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Ghost of Tsushima Out July 17: Collector’s & Digital Deluxe Editions Detailed



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again, are you kidding me? most of the games you cited have some story heavy scripted mission, maybe they look less scripted because bethesda, nintendo and some others can't make a cinematic game with good cutscene, good story mission or decent camera work to save their life so they don't look like tsushima, doens't mean that they are not scripted.
i mean fuck me yakuza series has a shitload of scripted mission with combat-cutscene-combat-cutscene etc (i completed yakuza kiwami 2 last night ffs), same for far cry, gta and almost all the games in that list except xenoblade (haven't played yet) and maybe zelda (but you have some section where you can only do what the game told you to do like when you are with prince sidon trying to get up on the giant beast while riding a creature)

are you aware that in the gameplay of tsushima we saw you can do the stealth multiple takedown or get down and slash the enemies right? it's not forced, the devs was just showing the stealth takedown.

you told to another dude that this game looks scripted like until down or the order, if you don't understand how ridiculous this sound you are being dense on purpose (or trolling)

"gain, are you kidding me? most of the games you cited have some story heavy scripted mission, maybe they look less scripted because bethesda, nintendo and some others can't make a cinematic game with good cutscene, good story mission or decent camera work to save their life so they don't look like tsushima, doens't mean that they are not scripted. "
I dont care about camera work I care about gameplay which is half of the reason why we play games LOL.

"i mean fuck me yakuza series has a shitload of scripted mission with combat-cutscene-combat-cutscene etc (i completed yakuza kiwami 2 last night ffs), same for far cry, gta and almost all the games in that list except xenoblade (haven't played yet) and maybe zelda (but you have some section where you can only do what the game told you to do like when you are with prince sidon trying to get up on the giant beast while riding a creature) "

I think you are missing the whole point of what im saying no where in those trailers do I see extremely varied gameplay everything looks extremely context sensitive.

"are you aware that in the gameplay of tsushima we saw you can do the stealth multiple takedown or get down and slash the enemies right? it's not forced, the devs was just showing the stealth takedown. "
Yes but where is the other stuff you mentioned is that it?

"you told to another dude that this game looks scripted like until down or the order, if you don't understand how ridiculous this sound you are being dense on purpose (or trolling) "
Going from the trailers thats what it looks like this section right here shows what I mean by heavily scripted linear gameplays path

If this section you can only do what the game tells you to there 0 player expression or options
it is an action\stealth open world game, action does not only mean fast paced combat, it means that you have a lot of combat in it.
people hate games that controls like shit with input lag etc, being realistic is not that, tlou is realistic and the controls are miles better than rdr2, max payne 3 is one of the most realistic tps ever and it controls like a dream.

what ninja\samurai open world game you have with realistic art style, world, combat etc.?

people cum various times when they saw that tsushima was a realistic one.

"it is an action\stealth open world game, action does not only mean fast paced combat, it means that you have a lot of combat in it. "
Action is usually tied to something that is fast pace.

"people hate games that controls like shit with input lag etc, being realistic is not that "
Having car have weight to them and having bullets function like how they do in real life is shit or even having people function like how a person does in real life no one can do a 15ft verticle with no start up or run without have to go into motion before hand or having a gun jam or rust up creates a way more immersive experience.

"being realistic is not that, tlou is realistic and the controls are miles better than rdr2, max payne 3 is one of the most realistic tps ever and it controls like a dream."
Highly disagree

"people cum various times when they saw that tsushima was a realistic one. "
yea because of graphics and samurai games function better as fast pace games then being ones with extremely methodical and slow combat.
Damn. Insane.
I only wish the Series X to be a bit more powerful than the PS5 because as long as Sony is delivering such games they have no chance if they are also weaker. And this is no fanboy talk but you have to be blind to not see the quality and diversity of Sony exclusives (yeah, link the 3rd person action games image...). And I have both current gen PS and X and intend to do the same nextgen too. But these are facts.


