Twin Tails
they got hit by the playstation truck
I don't mind games that want you to explore but you have to shape the game in a certain way so that exploration is actually encouraged. shenmue kinda feels like it just drops you in the ocean in that sense
Holy shit you guys someone mixed Buck Bumble with Super Mario World. This is the best thing
Holy shit you guys someone mixed Buck Bumble with Super Mario World. This is the best thing
Guys I'm desperately trying to track down the Beastcast episode where in the emails section or after, the guys start singing random songs. Vinny starts singing the opening to a childrens show that Max watches.
Anyone know what I'm talking about and which episode this is?
How many times has Jeff explained the rules of icing to Dan?
How many times has Jeff explained the rules of icing to Dan?
Am I crazy or have we seen basically all of these demos before? The guys mention it on, but thatTRdemo seemed really familiar too.Crash
Mine only got like that after like 5 hours of mvc2Dreamcast was so loud you would've known if you were in a room with one. At least mine is
That was purdy bad.Welp, I'm pretty satisfied from that CM Punk fight.
Finally watching UPF, loved that Dan thought the green pool in the taco bell game was baja blast haha
Yes, taken down and submission in first round.
It's a potato I thinknow is that a work or a shoot
He lost?
not 100% sure about the rules on posting YT lins or promoting things you made, but this video isn't monetized or anything... I will remove the link if needed
Finished my GB animation Project, 80s style cartoon intro for the guys... just for fun
made a blog about on the site too if you want to see it:
Again, just for fun, thought people might want to see in this thread![]()
I think Dan's like of Shenmue is probably being re-evaluated..It still blows my mind that Dan, of all people, likes Shenmue and hates Yakuza.