Silent Duck
This year the Grinch has a new nefarious plan to ruin Christmas.

Nah, even I'm not that evil.This year the Grinch has a new nefarious plan to ruin Christmas.
Who likes to beat a dead horse?
(I do only if the name of the horse is Stadia.)
Apparently you can't play your Stadia games if you've purchased them at a discount in case your subscrption had expired.
And reading through the translation it seems very clear that is the case. No language barrier that I see.
You only keep full priced games.
I'm guessing they don't want people signing up for a month, getting the discount on their amazing "sales" and then quitting the sub after.
Saluto! and F-U Ooo!
Edit - Just checked Reddit and Google is walking back that tweet and saying you own any game you paid for.
Who likes to beat a dead horse?
(I do only if the name of the horse is Stadia.)
Apparently you can't play your Stadia games if you've purchased them at a discount in case your subscrption had expired.
Google as a whole, is used to never actually communicating with its customers. Both Google and Youtube have no clear ways of contacting a person about grievances. Thus I am suspecting that Google likely never had much of a customer service department.I was reading the Stadia Reddit, and apparently they were told they would get early access codes to set up accounts and pick a unique username and Google just didn't follow through.
So even the few people who actually do care are pissed off. Before I said I'd give this 3 years, but now I'm more like 18 months.
That sounds like the worst launch of a game platform ever. First impressions matter a lot, just ask MS (the first reveal of the xb1).
Usually with paid Betas, you hand out free swag and essentially try to butter up the early adopter to build good world of mouth. But it seems Google is doing none of that.I don't know I'd go that far. Sega Saturn, for one was pretty bad.
I don't really consider Stadia as being launched until the free version comes out. This really seems like a paid beta - which is pretty lame in and of itself.
I was definitely a hopeful believer.I was never a believer in streaming, but how has Stadia's disastrous launch affected the True Believers in streaming?
"ISPs are smart [and] they understand that they're in the business of keeping customers happy and keeping customers with them for a long time," Harrison said.
This is really all I needed to know. Google did not in fact manage to beat the laws of reality, and are running with a subscription model that is plain old lunacy.
I agree, Xcloud is facing exactly the same challenges that Stadia and PSNow have faced. Let see what the critics say about that.
And this is coming from Yong, yikes.
Stadia streams at 4K and 60 FPS – and that includes all aspects of our graphics pipeline from game to screen: GPU, encoder and Chromecast Ultra all outputting at 4k to 4k TVs, with the appropriate internet connection.
Like you see on all platforms, this includes a variety of techniques to achieve the best overall quality
Stadia streams at 4K and 60 FPS – and that includes all aspects of our graphics pipeline from game to screen: GPU, encoder and Chromecast Ultra all outputting at 4k to 4k TVs, with the appropriate internet connection.
Out of all of the glaringly obvious problems with Stadia, I want to know one thing:
Who, as a gamer, is so desperate to play games that they are whipping out a Pixel phone during the day, to play a laggy game of destiny 2 using touch screen controls?
From what I can tell, Stadia isn't aimed at the ouya/Onlive crowd, but at the ex-Wii owners.
Because it's first being upscaled, like DF find out, native resolution it's not 4k. Lol!So then why is it that RDR2 for example looks like ass on Stadia compared to PC & X1X?