Unconfirmed Member

"Jin is a trained samurai and can use a range of sword techniques including Iaido - sword strikes made from the quick unsheathing of his katana"

Oh yes. Since the first reveal trailer I've been hoping this would be a part of the combat system.

I will be making good use of this technique. In fact, just like recalling the axe in God of War, I'll be doing it all the time even when it makes no sense just because it's as cool as hell.
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This user has been removed from the thread. Your low effort baited trolling has been noted.
What even is this game? I've seen videos and screenshots and still don't know what the gameplay will be like.

Doesn’t matter. It looks good.


Gold Member
How do you like the gameplay?

How many times are you going to repeat the same thing? I know you are desperately clinging to you fanboy straws, but it's actually annoying at this point.

You have nothing else to say or comment so you keep regurgitating the same tired argument of "where's the gameplay".

Not just in this topic either, but in so many other topics you have this negative attitude towards anyone excited or positive to say about PlayStation 5 or the games coming to PS4.

You have nothing, get over it and let people enjoy what they want.


Like TLOU2 I’ll buy at launch only if Sony explain how backward compatibility will work on PS5.
If it’s like series X (I hope it is) I’ll buy the games day one .
If not I’ll wait for a definitive/complete edition on PS5.
I feel bad that no one answered your question. No this game in total has about 5 mins of gameplay shown since 2018 the demo they showed is the only “non scriptive” demo you could go off of for reference but from the looks of it this game looks pretty scripted like until dawn or the order.
Where is that gameplay then link it? out of all the trailer we have seen the e3 2018 one was the only one to present a non scripted type game play and it leaved alot to be desired of
Are you talking about the e3 demo the one where you cut down 3 dudes in slow motion then walk with a npc then do a 1 one 1 sword battle I was expecting a little bit more out of sucker punch especially compared to these samurai games.

"are you kidding me? all the info i gave to you are official."
I literally asked a question I guess you cant ask question about sony games my bad.
have you ever played until down or the order??
-Yes and there both heavily scripted
"have you ever saw an open world game ala assassins creed scripted like until down or the order? "
this game looks about as far away from AC or far cry as possible this game looks like at best Horizon zero dawn.

"even in the demo they showed you can choose to use the roof or stealthing on the ground or use brute force, the fact that they don't show you the other alternative doen't mean that they don't exist. "
Ill believe when they show it how many devs have promised stuff or talked about stuff for just for the final game to be missing those feature or have an extreme dumb down literally take or what they promised Fable 1 and 2 come to mind as examples.

"of course you are gonna have some more story heavy scripted mission, like any open world game ever... "
Far cry 2-4, Zelda breath of the wild, Sleeping dogs, Saints row 1-4, GTA 1,2,3, china down wars, 5, Fallout 3,new vegas,4 Nier automta, Yakuza 0-6, Xenoblade X and many more beg to differ.

"try again my dude. "
Ill restate the question where are the other gameplay videos?

"this is a kinda realistic game, you are not gonna find a combat similar to a fucking pure action game and a fast paced souls clone."
They way you described it sounded like an action focused open world game

"they are going for the realism route, so slow paced combat for the most part, "
I thought gamers hated slow based games GTA4, RDR2 and Far cry 2 got crucified for this decision but now its ok LOL.

"love this choice, we already have a lot of game with fast paced combat and very few with realistic combat. "
Personal opinions are fine but we have way more realistic games then games based around arcade/ fast styles of combat.

"what are you talking about was the stealth takedown similar to arkham knight game because yes, surprise surprise the game has stealth too. "
Asked a question and then give a condescending answer nice. I wanted what the gameplay as whole was going to be and from the trailer I cant tell so all I can do is guess is it going to be like what I posted a action type game plus stealth like a Desus ex,Thief or Splinter cell or is it going to be a uncharted type game mixed with AC I hoped it was the former and not the latter.
If i didnt care about the game I wouldnt be asking a question about it nice maturity level there LOL



Gold Member
Digital base game for me. Those editions look nice, but can't spend too much with another console on the horizon. I'm getting the same vibes I had with Infamous. Infamous was an excellent game. This is so much better than the last year of the PS3. TLoU was an excellent note to end the gen on, but this feels so much better (having a larger variety of games, especially one with sword combat).

