Soooo, impressions after 3+ hours
Menus are slick, clear, responsive and stylish, i love it
There is a FUCKTON of stuff to upgrade between ninja stuff, samurai stuff, exploration stuff, charmes stuff, stance stuff, super moves stuff, armour stuff, weapon stuff, so much stuff, i'm absolutely stuffed with joy like a turkey on thanksgiving.
Graphics is kinda of a mixed bag for the first hours, then the game opens up and there is a clear improvement, surely among the prettiest open world games of this gen, probably number 1 or 2 if we talk about wow effect of the locations and artstyle.
The guide wind is pretty cool and i didn't had any problem like some other people, like i said in a previous post, the wind still guide you even if you don't swipe the touchpad, just watch where the particles goes.
Controls are snappy and gamey enough, totally different from rdr2, more similar to horizon, for some reason i love the jump and climb feeling, he is a little bit floaty but the good type of floaty for lack of better explanation, also no stamina and jin runs fast so even exploration on foot is pleasant, better than fucking zelda botw if not for free climbing (but you can still climb a lot of things)
Combat is fun, not braindead easy at least for now, i had almost zero problem with the lack of lock on and the camera (but i haven't fought in small spaces yet).
People who shit on the camera probably don't remember the camera in games like souls or bloodborne, i recently did a second run with the latter and tsushima has a far better camera.
You just have to understand that this is not a souls type of combat, when you wanna strike an enemy be sure to point the stick toward him and maybe make a step or two if you are distant, it is very similar to mad max but with swords, also counter and evade style is more proficient than attack button smashing style, parry is fairly easy to pull off after playing sekiro, still not easy enough to be brainless, i died at least 5-6 times already, the secret is to try to separate the enemies and create more space between them before attacking.
I still hate to death the precanned deathanimations and the total lack of ragdoll, yeah they looks fine the first 10-20 times, not after hundreds or thousand of enemies killed, and some moves like the kick and the shoulder bump screams "give me the fucking ragdoll, boy"
The horse is a joy to control, who said that it was some of the best horse in gaming wasn't wrong, mine is a huge black stallion with skinny legs so i called it jon jones, only flaw is that or you walk or you run, no mid speed.
I only did 1 camp with stealth and it was pretty easy, very convenient enemy placement and deaf enemies.
Bow is good to use if not for the usual precanned animations, after tlou2 or rdr2 i'm spoiled.
Story and charas are solid enough, i'm not a kurosawa or even a samurai fans so the fact that i'm still liking the plot is nice, jin is not exactly the most charming protagonist ever but he is okay, he is kinda of a dumbdumb sometimes

, the villain is okay too.
Obviously digital acting and face expression are not even on the same realm of tlou2, sometimes are over-animated and funny looking, especially jin that sometimes look stoned as fuck (they probably have good shit on tsushima island

I was onestly expecting more jank, it is less janky than days gone and almost at the level of horizon for now.
I'm probably gonna enjoy the shit out this one for 50-60 hours, but i still hope for an infamous 4 for their next game.