam education institution.

Apparently a bad meeting with Hillary Clinton, a not terribly charismatic person in public, is enough to feel that Donald Trump wouldn't fuck your children's future education whether that be in a trade or in higher education.

I literally don't get Trump voters. If you take a minute to think about what you're voting for, it's literally voting to fuck yourself.

It's okay to fuck yourself over as long as the other side gets fucked over also.
Ultimately I want a small government (as small as is reasonably possible) across the board. Do I personally think that the GOP as it exists right now is going to get there? No, not really, but they're more likely to than the Dems are. Do I agree with everything they want? Nope, but that's the reality of a two party system.

I'm not even a card carrying member, I've voted Dem/far left across the board for the last 20 years, until this last election. I've had changes of heart of a few things over the past couple years as I've had kids, etc. Quite honestly I'm at the point where I just want the entire thing dismantled so we can start over.

So the war in iraq and government expansion under bush and Trump wanting to bolster military spending leads to smaller government?

Also, I'm curious about this:

The government should stay out of people's private lives provided they aren't harming others. Period.

The republicans especially have gone out of their way to legislate women's body's, bathroom laws, whether or not people can use marijuana medicinally, etc. They aren't the party of "Stay out of people's private lives if they aren't harming others" and haven't been for a long time. I think perhaps your notion that things will get smaller under republicans, especially the ones we have now, is misplaced.
Don't worry, "fuck you, got mine" people. Trump's still got something special coming for you.

"Oh weird, our children are being poisoned by the air and the water and everything involved with getting treatment for them suddenly got twice as expensive? Who's responsible for this?!"


The worst mental gymnastics is the terrorism issue. They're very concerned about terrorist attacks, but most terrorist attacks will occur in highly liberal areas with the most liberal ideas being attacked. It is touching to know more conservative people deeply care about liberals welfare, though.

This really isn't that weird. If you see that most terrorist attacks take place in liberal areas you could form the opinion that liberal policies allow terrorists to carry out their attacks. I don't agree with this line of thinking BTW.
I don't think I said this but perhaps I may have implied it.

I won't say I'm happy with everything he's done. I wasn't going to be happy with the majority of what either of them would have done. I'm still willing to give him time, and would be even if I hadn't voted for him. Unfortunately politics are toxic as fuck these days.

I think that's something we can all agree on, political discourse is in a shameful place. A big shout out to cable news for driving that bus off the cliff.


This really isn't that weird. If you see that most terrorist attacks take place in liberal areas you could form the opinion that liberal policies allow terrorists to carry out their attacks. I don't agree with this line of thinking BTW.

that's still some hefty mental gymnastics. The point of terrorism is that it's tiny groups of people specifically to get around any policy. They just attack liberal areas because those are typically higher population areas and thus get more publicity for their group & cause.

Anyways, what time does polling close?


Political Discourse. The exchange of ideas.

Guys this shoplifter fellow seems like he's the worst so let's piss him off and do this.

^^^^ actually that's hilarious as fuck.

I'd have voted for Jill Stein out of protest but GAF told me to not waste my vote on a third party.

But I'll vote for someone that sexually harasses women and mocks people with disabilities.
We are so fucked if this is how we appeal to each other now


The vast majority of charters here are indeed trash, which is why I waffled so long on moving my kids. This one is not. Their kindergarten curriculum is more advanced than my oldest's first grade curriculum was at his public. The communication from the school and openness from their teachers in both *what* they're doing in class and how well they are doing is night and day. Is it perfect, no, but it's a fucking far cry from what we were dealing with.

Do you mind if I ask which school district you're in? Totally get if you don't want to respond, I'm just trying to understand.


that's still some hefty mental gymnastics. The point of terrorism is that it's tiny groups of people specifically to get around any policy. They just attack liberal areas because those are typically higher population areas and thus get more publicity for their group & cause.

Exactly, I don't personally know anyone that claims they target "liberal" areas. They'd target high population density areas regardless of politics.
Political Discourse. The exchange of ideas.