I'm glad they're giving a mask. It feels like CE are typically: A statue of the main character, a mini-sountrack, a mini-artbook, and some DLC codes. That just seems like they think every CE the same way.
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Man, all of this looks good. I just need to be sure of one thing only and rest easy.

The sword play mechanics, its a big deal to me and I hope they nailed it.
but my biggest fear is the difficulty level, the last infamous was piss easy on hard and they have to sell at casual too.
please devs, don't put the max level of difficulty behind some bullshit second run requirement, give me all the fucking pain since start like god of war or unchy 4 and make an actual HARD difficulty.
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Console/platform warriors are a sad bunch, if you don't like a game because it's on a system you don't like/own why bother going into a thread about it in the first place? I don't like Fortnite so i don't go into a thread about it and shit talk it's fans I'm not 8.

On topic looks fantastic and i have confidence in SP's abilities, but i would be even more hyped if they would do some gameplay systems videos etc.

But i guess they are going for the GOW2018 Route which is fine too, the more surprises the better.
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Nothing wrong with people challenging previews handed out by the manufacturer IMO. At the moment any media is very controlled and put forward in the most positive (controlled) light.

Not every game can be amazing it's good to be sceptical and/or look at it with a critical eye at this early stage. Even if it is an amazing game (and it very well could be) its not going to be for everyone... but nor is any game.

Weve got posts saying it looks amazing, others having doubts and it's all welcome for any game. Proof will be in the pudding, no need to turn on each other.
Nothing wrong with people challenging previews handed out by the manufacturer IMO. At the moment any media is very controlled and put forward in the most positive (controlled) light.

Not every game can be amazing it's good to be sceptical and/or look at it with a critical eye at this early stage. Even if it is an amazing game (and it very well could be) its not going to be for everyone... but nor is any game.

Weve got posts saying it looks amazing, others having doubts and it's all welcome for any game. Proof will be in the pudding, no need to turn on each other.
ok dude you won, this is gonna be the first open world game with only scripted mission where you have no freedom at all, happy now? :messenger_blowing_kiss:

also learn to quote posts properly please 😆
So the fact that I want to see more gameplay before I make a purchase is bad? Once they show more gameplay Ill make an informed purchase then but until then the only thing I can do is speculate off of what is shown which hasnt impressed me personally.


The nicest person on this forum
So the fact that I want to see more gameplay before I make a purchase is bad? Once they show more gameplay Ill make an informed purchase then but until then the only thing I can do is speculate off of what is shown which hasnt impressed me personally.
I personally like most all Sucker Punch’s games, their games have smooth and feel very good to control and I love the setting they are going for.

If the game don’t interest you so far then wait for reviews before you decide.
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With all the Exclusive games coming this year, once again Sony proves they bring the games. Microsoft can have the most powerful console. There's a reason why we still have the Microsoft has no games debate. No one gives a shit about Gears 10, Forza 25 and Halo 22. And this is coming from a One X owner lol


Sure, and I completely understand it.

But now I don't know in which language I'm going to play this, because my main one for a game with this setting is japanese voice acting :messenger_tears_of_joy:
This is a pickle because I prefer Traditional Japanese audio but they made the game as English audio with Japanese audio dubbing. That will piss me off because the Japanese audio will be off with the lip syncing and I expected it to be the other way round. I guess you can;t expect this from a Western Studio. I may just play in English because of this even though I didn't want to.
But i guess they are going for the GOW2018 Route which is fine too, the more surprises the better.

I don't know if that's the way you meant it, but I REALLY hope Ghost of Sushi plays nothing like the new GOW. SP are kings of traversal mechanics, fun combat and hype as fuck mission design. Their games are bonafide GAMES filled with engaging moment to moment gameplay. I don't want a story focused snoozefest, I want to double jump and smash into shit.
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