Keyser Soze
Whoever is in charge of the recent survey is good people!

Does anyone else hate when Brad says YUEGH instead of yea? He does it way more than he used to.
The truth is it's a more powerful PS4 for only $100 extra (less if you factor in the increased hard drive size) and will sell very well.
Jeff spitting some hard truths about the PS pro
That's us (kinda)...
JefflrSo are they working from home on mondays? Did Jeff mention this in the bombcast or in the Jartime?
Jeff went from "I'm thinking about switching to Android" to telling Jason "get an iPhone" lol.
So are they working from home on mondays? Did Jeff mention this in the bombcast or in the Jartime?
I hate the "letter of the law not spirit of the law" and the various derivatives of it he's been using lately more than anything else. I think he said it four times in various different content released last week. At least I've learned to not use the phrase in conversation. It can be difficult to understand Brad's intent when he uses it, I imagine it's the same the few times I've used it.
Jeff talking about the Pro as if everyone is down with building a PC. Which is a stupid premise to begin with. But the difference in price between a PS4 Pro and a PC kills his argument anyway. His opinion is skewed. Love listening to him but the market doesn't share his views.
Does anyone else hate when Brad says YUEGH instead of yea? He does it way more than he used to.
I hate the "letter of the law not spirit of the law" and the various derivatives of it he's been using lately more than anything else. I think he said it four times in various different content released last week. At least I've learned to not use the phrase in conversation. It can be difficult to understand Brad's intent when he uses it, I imagine it's the same the few times I've used it.
Well they could as Brad did yesterday stream games more on twitch and YouTube, which is essentially a one man quick look of you willSo this is supposed to result in more content? An extra Jeff stream? What else? It's confusing. Because now they dont go into work on Monday, Tues is now taken up by the podcast.
Start recoding quicklooks on Wed now? Do we expect Brad to start writing a column or something?
But if you're dropping many K's on a TV, why not get a device that can actually play games at that resolution?
I complained about the lack of premium content vs free content but the site is obviously still a 10 for me.
It was weird to rate them lower on amount of content since subscribing to them is such a no brainer but well, it is what it is.
If it gets down to last second, they can play all of the remaining title quick. One a day or all of them in a day.Wonder when they're gonna start back up the Mario Party. They don't have much time!
But if you're dropping many K's on a TV, why not get a device that can actually play games at that resolution?
If it gets down to last second, they can play all of the remaining title quick. One a day or all of them in a day.
They should just do the rest of them back to back for extralife. Someone might end up dead by the end!
TB has one of these garbage Twitch channels where archives are subs-only. So I can't watch this thing now, because I missed 20 minutes.
I would love more solo streams! Hopefully work-from-home-Mondays facilitates that.
Solo streams would be alright as long as it's not taking time away from proper stuff
Danny trying to get sued
Danny trying to get sued
I thought next free would be unprofessional Friday.
All these free premium videos are the start of Giant Bomb's transition to being full on youtubers. Why else would they start working from home?
So this is supposed to result in more content? An extra Jeff stream? What else? It's confusing. Because now they dont go into work on Monday, Tues is now taken up by the podcast.
Jeff talking about the Pro as if everyone is down with building a PC. Which is a stupid premise to begin with. But the difference in price between a PS4 Pro and a PC kills his argument anyway. His opinion is skewed. Love listening to him but the market doesn't share his views.
They've recorded quicklooks after the bombcast. I remember Dan recorded 2 QLs after recording the bombcast, then had an AMA on reddit.
I kind of followed Jeff's thinking that someone bought a PS4 at launch. But halfway through that console's life, the PS4 graphics can't match the PC, so people spend $300-$400 on a graphics card for the PC and will end up buying PC games instead of PS4 games.
Sony now has an option where people can spend $400 on a PS4 Pro and stick to buying PS4 games. However, Jeff's reasoning is that the upgrade to PS4 Pro just isn't worth it when you already have a PS4, since the graphical upgrades aren't worth the $400.
I'm thinking that if you can pull a Dan and can sell the original PS4 for $200-$250, it might be worth it. Also, just buying a graphics card might not help if you end up needing to buy a new motherboard/CPU and new monitor for freesync/gsync (I was in this boat last year). Shit ended up being much more expensive than what I thought was just buying a new graphics card.
They should get an extra video dude for eastHere's my "bold" prediction:
I think that GB is trying to hire multiple new people in the near future. I base this on the fact that I can't remember the last time a premium sale was mentioned so many times and haven't really seen them make past stuff free. I think they're trying to boos their numbers so they can go to Les Moonves and say "Look, we can afford multiple new hires."
I also say this because Vinny recently mentioned wanting to foster the "new generation" of GB. I just think the guys have some goals in mind and they need to sell more premium memberships to justify them.
They have the equipment, experience, talent, access, and staff to produce long-form Danny-quality investigative videos. There's enough of them to continue to produce QLs as well.
Instead, they seem to be moving to their view of the typical youtuber, which is reacting to a video game in their living room with the lights off. That or random poorly-planned livestreams.
I think this is a dated view of youtubers -- Game Grumps, Game Sack, Gaming Historian, and many others created well-produced videos on a regular basis. It is also a waste of their resources. If nothing else, it would be nice to see them follow through on a feature for once at a regular pace. I'd subscribe again if I believed for a second they will complete SOTN in the calendar year.
There seems to be a regular assumption that all people need to do is buy a graphics card.
PCs are alien, ugly things that I have no space for and that even if I did would require a 3 week negotiation with my better half.
They have the equipment, experience, talent, access, and staff to produce long-form Danny-quality investigative videos. There's enough of them to continue to produce QLs as well.
Instead, they seem to be moving to their view of the typical youtuber, which is reacting to a video game in their living room with the lights off. That or random poorly-planned livestreams.
I think this is a dated view of youtubers -- Game Grumps, Game Sack, Gaming Historian, and many others created well-produced videos on a regular basis. It is also a waste of their resources. If nothing else, it would be nice to see them follow through on a feature for once at a regular pace. I'd subscribe again if I believed for a second they will complete SOTN in the calendar year.
They have the equipment, experience, talent, access, and staff to produce long-form Danny-quality investigative videos.
It always tickled me that Jeff has never seen the Lord of the Rings films, but he still hates them. I can totally see how the "fandom" that surrounded the series would put people off, but they're touchstones of modern cinema! At least give it a try!
I don't think any of them want to do long form Danny-quality investigative videos
Because it's like 27 hours long and fantasy who wants thatIt always tickled me that Jeff has never seen the Lord of the Rings films, but he still hates them. I can totally see how the "fandom" that surrounded the series would put people off, but they're touchstones of modern cinema! At least give it a try!