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Getting both consoles? What's your plan?


Happy for you crazy people that want to drop that much money. It should be a very fun holiday season for you.

With the rumored prices, though, there’s no way I go multi-platform, at least until later (and there would need to be some amazing exclusives/features). One is more than good enough for me, with the way that everything third party is multi-platform these days.


Gold Member
Last year I spent about $200 a month on gaming. This year my plan is to tone that way WAY down in anticipation of the new consoles coming out. I figure that barring some major catastrophes I'll be buying them both.

My gaming spend for January (so far) has been $43. That's Humble Choice + 2x subscriptions to Final Fantasy XIV (one for me, one for my son) + GAF Gold. Outside of those expenses I only plan on picking up a few games (Final Fantasy VII, Trials of Mana, Bravely Default II, Xenoblade Definitive) along with 1-2 launch titles for each system if there is something compelling. My PS+ is expired (good riddance) and my Xbox Live Ultimate is paid up for a few years yet. Overall I figure my gaming costs will be about the same as last year except that that figure will include two new consoles.
Gamepass is helping me ALOT with this. I'm also toning it down to make that 100 a month not hurt so bad.


No interest in Microsoft Hardware, but I'll probably pick up a PS5 at launch. Provided that the right games are available. I'm talking about Cyberpunk 2077 and/or Dying Light 2 for example. If it's just some Sony 1st party nathen drakish crap, I'll wait for the good games to come around.

I'm thinking about building/buying a new PC once the new graphics cards from nvidia or amd drop.


Gold Member
I'm planning on the PS5 even if it somehow ends up significantly less powerful. Exclusives are the reason, same as why I had a PS4 this generation. Unless the exclusives picture changes, I can't see a reason I'd do otherwise. If Microsoft flips the paradigm regarding exclusives I'd probably just get a gaming PC rig and use console controllers on it. That's my thinking currently at any rate.


It all depends on how well the Xb1X performs. If it does well i may hold off on the SX. Not sure about PS5 since Sony's exclusives do absolutely nothing for me. But if they add ps1-4 BC It would be day 1 for me.


Xbox, because of the Game Pass Ultimate + the controller + hopefully more power and because i'm not too much into Netflix 3rd person action adventures. If there are as many must haves as on PS4 i can just borrow a PS5 every 1,5-2 years, play them via PS Now or maybe on Pc.
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I have basically the same plan as you, saving a hundred per month. Although I only plan on getting a PS5 (only if it's fully backwards compatible) otherwise I'll keep waiting


I want them both at launch as usual, but I don't know if I'll get them at launch this time. Will see how the build up goes these next 10 months.


Getting both as always day one. My plan already started as I take 50 and sometimes a 100 from my salary and put it in my savings

Whatever comes first I’m getting. Even if both of them releases on the same day I’ll be getting both

Edit: If the Switch Pro is a thing then I’ll definitely get it too and then......

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I started saving in 2017 for nextgen.
I'm getting PS5 on release, PSVR2 on release and I haven't decided exactly when I'll get the Sexbox. Probably a combination of games released I want + price drop by 100€ (unofficial price drop, should happen in the first year here in sonyland).


I'll just get the PS5 and maybe upgrade the 1060 in my PC, don't see much need for an Xbox with this combo.

Also have a Switch but that hardly sees any action tbh. I have Metroid Prime 4 in pre-order :D


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Staff Member
I need to see the backwards compatibility options of the PS5 before I decide. I am mostly a PC gamer at this point but I usually always end up getting the consoles but they dont get a lot of use. I still have a ton of PS4 games I never played.
I'm gonna stick with my Xbox One X and Switch for the foreseeable future and pick up a new Xbox at a later date, maybe when a slim revision comes out. I've bought all consoles for the past 2 gens and unfortunately don't have the time anymore to make full use of them. I'll miss the Sony exclusives but I'm sure I'll live.
Maybe PS5 and PC but ever since getting a gaming laptop that i can play at work and home, a console feels redundant, but if something amazing get announced for ps5 exclusive.....like bloodborne 2 perhaps? Then ill for sure get the ps5.

Deleted member 774430

Unconfirmed Member
Right now I have a Switch and a decent enough laptop for gaming.

My brother has a PS4, i play on that too sometimes.

I don't feel the need to buy new hardware, i could upgrade my current Switch to Switch Pro if:
- Gamestop offers a good trade in deal
- the upgrade is worth it (not like some small chipset upgrade like it was last year).

Day one new gen consoles are not a smart purchase for me: it's like you pay to be an early access user with less games available from the start, more chances to have a defective unit, and often services that will start later in the lifecycle.
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Series X

I've sat in front of gaming Laptops and PCs with a full bank account and I never take the plunge, I just don't have the room.

PS5 has probably got a shitty controller again, so it's out by default.

Nintendo - when they make another TV based console we'll take another look.


PC and PS5. I don’t see any reason to pick up a series x for now.
At one point I may get it if backwards compatibility will be amazing.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
It'd be daft to assume PS5 won't play PS4 stuff that I own digitally, so sell the PS4 Pro.
Pretty sure they already confirmed it'll play 4K Blu Ray discs, and MS are putting everything on PC, so sell the X1X.
If I can play my digital PS3/2/1 games on PS5 I can even get rid of the PS3.
Depending what happens with PSVR2 I might even upgrade my old unit.