I mean, I have nothing to say to someone who seems to be so grossly incompetent of understanding their own mistake, so. Might as well try to engage the angry people on this board and actually do something and make a change by getting Jon elected.
I'll be so damn thankful when 2020 rolls around so the country can finally move on from the Trump, Clinton, Sanders debate. It's going to be a long 3 years.
I mean...Trump's still going to be around in 2020 and probably going for reelection and Sanders will no doubt be around to influence the next election. We aren't moving past anybody any time soon.


"Third party" is (understandably) a dirty word on gaf but I have much more respect for someone who sees the two candidates and fairly assesses them as both inadequate for legitimate reasons and either votes third party or abstains altogether than people who make a choice based on complete objective bullshit like "feelings" or someone who buys into the propaganda koolaid to retroactively justify their strictly partisan decision. Neither are particularly good but at least the former is honest with the facts and themselves.


Yet trust Trump who is under investigation by 3 groups right now?

He's White, wears a suit, and wealthy. If that's not a person to trust I don't know what is.

Seriously though, I've yet to see anybody make a compelling argument why Trump is more trustworthy than Clinton, a woman that has spent decades with Republicans looking under every nook and cranny and dirty laundry trying to sink her. Not too mention Russian hacks.

Trump won't even share his damn taxes.
How could you even think of voting for a guy like that? Its called having empathy and manners.

But she was an asshole to me on a random day of her life. Trump is just an asshole to other people, like women and the disabled and POWs. And Muslims. And Mexicans. Ah shit...something something charter schools.

Edit: Sorry, I'm being mean, just strikes a nerve for me.

Shoplifter is the perfect example of why some scoff when others tell someone to just talk to the other side.

Its been pointed out that they voted for someone who goes against everything he wants ( as described in this thread) and their response is to put their fingers in their ear and sing lalala.

To want the best for your kids future and be ok with devos running it says it all.

Exactly. Not even taking into account that if you care about the future of your kids, voting for the party that acts like climate change doesn't exist isn't the way to go and that if Clinton was elected the charter school would still exist.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Neither are particularly good but at least the former is honest with the facts and themselves.
I disagree. Protest votes are as much about feelings as the former, because it ignores the reality of American politics in favor of personal self-satisfaction.


Shoplifter is the perfect example of why some scoff when others tell someone to just talk to the other side.

Its been pointed out that they voted for someone who goes against everything he wants ( as described in this thread) and their response is to put their fingers in their ear and sing lalala.

To want the best for your kids future and be ok with devos running it says it all.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Political Discourse. The exchange of ideas.

We are so fucked if this is how we appeal to each other now

So you're as much a part of the problem with posts like these. Add something constructive to the conversation instead of focusing on the worst posts.
So the war in iraq and government expansion under bush and Trump wanting to bolster military spending leads to smaller government?

Also, I'm curious about this:

The republicans especially have gone out of their way to legislate women's body's, bathroom laws, whether or not people can use marijuana medicinally, etc. They aren't the party of "Stay out of people's private lives if they aren't harming others" and haven't been for a long time. I think perhaps your notion that things will get smaller under republicans, especially the ones we have now, is misplaced.

Don't forget that republicans just voted that its ok to sell our online private information. Smaller government indeed.


I mean, I have nothing to say to someone who seems to be so grossly incompetent of understanding their own mistake, so. Might as well try to engage the angry people on this board and actually do something and make a change by getting Jon elected.

How could you even think of voting for a guy like that? Its called having empathy and manners.
...fuck man
Look... outrage about a person's actions took a back seat to POLICY and something new. You can hate the man all you want, but he got out there, and his message resonated- better or worse. Even if he lied his ass off, which he did, he talked SUBSTANCE. He spoke to the people on issues, told them what he wanted to hear, even if it's wrong, and enough people bought in.

Says a lot about our country. It fuckin stinks. My own father is the quintessential Trumpster, and I fuckin hate it.

But we don't win goddamn elections by posting a picture of a candidate doin something stupid. How they bragged about their interactions with sexual assault. That shit just DOESNT WORK. Bill FUCKNG Clinton stayed in office after his philandering, Anthony Weiner was dishonest MULTIPLE times, etc etc.

