always chasing the next thrill
WIMINWhat's 'woke' about it?

WIMINWhat's 'woke' about it?
Astrobot isn't short and it's not full price.They need to recoup Concord, it'll be full priced no matter how short it is. See Astrobot for proof.
No way is this GoT 2...
This is the 'Miles Morales' & 'Lost Legacy' of the GoT series. It has a different name entirely.
Will be a shorter $40 experience.
He's dead. It's set centuries after tsushima.Pretty obvious the route they are going by doing this.
Jin appears at the end of Yotei and you have Ghost of Tsushima 2 with dual protagonists.
You’re unironically correct and there is also a literal 0% chance they do that for herSuckerpunch is sexist if you don't see her bare ass when she uses the hot spring like Jin's
You're just built different.Female lead, knew it, ill pass. I just don't enjoy playing games with female characters, it's just how I am, but for those of you who do, enjoy the game.
Pretty obvious the route they are going by doing this.
Jin appears at the end of Yotei and you have Ghost of Tsushima 2 with dual protagonists.
You check your eyes , look at the gameplay part they don't look sharp and crisp , the only time when it look like CGI it's in the cutscenesCheck your eyes. This game look way better than the original. At time it's cg like. This gota be run on the Pro. Look how clean the image is.
If he can live for a few hundred years, sure.Pretty obvious the route they are going by doing this.
Jin appears at the end of Yotei and you have Ghost of Tsushima 2 with dual protagonists.
More likely more 'Ghost' games with different stories, which I am a fan ofWell, Ghost of Tsushima 2 this is not. Doesn't take place in Tsushima
Your theory may be right... Sucker Punch isn't calling it a sequel to GoT, but a new game of the Ghost series.
Who knows, after this, we can get the continuation of Jin adventure...
its a fucking pardody at this point, I refuse to believe those are genuine responsesSo many here triggered by a woman lmfao
GoT wasn’t even a good looking game besides having a decent environment.Looks exactly the same as Ghost of Tsushima, jesus the diminishing returns are getting worse. No thanks tho for female protag.
People would complain when developers do the same thing again, calling it glorified DLC. People complain when they do something new.And this is with most people.
I understand they need to create something fresh from a new character, but I still think it is really a bad decision.
People wanted to play as Jin in feudal Japan. People are attached to his story and at least want to see a sequel. Don't fix something that not broken. This gona alienate many old players.
Just dont flood X with complains about bigotry when your game flops cause fans dont want that.That's not what they wanted to make though.
If they're not interested in making a by-the-numbers sequel, then they shouldn't be obligated to.
From everything they've said, it appears to be much larger scale than Tsushima.Looks gorgeous, I wanted to continue Jin story, perhaps Yotei is like Miles Morales with smaller scale and we'll get GoT2 later on.
More likely more 'Ghost' games with different stories, which I am a fan of
Strongly disagreeGoT wasn’t even a good looking game besides having a decent environment.
Subpar facial animations.
Subpar physics.
Subpar cutscenes besides the first.
If they weren’t forced to by the IP with Spider-Man and god of war, and insomniac and Santa Monica were doing an original IP, they’d 100% be female protagonistsAt this point you're more likely to find a unicorn than a Sony game with a male protagonist
Jin is long dead, the game story is 300 years after the 1st game.This game will probably have multiple protagonist. They will reveal Jin later IMO.
its 300 years later, is he gonna be a zombie? lolPretty obvious the route they are going by doing this.
Jin appears at the end of Yotei and you have Ghost of Tsushima 2 with dual protagonists.
It's utterly pathetic tbh.Well, we lasted a whole 4 posts before you lot couldn't bear to play as a woman
It wasn't cross platform at all.Honestly, looked like more of the same, I was expecting a lot more from sucker punch considering the first game was cross platform. I dropped off the original game about 70% towards the end as the gameplay loop started to get stale. Hoping Suckerpunch can really mix things up a bit with this one, in their defence I guess it's hard to make Feudal Japan look different from.. Feudal Japan.
After both Alloy and Ellie came out of the closet, Sony needs more female characters to add to the list.Can we start placing bets on whether she’ll be gay or not
Like, I'm tempted to be generous to this, but I remember Madagascar in Uncharted.
If this was a japanese game, a female samurai wouldn't be an issue. But it's a game made in the woke capital of the world. I just can't trust western devs to not infuse their game with woke propaganda.
He's dead. It's set centuries after tsushima.
Jin as a literal ghost?
If he can live for a few hundred years, sure.
After both Alloy and Ellie came out of the closet, Sony needs more female characters to add to the list.
Imagine if the twist was that she use to be a he/him, and this is actually Jin.Can we start placing bets on whether she’ll be gay or not
Interesting.. game looks so good and i can't wait to see more, their art and style are some of the best imo, just liked Jin alot so i wonder what they plan.From everything they've said, it appears to be much larger scale than Tsushima.
new stances but then kusarigama, tanegashima... so good.Anybody catch the dual wielding during the standoff with the wolf? That's definitely a new stance