Oh believe me the crime rate of refugees are much higher.
Sexual harassment alone from refugees is a daily basis now.
So many cases where refugees just grab women between the legs in bathhouses for example.

Oh believe me the crime rate of refugees are much higher.
Sexual harassment alone from refugees is a daily basis now.
So many cases where refugees just grab women between the legs in bathhouses for example.
Oh believe me the crime rate of refugees are much higher.
Sexual harassment alone from refugees is a daily basis now.
So many cases where refugees just grab women between the legs in bathhouses for example.
Stop being so ignorant
Not in that amount. Stop being so ignorant if you think its not much higher with refugees.
Another victim of the globalists. Poor Europe.
Yep, another function of government is to protect foreign citizens seeking refuge from civil war
Not in that amount. Stop being so ignorant if you think its not much higher with refugees.
Its just facts.
I dont want this shit to happen but when you hear that shit multiple times in a week its just like that. Many have no respect for women in general.
Either back it up or fuck off.
How about you start providing some hard numbers to back up your sweeping generalizations. It's either that or STFU.Not in that amount. Stop being so ignorant if you think its not much higher with refugees.
High horse?Can you at least back your claims from your high horse? Stats, police reports etc.?
That's not a function of any democratically elected government whatsoever. It is the government of a country being kind, it is not obligated to do said kind acts.
It was very noble/nice thing she did but unfortunately not workable in the real world and we're seeing it happen right before us. She's put the safety of her people at risk, and given the far right a boost.Very easy to say. It took a lot of courage to say/do what she said/did.
Doing nothing while thousands drown in the Mediteranean, is that what she should have done? GIve me a tolerant society over a fear-mongering every day of the week.
How about you start providing some hard numbers to back up your sweeping generalizations. It's either that or stfu.
For the record: there are problems with the refugee situation and we need to work hard on the solutions. Demonizing many thousands for the crimes of very few is not the way and actually counter-productive.
Oh believe me the crime rate of refugees are much higher.
Sexual harassment alone from refugees is a daily basis now.
So many cases where refugees just grab women between the legs in bathhouses for example.
That's a no then, yes? Well then.High horse?
Many from you maybe not live in germany but there are multiple cases where shit like that happens in local regions.
I do live in Germany, Dresden to be specific.High horse?
Many from you maybe not live in germany but there are multiple cases where shit like that happens in local regions.
High horse?
Many from you maybe not live in germany but there are multiple cases where shit like that happens in local regions.
I'm British.justjohn, out of curiosity, may I ask you if you're from Germany, too?
That's not a function of any democratically elected government whatsoever. It is the government of a country being kind, it is not obligated to do said kind acts.
High horse?
Many from you maybe not live in germany but there are multiple cases where shit like that happens in local regions.
Not in that amount. Stop being so ignorant if you think its not much higher with refugees.
Its just facts.
I dont want this shit to happen but when you hear that shit multiple times in a week its just like that. Many have no respect for women in general.
There's probably a middle ground where you prioritise children and families. A solution where 6000 refugee children just disappear isn't that great of a solution either.Let's put you in charge for a second.
Do you take the risk of this nutcase running around with a machete, or consign hundreds of Syrian children to rape murder and torture by doing nothing?
No I think national security and protecting the people who voted for you is more important, but perhaps that's just me.
Lots of "German" people do crime and harm each other as well. Deport all Germans as well?
People are being so ridiculous with how much they generalize so much.
You can't deport people to war zones. But I agree that if he has a history of violence, he should not have been able to walk around freely in society.If he had a history of violence already, I'm sorry but why is he still in the country? Should have been on the first flight back to where he came from.
If he had a history of violence already, I'm sorry but why is he still in the country? Should have been on the first flight back to where he came from.
High horse?
Many from you maybe not live in germany but there are multiple cases where shit like that happens in local regions.
I totally agree. This whole 'we need to help everybody' mentality needs to stop. Because you can never help everybody.
We definitely need harder punishments. This guy was already known to the police, but probably got no punishment at all. Makes them think they can do everything
High horse?
Many from you maybe not live in germany but there are multiple cases where shit like that happens in local regions.
Now deport this asshole (and everyone like him). Come to a country which offers you help and you go around killing people there. Fuck off then.
What? He was "known to the police", no one said anything about a "history of violence". Where does this come from?
A machete?...
Fucking hell.
So in this rare case the attacker is still alive. So hopefully we'll get information of what exactly happened that made this fucking idiot do this.
Murder and rape by nationality, Germany 2014, according to official crime statistics
He got into an argument with a woman near the bus station, then he hurt her with the machete. There's no indication of a terrorist background, if that's what you're implying, this seems to be a seperated case of a random loon.
There was an interesting graphic on criminal involvement of refugees in Germany. That one showed Syrian refugees were less problematic (below average compared to other refugee groups; green country).
Yes it actually is, it's called the Geneva convention and human right, the parts pertaining to refugees, you should check them up sometimeThat's not a function of any democratically elected government whatsoever. It is the government of a country being kind, it is not obligated to do said kind acts.
Anyway, does Germany have an end plan on what they are planning to do with the refugees. Last I read they are still in those camps.