The gamereactor review is hilarious. Games have moved on, no longer can we just be satisfied with polygons or whatever........ UMMM, care to tell us HOW the industry has moved on. Simply noting things have changed without any background, decent comparison, or logical analysis doesn't cut it video game reviewer. You need a new job.
Forza certainly hasn't taken us anywhere with 5. With 4 sure they did some cool things. GT5 didn't take us anywhere but it did some minor things. Project Cars isn't even available to most people.
So my question what and the hell happened in this industry to replace GT?
I mean, we know gfx are crap on those ancient consoles. But the review acts like the gfx are not part of the criticism. 5/10 is a failing grade. Does not compute. 7/10 is much more like it.
In comparison to AC/GSC it is incredibly shit.
Whoever feels it is mingboggling that KZ still exists is a FPS noob to the core. It's the only decent shooter available atm.
Reading Gamereactor Sweden (yeah I like to read all of these reviews, lol)...I see this.
"Even if I turn off all aids in Gran Turismo 6 and set down the traction control function to "0", it is often impossible to spin from a standstill with a 662 (horse power?) strong Ford Mustang Shelby GT 500."
Surely that's not true...strange if so. I don't know why he would make that up though.
Edit** Also, now that GT6 is finally here...time to announce one for my Vita PD. I'll be so happy if that ever happens.
It's called TFMA.
Tales From My Ass.
Jeremy Parish said:I barely used my PS3 for gaming (it was mostly a Blu-ray and PlayStation 2 upscaler), but I expect my PS4 to fare much better.
You could not be more fucking wrong if you tried.By the sound of the microtransaction thread, you made up your mind before that review. I'm sure you made up your mind before that as well.
Of course, it's always fun to try to sound like you had a genuine interest.
Is this the only retort Killzone fans have? "It's too deep/hard for you!".
Fuck off with that shit. Killzone is not a hard series. Harder than the competition but that doesn't mean anything.
It's amusing to me you think that, but by the same token praise Forza 5 profusely (one of the most unambitious racers to have ever been released), or anything Microsoft related by that token. I realise you write for a gaming magazine or outlet of some kind?
Going by your post history, I think you really need to chill off the bias a bit. Everyone has preferences, but that much of a bias for a professional journalist is a pretty damning prospect. Knack has no right being $60, you finding it mind boggling that Killzone still exists, Ryse being "really good" just a bit repetitive, you not believing that there is stock of the Xbox One anywhere and wanting picture proof, claiming the difference between 720p and 1080p isn't very noticeable, buying your multi platform games on the Xbox One despite superior versions being else where, in-fact generally praising everything Microsoft related and shitting on most things Sony related at every given opportunity.
So yea, I can't say I'm surprised by your opinion or the double standard nature of it comparative to Forza 5. I did ask you which publication you wrote for earlier, but it's a shame you never responded.
Just like some racers save all there stuff too.I see. Just like how they were saving all that stuff for the PS3.
This is hilarious coming from you.
I'm sorry. but how did you extricate that mind numbing opinion from what I wrote? I simply said it is the most engaging shooter available, the only one of the major shooters without auto aim. What are you even on about? The multiplayer is fantastic.
The other games are easycore if you ask me. I have played both and they both don't do a damn thing to escape this autoaim casual crapfest.
What do you mean it is not a hard series? I don't even know what you are talking about.
When you implied that the series naysayers are unskilled at FPS in an effort to validate your opinion.
The VentureBeat review contains plenty of correct information, apart from the bit about PP. The problem is when you compare it to their Forza 5 review:
Forza 5
1. Limited number of tracks
2. Repetitive music, no proper custom audio support
1. Visually inconsistent
2. Limited damage
3. Disappointing exterior customisation
4. Monotonous... in general (reviewer notes this could be due to a lack of interest in racing)
5. Lifeless crowds
6. Other complaints about tedium, including: dull lunar missions, no crowd cheering, no commentary
7. Forgettable soundtrack (custom audio support is mentioned here, in the 'cons' section)
8. Microtransactions (the reviewer makes it clear they are optional, but it is still considered a negative)
9. Not newbie friendly
The bolded points apply to Forza too, but there was no mention. You could argue the case for a few of the other points as well.
