Barrel Cannon
How do I join this ghost recon gaf squad? My gamertag is "IMD1 PK"
I know this game is full of idiots mickenary, but I've never seen a game so bad at relaying information to the player. For such an obtrusive HUD, the game does a fucking terrible job of letting you know if an objective is being capped, or where a downed teammate actually is.
In other news...
Tired of getting spawn camped on Market, and spawn hacking is the worst. Might just go back to one of the old games.
Actually, I will agree with you there. Naturally, I'm taking my extensive time with the beta for granted, so it all makes sense to me now, but looking back on it, a lot of the objectives were unclear and remained so to me for a while. One thing that I think the game needs to shove down the throat of the player a lot more is the Confidence Boosting system. Purely from observation, I can tell that a lot of players have not even the slightest clue that such an important mechanic exists (a mechanic that I'm very fond of, by the way, so good going there, Ubi/Redstorm), but I guess you have to tread a fine line between player initiative and walls of text during a highly tense MP match.
Despite its flaws, really having fun with the MP here. Gonna join that gaf squad thing, my GT is Dronehouse.
Has anyone successfully linked into this"Ghost Recon Network" stats site? It just won't link up for me, but whatever. The stats are so half baked and broken anyway. It constantly is comparing my games played, kills, and games won to others on my friends list - not only are the stats incorrect, but your own stats are so buried - the only way you can see them are by highlighting your OWN name in a live lobby and choosing stats.
The challenge system is also half baked, perhaps broken.
Ubisoft fails at meta-game, community, and support - same thing happened with the Assassins Creed MP games - fantastic games, but everything around them was just broken or poorly implemented. They'll find the time to charge $10 for 3 maps, but manage to leave everything broken.
Again though, when I'm in game, it's bliss.
So does this game run in 1080p on the PS3 at all? I keep getting 720p...
Ha. Are you talking about the actual resolution of the game or simply what your TV says you're running at? In a nutshell, the former is shit (definitely sub-HD looking) and the latter is misleading.
Actual resolution of the game.I guess I'm definitely not alone then!
Objective based games that require any degree of team coordination are just going to go away (on consoles at least) most of the people playing this game just can't grasp the fucking concept. If I have the bomb escort me to the fucking objective, and protect me when I'm setting the charge, don't run around the map trying to get pointless kills. This is driving me crazy, whenever I get into a game that isn't a lag fest all the players on my team are fucktards![]()
Objective based games that require any degree of team coordination are just going to go away (on consoles at least) most of the people playing this game just can't grasp the fucking concept. If I have the bomb escort me to the fucking objective, and protect me when I'm setting the charge, don't run around the map trying to get pointless kills. This is driving me crazy, whenever I get into a game that isn't a lag fest all the players on my team are fucktards![]()
Can anyone confirm that the PS3 version has absolute dog turd graphics? Can they really be this bad after the shitty GRAW2 conversion?
Edges everywhere, choppy frame-rate, v-sync issues and the 3D...oh my fuck...The 3D is simply the worst I've ever had the mis-fortune to use.
Trading this in.
Maybe we should organize a date/time for squad matches? I've yet to see any squad members online at the same time as me, so it looks like it'll be a challenge getting a full squad to play.
Objective based games that require any degree of team coordination are just going to go away (on consoles at least) most of the people playing this game just can't grasp the fucking concept. If I have the bomb escort me to the fucking objective, and protect me when I'm setting the charge, don't run around the map trying to get pointless kills. This is driving me crazy, whenever I get into a game that isn't a lag fest all the players on my team are fucktards![]()
When this game lags. It lags terribly bad. Host migration is terrible.
Game need a patch to fix lag/host migration.
A few tweaks to some things. Some more maps and modes, maybe a better squad system and they'd have an incredible online game. It's a bit thin and fragile at the moment sadly.
Play those campaign missions in co-op if you ever get the chance mickcenary. It doesn't take much for any game to shine in co-op, but I'll bet you'll be pleasantly surprised by some of the things the game does when played with a few human players in the mix. Its a night and day difference.
Edit: That and play some Medal of Honor (2012) if you want to see a very well done modern military campaign.
I just wanted to play and it seems like the Ubi servers are down again? Ugh....
I really like it, its a good Socom replacement.I loved the Advanced Warfighter games, but this game hasn't at all been on my radar until about an hour ago when I decided to check if it was out. It came out like a week ago! I was pretty surprised.
So how's the game, guys? I saw that it's getting good reviews. How's the PS3 version?
Jeez, is this game DOA or something?
I don't think the game is DOA. I just think Ubisoft spent all its marketing money on AC3. I think the game would be more popular online if it wasn't a Host Migrating frustrating lag fest. I am hoping this shit gets fixed fast, but I somehow doubt it.
I am digging the SP side though. I am playing it on Elite though and some of it does feel cheap. I rage quit before on chapter 3 whereyou have to escort the captured VIP out of the container at the oil rig. Every time I try it, I last like 4 seconds. I have no freedom to get to cover or use a frag and I end up getting killed everytime at the same spot just as the escort begins
Bodark sceneAnyone else had their HUD completely disappear during the campaign? Thought I was going through some on-rails section where I didn't have any access to my grenades and just had unlimited ammo with a certain gun, then I ran out of ammo. Super weird.
edit: I just restarted my Xbox thinking it would fix it and it's still gone :/ wtf
Also, whoever decided that gunsmith wouldn't be utilized in Guerrilla mode is a horrible person, and they should feel bad
This game loads way too much. Boot up the game and you have that little loading icon going, then the Kinect how-to screens, then you get the publisher/developer intros. Another load... wait for it... now you get the title screen that asks you to press start to continue. Ok. That brings up yet another load screen that ends up with... wait for it... another splash screen that again asks you to hit start to continue. Finally, a menu screen.
And whats the excuse for the long mid-mission unskippable cinematics? Please tell me the excuse is that I'm a dumb-ass and there is some way to skip them. I know you can skip all the "briefing" videos before starting a mission. But once you're playing you just have to sit through those long satellite overhead map conversations. Brings down the replay quality of the missions.
Also, whoever decided that gunsmith wouldn't be utilized in Guerrilla mode is a horrible person, and they should feel bad.
I still have a GREAT time with this in co-op, but single player and challenge hunting just isn't nearly as interesting or as polished as it needed to be. And really, what is up with the load times? (Xbox 360 version, installed btw)
Edit: One last gripe. I have a Kinect, but I havent used it in quite a while so the sensor is always off. That doesn't stop my Ghost Recon copy from showing me Kinect how-to screens when starting the game, and more annoyingly I keep getting pop-up messages every 15 minutes or so that I should stretch or take a break.
Fuck you Kinect. What the hell did you do to my Ghost Recon?