Basically I'm all-in on PS5 day one and I can massively downsize the amount of hardware under my TV.

My gaming PC is still fine with a 1080ti and 4790k so that can wait 2+ more years. Switch Pro... we'll see. It'd need to be a significant upgrade and I'd probably only get one before BOTW2 / MP4.


Unless PS5 comes out much earlier, I will get XBSX at launch (Gamepass is too much of a benefit for now) and wait for a deal on the PS5 during the holidays (even if it is just a pack in).
But I always say that, then I watch istocknow, find a store that has them in stock and end up buying it like a chump.
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At the moment, just a PS5. However it would depend if the Switch Pro is real or not, and what features it comes with which will determine if i upgrade my current Switch to the Pro (e.g. games only coming to the Pro that i'm interested in). If all games work across all Switch platforms, i won't see a need to get a Pro.


Why don't you save your money, buy neither, get some gold, get some silver. By 2025, assuming things keep going the way they're going, you're gonna be able to afford 5 of those.
This is the first console generation where I'd really just like to stick with one box. I don't have as much free time these days, and dividing my time between two home consoles just makes me feel like I'm not invested in either.

That said, the decision is going to be hard as hell. I have a huge library on my Xbox One, and Game Pass allows me to free up more expendable income. But... PS5 will have exclusives I really want to experience.

Right now I'm leaning towards sticking with Xbox. Pick up PS5 down the line when it has a bunch of exclusives I want and the price drops. Just binge on quality content for a few months and go right back to Xbox when I'm done.
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3 x PS5, depending if proper family sharing comes about. Otherwise just 2.

Keeping 75” Sony for me, will upgrade the other tvs to something.
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I might buy a PC but I'll try to hold on til I see the final specs of PS5. I was looking forward to next-gen consoles but I doubt we'll see many 60 fps titles on consoles if ray-tracing and 4K becomes standard.

At least on PC I will always have a choice between visual fidelity and performance.


I’ll wait for rtx 3080ti and play everything on PC, no plans for ps5 or Xbox series for now.


I really dont know.

I used to think games were important and something that would make my life and me as a person better. Stupid? Yeah. Naive? You bet.

Of course, corporate video-games are designed to hook you into compulsion loops, not to enrich your life...pressing plastic buttons to make pixels change, numbers go up, trophies pop, get chicken dinners, increase light level, ‘build’ imaginary shit in minecraft, buy card packs, collect pokemon, etc. Well, once you see the Naked Lunch on your fork for what it is: at best, a pleasant time wasting distraction with social aspects; at its worst, a compulsive addiction that monopolises time and thought—you stop wanting to spend thousands on hardware and software.

I still play as It helps keep the black dogs at bay, but being day one for a $700 cdn console to play halo or tlou2, or dropping 2K on a new pc to play dota2, or 3k on a gaming tv because oled will make games magic? .

Still, I do love racing games so i might break down and get a new wheel and some hardware. So, like much of my life, what i will do will be on a whim.


Gold Member
i'll get both a PS5 + XSX

just don't know in which order yet. maybe PS5 then get an XSX once my PC starts struggling.
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Gold Member
My plan is to buy them both, get them all setup, then play SSX Trickey on my PS2
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Getting the Xbox at Launch and I may end up getting the PS5 a year or so later. Originally, my plan for this gen was to pick one console but I know myself all too well. I'll end up with both at some point. If the PS5 comes with some insane BC ability then I might have to get both day one. I already have a ton of games on Xbox One X, I really have enjoyed being able to play games from OG Xbox/360 days. It's more of liking only to have one or two consoles hooked up to my receiver.


I'm doing something similar.

Last year I paid for 7 games I want this year (Cyberpunk, Last of us 2, Marvel Avengers, Doom Eternal, Remake 3, FF7 Remake and Dying Light 2).

January I bought a dolby atmos 5.1.2 setup.

Now every payday I'm putting £100 aside in premium bonds ready for the PS5.

Not ruling out the XBX but at the moment dont feel like I'll need both.

Oh and I took the day off work for Last of Us in Feb and Cyberpunk in April 😭😭😭


Neo Member
Getting a PS5 and a new TV. looking to spend around 1200 to 1500 depending on the TV. been doing the same 50 bucks a pay period since September so I will be good to go. I'd love to try and buy more than one console but honestly I can barely find the time to play the games I get on one let alone justify the cost of getting a second I will never have time to use.


Series X, because itll be an affordable yet powerful plastic box that will run GP.
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No interest in new platforms at this time. Nothing that's a must-buy on them. PC+Switch+PS4 works for me right now.


Probably both but much will depend on launch titles, I already have a oneX so I'm not convinced that I need to get SeriesX at launch, eventually when more titles appear that leverage the new hardware in meaningful ways.
PS5 is more likely at launch , simply because I despise how loud my PS4 is and that I will probably wait to play TLOU2 on the newer hardware.
I have a pretty beefy PC currently. I plan on getting PS5 at launch (I highly doubt all their exclusives will launch on PC) and keep my switch or upgrade it. I am going to wait and see on the XBOX. IF their tier system continues with a yearly or bi-yearly refresh I might hold out. I currently have the One X.
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