The B stands for Best.
When is that Arms test thing anyway?
Still enjoying these takes, even if I disagree with a lot of them.
Keep it up Piston.
an actual good actual b game
Technically Force Unleashed is a G-Game because Lucas signed off on it, I think
Man, people are really upset that Silent Hill 3 is the better game.
someone correct me if I'm wrong but I feel like people mostly ignored SH2 when it originally came out, specifically the significance of its themes and story telling
had it come out now, it would've probably gotten a bigger and more positive critical reception
it was ahead of its time for sure
Man, people are really upset that Silent Hill 3 is the better game.
someone correct me if I'm wrong but I feel like people mostly ignored SH2 when it originally came out, specifically the significance of its themes and story telling
had it come out now, it would've probably gotten a bigger and more positive critical reception
it was ahead of its time for sure
someone correct me if I'm wrong but I feel like people mostly ignored SH2 when it originally came out, specifically the significance of its themes and story telling
had it come out now, it would've probably gotten a bigger and more positive critical reception
it was ahead of its time for sure
I still remember reading an SH2 review in some Xbox magazine and the reviewer not going any deeper than "it's dark"
I guess I'm thinking more about reviews, how reviews and press have evolved, and how the "conversation" around SH2 would have been different had it come out now
I still remember reading an SH2 review in some Xbox magazine and the reviewer not going any deeper than "it's dark"
and then finally playing the game a few years later and it being much, much more than that
early PS2 years were crazy good, the whole console, really
Can somebody here just spoil Nier for me? Cause there is a 0% chance I will pick this game up again. I finally manned up and completed the second playthrough, started the third and died during a sequence where I guess I wasn't supposed to die so the game threw me back to the main menu and was all like "Lol, have fun replaying the last 2 hours or so!"
No thanks.
I might just listen to that Spoilercast Alex did.
someone correct me if I'm wrong but I feel like people mostly ignored SH2 when it originally came out, specifically the significance of its themes and story telling
had it come out now, it would've probably gotten a bigger and more positive critical reception
it was ahead of its time for sure
Just started watcing Face/off for the first time. 5 minutes in, what is even going on.
you're an A game to me, oti
This thread and its members is a B-Game.
Flawed but still lovable.
Nope. The story, themes and everything about Silent Hill 2 had a much bigger impact especially when you go through it a second time. Akira Yamaoka was also on some next level shit. I'm also glad we got Guy Cihi(James) to commentate on the entire game because it showed that actually, Team Silent as a whole were operating on some next level shit.
In my restless dreams, I see that town. Silent Hill. You promised me you'd take me there again someday. But you never did. Well, I'm alone there now... In our 'special place'...Waiting for you...
I might be drunk, but I just had a pizza with banana, pineapple, peanuts and curry. It was amazing.
Fight me.
Fuck Arms sounds like a villain name in one of those B game pornos.
I might be drunk, but I just had a pizza with banana, pineapple, peanuts and curry. It was amazing.
Fight me.
chocolate covered pretzelsI'm putting bread on my next pizza
Are you calling pizza a sandwich?Pizza is just bread. Put whatever you want on it.