People are selfish and are willing to look past a candidate's flaws as long as their agenda is in order. The same happened for those supporting Hillary. It's just fact.

If we approach the next two elections being awe-struck by how shitty a candidate for President is, fighting with platitudes, cliches, and outrage, we will be looking at Red America for 8 years. And I don't really need to prove it. Because it happened.

So you're as much a part of the problem with posts like these. Add something constructive to the conversation instead of focusing on the worst posts.
Hmm.. you must now have read the wall of text you quoted. Sorry, my post was a WIP
For real, people need to grow up, move on, find Odin or something.

Odin, the hero America deserves.

I mean...Trump's still going to be around in 2020 and probably going for reelection and Sanders will no doubt be around to influence the next election. We aren't moving past anybody any time soon.

They'll both be involved, but at least the context of the debate will have changed. And seemingly there will be someone new, other than Hillary, that people will line up behind.


Well anyway, I honestly forgot what this thread was about. Clicked on it again from the main page and it brought me back here and I was like "oh yeah"

I'm excited. Democrats need this win so bad it would really be a breath of fresh air.
Overall. I do not (and did not in the past) trust her, but I don't trust any politicians at the federal level anyway. I highly disliked how they established residency in NY just so she could run for Senate, while legal, it stunk of political opportunism. I voted for Bill twice (against my better judgement). I think she's been ok in terms of that though.

I actually met her in 1996, and my experience with her was not good. I found her rude and dismissive. That could have been a one-off for her, I don't know, but it was enough for me.

Respectfully, if trust was the measurement you used for your vote... you voted for a guy who was going to court for defrauding students. The same type of students your kids may very well be. Does that bother you at all? Did you even consider the ways this choice of a president could affect your children? You said you're for smaller government but Trump is making moves that will expand the United State's military, he's going to possibly put troops on the ground if he plays chicken with Putin, he put in the worst experienced cabinet of all time, including Betsy DaVos, a woman who cratered education in Michigan. He's dismantling the EPA, and that's kind of a big deal since your kids and my kid will be left cleaning up our mistakes from these decisions. It feels to me that you have these ideals for what you want, but the variables didn't come into play when you voted, particularly if you've always leaned to the right. Trump is a conservative in the same way that Bush was a conservative, he was all for the rhetoric but when he got in office the government expanded greatly under bush. A war that killed some of my friends, that we still haven't paid for, etc. Trump may very well be the same kind of president as bush, only far more inept and lacking any sort of self reflection. If wars get started in the next 15 years over these decisions, your kids could be the ones fighting those wars. There are a lot of things here tied into your choice to vote for Trump that have some very serious, and very harmful effects on your children, sir.

Also, everyone else, stop piling on and belittling this guy. Our discourse is not going to get better by shaming people. Bringing up facts and having a conversation about the consequences of this decision is a better route than "OMFG YOU DUMB FUCK LOOK WHAT YOU DID".


Well anyway, I honestly forgot what this thread was about. Clicked on it again from the main page and it brought me back here and I was like "oh yeah"

I'm excited. Democrats need this win so bad it would really be a breath of fresh air.

These threads always turn into why Trump sucks. But we need to keep that in mind when elections do come so we can vote these Trump supporters out of office.

I know I will in Texas next year.


They'll both be involved, but at least the context of the debate will have changed. And seemingly there will be someone new other than Hillary that people will line up behind.

And then divide over as half the liberals go for whatever far-left Bernie character emerges and we have a repeat of 2016.


I mean...Trump's still going to be around in 2020 and probably going for reelection and Sanders will no doubt be around to influence the next election. We aren't moving past anybody any time soon.

Primary Electric Boogaloo V2 when?

Or he might run independent THE ABSOLUTE MADMAN

A ton of people in this thread have discussed the policies. Also Trump was heavily attacked for all of his policy positions, apparently a ton of Americans are ok with proposed muslim bans, building a wall towards our southern neighbors and ignoring climate change.
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