Oh, yeah, I wanted to scream out loud at that. These board games are designed for people who are tabletop gamers already! The people I play board games with are all Magic The Gathering players, and we know exactly what we are in for.
Just like with video games, where you can have Candy Crush Saga,Mario Kart, Overwatch, and Eve Online all exist under the umbrella term of "Video Game" but each represent a step up in complexity and investment required, there are games for "People who don't play games" (Cards Against Humanity), "People who would be willing to try a game with a friend but wouldn't call themselves a gamer" (Codenames, Catan), "I'm a Gamer but I don't get hardcore into specific ones" (Betrayl at House on Haunted Hill), and "I'm a complete psycopath to whom Games are the only way I can experience joy" (Miniature games like War Machine and Warhammer)