Death Metalist
Bring your oBscure game
Obscure is actually an average horror game.
Bring your oBscure game
Obscure is actually an average horror game.
Make a thread or report to a mod? that's creepy
Obscure is great. I'd totally be down for that.
He said he was playing it already. And yes, when I asked him last week where he was, he said still at first Palace. I don't believe him at all. Secret ER in the works.
So you're saying he's Brad's anonymous source?.
I dig it
omg no, I played this game but I don't remember anything about it. I just remember the EU boxart.
Here comes Dan and his stupid rules and changing them on the fly to fit whatever he wants.
I've been over it in one episode. None of these games deserve more than about 20-30 mins of gameplay. B game needs to just be turned into UPF for GBeast. They all should bring a b game and play it for a segment, that would be infinitly more enjoyable. I'm already completely bored with this game.
They should start doing 2 games per episode. Ranking of Fighters got a lot better when they started doing multiple games in one episode and it would probably work even better here.
That new Crazy Taxi clicker game is shockingly good
this is kind of how i feel about all the dumb sassy fast food twitter/food accounts
This is the main problem. they're not leaning into the right parts of what makes B-games interesting or fun. Similar to the 'I found a random game on steam idk' UPF segments, if it's not so bad it's good or genuinely good on its own, it's just boring to watch for long.
They need to speed up the rotation of games or find games that show better within their weird criteria
Vinny should be inducted as an honorary McElroy
Maaaaaan, they're really bad at __________. This game actually looks really cool when someone who knows how to play it plays it!
Maaaaaan, they're really bad at Bujingai. This game actually looks really cool when someone who knows how to play it plays it!
wth are they up to
wth are they up to