have to take a 3 hour long drive somewhere, could you recommend an older bombcast, a really good one? have to take a 3 hour long drive somewhere, could you recommend an older bombcast, a really good one?
they just announced a game called Fortune Street in the PS conference?
Koei is making an all-stars musou game. Opoona vs. Fame Douglas.
i really very sad they're not reacting to this dumb show
Wow... I'm watching Major Nelson streaming the Forza Horizon 3 demo on Beam...
Also I have no idea why I've never posted in the GB thread before...I've been following them religiously for years and I spend way too much time on GAF. So I guess "hi everyone"?
Thanks! There where 2 of them also in the new location of the office right?
Why aren't they talking over this Playstation 4 Japanese conference rap? WOW WOW NEW WOW
i really very sad they're not reacting to this dumb show
wooow now you can look at your smartphone in vr
Why would they ever hire Yahtzee after his drunk SJW ranting escapade? Might as well just hire TB for the bigger fanbase.
Where is that rumor coming from anyway?
He just moved to SF (same time Dan was in NY) and his Escapist Magazine contract is up at the end of this year.
Mr. Kojima's new video game
gaf is absurdly hard to please lmao. I guess people were expecting megatonnes
Looks like Guillermo del Toro, Norman Reedus, Hideo Kojima and ....?
jintor, i consider you my spirit animal, but that was real bad
Looks like Guillermo del Toro, Norman Reedus, Hideo Kojima and ....?
gaf is absurdly hard to please lmao. I guess people were expecting megatonnes
hell I went to a TGS and the most exciting thing there was Asura's Wrath, a QTE game of QTEs
it wasn't bad but as someone who had just gotten super deep into Bayonetta no matter how hype the cutscenes were it wasn't what I was looking for
I have to take a 3 hour long drive somewhere, could you recommend an older bombcast, a really good one?
Is there anywhere to watch Brad's ReCore stream from
I could see where you're coming from, I went in knowing fully what it was. Instead of talking about underwhelming things though, how about we talk about how PAC-MAN CHAMPIONSHIP EDITION 2 IS? I'm currently playing it and man...[IMG][/QUOTE]
I remembered to buy it half an hour after the preorder sale ended and now I'm on the fence.
That looks so...Motorstormy aka awesomeI gotta say, Forza Horizon 3 is legit. Some of my gameplay.
That looks so...Motorstormy aka awesome
I've never been one for racing games but Forza Horizon 3 looks soooo pretty I kinda want to get it on PC just to look at it.
Forza H 3 is a buy for me. I did get tired of 2 but they made some changes in 3 that makes that an instabuy. Demo impressions/videos/stream and the preview stuff all sounds amazing. Now about that RecCore - there are some positive GAF reactions but apparently it falls appart some hours in... not sureIt seems like a game I would love.
Ryo's ready to kick butt and spend time at the capsule machine... and he's all out of patience for the capsule machine.
Only a 33 minute episode for Shenmoo today.
Watching a bit of Brad's ReCore stream... he seems to like it while being frustrated about some parts. I can see him giving it a 2 or 3 and not completely trash it.
That new Rocket League mode is really good.