Remember that Russian dude that always called into Dave's radio show. That was some good shit.
Remember that Russian dude that always called into Dave's radio show. That was some good shit.
Oh, that sounds pretty rad.
Forza Horizon 3 code for who can guess my favorite movie.
People actually sound like that when throwing up?
Oh Jeff actually did throw up? I only saw him not doing well, but I was out of the room for a bit during the stream.
He didn't, I think strafer is talking about Job Simulator.
anyone remember that beastcast episode of fiasco
i kinda want to try that with youse but it... really needs to be live i think so it'd have to be a discord/google hangout game?
and organising a schedule would be hell?
I just found a Trump bumper sticker on my car and I have no idea how long it's been there.
Watch Dogs 2's driving app being called Driver SF is great
I don't know. It's probably easier to do than any other Pen and Paper RPG, because you do the prep together and then just play. I do have the game.
I feel like the real problem is the scheduling, but we only need to carve out... probably 2 hours maybe
yeah, combining MPP 9 and 10 might be needed to keep exhaustion on par. the car mode in them has even quicker turns too, AFAIK.Don't most of the remaining Mario Party games have a smaller max turn limit than 50? Wouldn't surprise me if they consolidated some of them down into one video. I wouldn't put it past Dan to have his going away stream be a marathon of every remaining game.
I watched the first Air Bud so many times as a kid.Air Bud: World Pup
That's top 5.Fargo?
I'll only take it if it's an Xbox One code.
I'll guess Pulp Fiction but Death Metalist got it because he cheated
Remember that Russian dude that always called into Dave's radio show. That was some good shit.
I feel for you. but putting bumper stickers on other peoples' cars is a great troll (as long as they come off again without residue)
e: GEARS 1 & 2 codes are still available because they didn't work with him.
That's what it made me remember: not-awkward-and-creepy Euro callers with warm, smart questions.
This UPF is fascinating. Taking calls like they've talked about a few times in years past, Dan's truck hunt, I like it.
"Let's go to our man in the field"
:shot of dan drinking a beer:
UPF is better when it's not UPF.
I just can't handle calls. They could start some great discussions but the chances of them going full PAX are just too high.
I just can't handle calls. They could start some great discussions but the chances of them going full PAX are just too high.
Calls were absolutely fine, even had some good questions too. Premium seems to filter out most of the weirdos.
Yeah, that sounds about right. I hope the suits at CBSi are satisfied with GB's performance.
Giant Bomb is tiny (seriously, there are medium sized youtube channels with more staff), has an ever increasing audience, and most importantly, a growing membership base.
By having actual customers, and not completely relying on the whims of advertisers/sponsors, it insulates GB from a lot of bullshit. If some suit comes along thinking he/she knows better, GB can just point to direct customer feedback and say nah mate.
Also, Danny always mentioned how the viewership numbers for Giant Bomb content completely dwarfed GameSpot's (like, it wasn't even close). I always thought it would make sense for Giant Bomb to host some of GameSpot's top content, like Danny's The Point.
Can't remember the last game I took so many screenshots of.
I mean, it will lose to Stardew Valley. But such is the way of things.
Edit- Hmmm.
Mafia 3 definitely feels like best styyyyle
Can't remember the last game I took so many screenshots of.
I am all for them mixing up the UPF formula, even for one off shows. Maybe something different once a month?