Death Metalist
I really like the content but it has nothing to do with video games.

I really like the content but it has nothing to do with video games.
It's almost like asking someone to beat their game multiple times for the real ending is kinda pompous
I think a lot about all the movies, books, articles, etc I could have read in the time I spend watching Giant Bomb content
it weighs heavy on me
You should be part of hypebeast/streetwear culture.
Limited edition capsules/collections like weekly.
Gotta find out where I can cop somma them Supreme button-ups that Ben gotYou should be part of hypebeast/streetwear culture.
Limited edition capsules/collections like weekly.
Man, I actually thought the GBcrew loved wolfenstein 2014, but they were pretty ambivalent towards it during GOTY.
lang bringing that pubg content
ben's magic crossbow
Yeah this is my best explanation for picking GB vids over movies and TV, it's easy to multitask vs. having to commit yourself completely with a movie. Hard for my ADHD to calm down lmaoA lot of Giant Bomb content is a second screen experience for me so I can get other stuff done.
Ben actually wears supreme?
I feel like I should be in love with Gonner, but I can't wrap my mind around the weighty / floaty movement yet.
That Automata LE is one of the few ones I wish I could go back and grab.
2014 GOTYcasts down.
That was an exhausting listen just from brad's and jeff's constant combativeness throughout the whole thing lol.
I think I'll skip 2013.
Was that the year Destiny made it in the top 10 and somehow Advance Warfare made it in the top 2? I still don't understand how any of those two things happened.
Going back to listening all these GOTYcast though makes me wonder what their old game of the year will be.
I really can't think of any?
Did they play that this year?
Going back to listening all these GOTYcast though makes me wonder what their old game of the year will be.
I really can't think of any?
Going back to listening all these GOTYcast though makes me wonder what their old game of the year will be.
I really can't think of any?
You know what's cool about Passepartout
Is that Ben is the one who played it, but he's having Brad play. Like I dunno if that's how they came to that dynamic, where Ben played it and introduced it to brad and asked brad to play it for the QL, but I want to see more of that. Like most QLs are done in the sense of 'Here's this old save and I'll play through whilst commentating' or it's a blind playthrough, but I want to see more where that are 'here you take control and I"ll try to lead you'.
Jeff makes his a proxy argument for his wife and Sudeki wins old game of the year
You know what's cool about Passepartout
Is that Ben is the one who played it, but he's having Brad play. Like I dunno if that's how they came to that dynamic, where Ben played it and introduced it to brad and asked brad to play it for the QL, but I want to see more of that. Like most QLs are done in the sense of 'Here's this old save and I'll play through whilst commentating' or it's a blind playthrough, but I want to see more where that are 'here you take control and I"ll try to lead you'.
I can't imagine anyone that has seen this could forget itI am still perplexed that people remember that game.
Brad is only happy on stream when he play Dota
So I hope Daily Dota return
I can't imagine anyone that has seen this could forget it
dotas dying tho
![]() Unknown killed Dota 2.
yepAs in can't forget how bad it looks?
Can someone bring Vexx back?
i remember nothing about vexx but that sudeki footage reminded me of it a bit. with the claws and all