Hey GG I know you look at Neogaf so I want to see a Robotic Megalodon in this game please. Thank you!
one of my favorite movies of all time and i'm not even particularly religious
Hey GG I know you look at Neogaf so I want to see a Robotic Megalodon in this game please. Thank you!
Yeah I know what you mean,I am excited for this game.Game looks like it's shaping up rather nicely. I'm getting the same vibes as The Last of Us whenever something new would come up when that game was announced.
Hasn't been touched on yet iircAnyone know if you can swim underwater in this game?
Would you rather everything had stairs or ladders attached to it? It's essentially just an organic way of letting you traverse the world vertically. It doesn't need to be challenging, just like pressing forward on the analogue stick isn't challenging - it's just a means of navigating the game, except instead of going horizontal you go vertical and instead of needing stairs or ladders you use a ledge.
Here's a thought:
Make the chatter an option in the audio settings menu.
Default to on, though. Screw the haters.
Why in every Horizon thread i read this moaning and no one say a shit about Nate in U4?
I wonder if it's possible to make a pure melee or pure minions build.
That giant spider does not look like a common enemy.
Did the writers of HZD had anything to do with the Killzone games? :shivers:
Anyone know if you can swim underwater in this game?
I dont think so.Does this game have auto-aim?
https://twitter.com/dejongemathijs/status/745333258347495424@PBJ85 Thanks! Aiming is not that difficult in Horizon, and we do want to retain some challenge there.
I am not sure if they will have a option or not tough.That's a shame. I want to play it for the story, but aiming/shooting keeps me away.
I don't think any other game has had such on point marketing. Guerrilla says all the right stuff in every interview.
I ma not sure if they will have a option or not tough.
Yeah but it does look easy enough to switch between the weapons and ammo types.He will need to do a lot more than aim though. Switching weapons, ammo types and strategies will be necessary. Someone that can't play shooters might have a hard time.
What about the protagonist's incessent chatter?
Party system, stats management, more customized builds, and a complex crafting system.
From what I read it looks like some NPCs could fight with Aloy in some encounters rather than following Aloy around doing her quests.
It seems also there will be an upgrade tree, rather than points to invest in atk, int, or dex.
Playstyle seems to centre around long range with occasional melee. Can I focus on melee instead?? Can I use a two handed sword?
Alas the crafting looks simple tbh, ala TLoU and TR.
Obviously these aren't slights against the game, as it looks great and the team seems to know where they are going with this game. I just like a more traditional RPG.
YeahI'm not sure about the other things, but I'm pretty sure the crafting system is far far more in depth than The Last of Us, crafting is the main way to maintain stats in the game afaik by crafting your gear, kinda like Monster Hunter I think.
http://www.gamesradar.com/horizon-zero-dawns-world-is-bigger-than-we-ever-imagined/And all of this layers on top of a crafting system that utilises the resources through the world perfectly. Collect bits from hunting and you'll be rewarded with components. Items like metal shards can be used for buying goods from shops in villages but also for building your own weaponry and we've already seen how exciting that gets with explosive arrows. Looks like there'll be some tough choices ahead. Mmm, bombs or new clothes which are more resistant to specific enemy attacks...?
Yeah no.Funny how all of this time I've been saying that this doesn't look anything like the open-world RPG many around here were claiming it was supposed to be, and that it just looked closer to something like Rise of the Tomb Raider, or any other action game that has "RPG elements". Well, there it is. Not that it's anything other than what I was expecting (and looking forward to) anyway though.
Action rpg?
What does define an RPG for you then? Really curious to read your answer.
It's an Action RPG ala Dark Souls/ Bloodborne/Monster Hunter. Its closer to those games than it is to Witcher 3.
Not alone, no, but they are elements of RPGs, and from what I've read, they aren't the only RPG elements Horizon has. As for dialogue/narrative choices like in Bioware games, I'm not even sure that's something most RPGs have. Well, at least in my experience. I've played lots of jrpgs, and I can't recall one that had those types of choices.
I guess Souls games are not RPGs then?
Funny how all of this time I've been saying that this doesn't look anything like the open-world RPG many around here were claiming it was supposed to be, and that it just looked closer to something like Rise of the Tomb Raider, or any other action game that has "RPG elements". Well, there it is. Not that it's anything other than what I was expecting (and looking forward to) anyway though.
It's an Action RPG ala Dark Souls/ Bloodborne/Monster Hunter. Its closer to those games than it is to Witcher 3.
What about the protagonist's incessent chatter?
Because the game is more of a hybrid of the action and RPG genre, Guerrilla didnt want to leave anyone behind. What we wanted to avoid is complicated menus, de Jonge says. We also didnt want to go too deep with the RPG features we were developing. We wanted to have a certain level of accessibility and understandability for players. We also didnt want to go too hardcore with stats, so at some point we just cut it off and said we werent going to go any further because it would confuse players.
Its not even there it always for showing of the game.The gameplay chatter is fine. FINE.
What bullshit.
They seem to be serious about having a focused story. But shallow RPG elements/all the open world Ubi-style gameplay they keep showing has left me skeptical. I'm not into the robo Dinos either. Taking a wait and see approach as I'm not interested in another shallow-system open world game with sparse pro-forma story.
If the story ends up being dense and character focused I'll probably end up biting though. The world is certainly pretty.
People will complain regardless.the story premise sounds okay, but the danger with this 'mystery' as the hook is you build up expectation for the player through the whole game and there's risk that the reveal or payoff cannot satisfy people's expectation. they had to be really careful with this, or the game will left a bad impression of the game when finishing it. affecting the word of mouth.
Don't love their address of its depth as an RPG. What we've seen is something along the lines of Assassin's Creed or Far Cry. These aren't inherently bad, but nobody calls Assassin's Creed and Far Cry "Action RPGs". I feel like if you're going to put "RPG" in there, you better at minimum have more depth in your systems than those kinds of games that don't attach that label.
I wonder how many more threads were going to get where ppl fight for it not being an rpg
Leveling system and upgrade-able weapons aren't what defines RPG to me, but okay.
Funny how all of this time I've been saying that this doesn't look anything like the open-world RPG many around here were claiming it was supposed to be, and that it just looked closer to something like Rise of the Tomb Raider, or any other action game that has "RPG elements". Well, there it is. Not that it's anything other than what I was expecting (and looking forward to) anyway though.
Funny how all of this time I've been saying that this doesn't look anything like the open-world RPG many around here were claiming it was supposed to be, and that it just looked closer to something like Rise of the Tomb Raider, or any other action game that has "RPG elements". Well, there it is. Not that it's anything other than what I was expecting (and looking forward to) anyway though.