calling all units in the area
Watching Austin and Patrick play PUBG, it's actually not bad.
They at least listen to tips from the chat.
AoT sucks. Most HARDCORE anime fans agree.
You can definitely curve your shots with the pro controller. I think the game is much better with it, too. As for speed, I get what you mean. It's definitely a slower game than those since you have to be able to see the punches coming, but some characters feel way too sluggish even within that framework. Like I just tried Twintelle, and her lack of air maneuverability is killing me. I need that good Min Min horizontal kick/dash.
This Beastcast: very glad Dan has no aspirations to murder
Only because he won the Taco Bell contest.This Beastcast: very glad Dan has no aspirations to murder
Jason Oestreicher‏Verified account @unastrike
On top of the UPF stream problems, we've got a corrupted archive. Trying to salvage it, but it's gonna take some time. Sorry!
yuk yuk yuk
K-ON is the best anime and will never be topped.
I'm pretty sure this is wrongK-ON is the best anime and will never be topped.
it's better without motion controls
see, this sounds rightShirokuma Cafe is actually the best anime.
Love you, Jason.
Missed UPF and it still isn't up.
Corrupt stream, Jason is try to save it.
Oh shit, was the stream just riddled with issues then?
K-ON is the best anime and will never be topped.
Corrupt stream, Jason is try to save it.
It's a great CGDCT show with a surprising amount of character development.Hmm...seems like a good and bad week to miss UPF.
It doesn't seem all that special.I've never seen it
a whatIt's a great CGDCT show
a what
I hate that I know what this meansIt's a great CGDCT show with a surprising amount of character development.
I like anime and I had to look it up.
cute girls doing cute things is some sort of weird subgenre or something
every time I think "anime might not be that bad", someone shuts that down real quick