Is it worth playing the Yakuza games in order? I just realized that I have some of the old PS3 ones from PS+ so I was wondering if it is worth playing those having only played 0.
4 has recap videos of the first three games, so you'll be fine. Would spoil Kiwami obviously though, and it's so nearly almost out.
I think this doesn't feel too skeevy because of how utterly Kiryu seems like sort of a sexless friendly dope
People who think a game that needs to be finished multiple time to be enjoyable is ok
Playing a multiplayer game is basically playing the same game over and over and over again, so I don't see what the problem is.
that sweet mustache doeAre people posting Ben gifs ironically
He isnt even photogenic
I want 90 minutes of Dan being confused that other languages exist.Hearing Dan shit over Shaolin Soccer seems like the most frustrating way to spend about 90 minutes.
And you know he would.
I think we need a new Play Date.
I think we need a new Play Date.
maangchi is good shit
it's XXX, not 30
If Nier Automata pulled the 999 gimmick of being able to fast forward through identical parts of the 2nd playthrough I would've been cool with it.
But actually playing those parts again? Ain't nobody got time for dat.
I think this thread shows that if anything people have too much time
What if Nintendo announced a super Mario World remake?
No murder island today?
No murder island today?
the PUBG train is strong but it will die off, and another one of those will replace it before it leaves Early Access
that's just the survival/battle royale game loop that i've come to accept at this point, because I love those games
this one is stronger than the others. it's EVERY video game content creator. It's wild. Even friggin waypoint does a PUBG stream.
this phone stuff is why yakuza is the worst