There is a different approach to the two reviews, with Forza's not dwelling on negatives and neglecting to mention some entirely. In contrast, GT's review offered counters to almost all the positives, followed by a stream of negatives from a reviewer who is not hiding their lack of interest in the subject. The tone of the review certainly warrants a 65% - the problem is that it is inconsistent with the Forza review, so the score appears to be attention-seeking.
Everyone uses sports and racing soft tires. Lol... trying to see people drift in the racing tires is hilariously bad.
You can take the S2000 and break into a donut easily. These people just suck and don't know what they're doing. And all they need to do is read the descriptions.
So you don't think that a car with 600+ HP can spin it's tires even if they are racing tires? Because they absolutely should spin. It does not make the reviewers suck.
Wait, where are the crowds? Oh...there they are.
Wait, where are the crowds? Oh...there they are.
Wait, where are the crowds? Oh...there they are.
Wait, where are the crowds? Oh...there they are.
Many people cant seem to realize that people weigh things differently. Most game reviewers don't go through and dock a set amount of the score off for each perceived flaw. Sometimes the good can make up for the bad or vice versa.Maybe the Forza reviewer was having enough fun not to notice the bolded text?
Indeed, and he might not have noticed them in GT6 either.Maybe the Forza reviewer was having enough fun not to notice the bolded text?
Many people cant seem to realize that people weigh things differently. Most game reviewers don't go through and dock a set amount of the score off for each perceived flaw. Sometimes the good can make up for the bad or vice versa.
Basically, people here are just straining to do whatever they can to rubbish the reviews because they didn't say what they wanted to hear. Happens every single review thread. Every damn one.
Yeah, I said whoever questions why the series exists almost has to be a noob. It exists to please people who don't want autoaim, noobed out COD trash, and BF patch issues. The reason it exists is clear. To give people who cannot stand the other games a reason to play something.
Also, I didn't imply crap but that people questioning why it exists are noobs so stop putting words in my mouth. Clearly go read that again and stop acting like a fanboy.
I said nothing personal to BF fans or COD fans. The people that question why KZ exists don't logically include these people.
GiantBomb quicklook sold me on this.
Tomorrow this is mine.
Everyone uses sports and racing soft tires. Lol... trying to see people drift in the racing tires is hilariously bad.
You can take the S2000 and break into a donut easily. These people just suck and don't know what they're doing. And all they need to do is read the descriptions.
After GT3 it's all about the beauty of cars.........Polyphony considers everything else low on the priority list.
The fact you can still drive into a wall at 200mph and still drive the car or bounce off of walls at a turn shows it.
Looks an amateur driver to me, certainly not a pro. Some of its claims are emm... at least questionable when you put things into' reviewer races in real life. I doubt he has experience with a super car, but his opinion on the cars in the game that he has actually driven should be a good indicator on the quality of the simulation, I think
Petter Hegevall said:But... somewhere along the way, in the midst of all those marketing tricks designed to fraudulently and all these talks about how it behaves a true racing car, the game has been forgotten. And when the game provides enough fun, nor the Simulator itself provides a sufficiently realistic, good driving experience, don't have to be any ports for implying that the game series has lost all of its original appeal. It hurts to write what follows, but it must be done; Gran Turismo 6 is a mediocre racing game and one of the biggest disappointments of the year.
He:Petter Hegevall said:Polyphony, for the sixth time, goes completely from this topic and on the other hand tries to balance how believe it is to sit behind the wheel of a racing car with a dry weight of 1,200 kg and more than 600 horses under the hood. The result is as you said a bland driving experience and barren that little reminds me really what feels running within the racing car on a circuit in real life. My Nissan GT - R (R35) is of course included in the game, and much that can capture the look inside and outside with obsessive detail, the feeling when driving it has nothing to do.
VsPetter Hegevall said:Even if I turn off all aid in Gran Turismo 6 and under the function of "0" traction control, it can be almost impossible to turn from a stop with a Ford Mustang Shelby GT 500 662 horsepower, which obviously is as realistic as an episode of the Power Rangers. Polyphony also fails in dynamics and grip, that therefore the excitement of all races that contains this game loads. The vital rule of racing, not forcing the wheels to do two things at the same time, does not apply here, except when my Honda Jazz slips straight down the track regardless of how much to turn the steering wheel. In the real world, moving the Centre of gravity very suddenly in a Nissan GT - R GT3 may end in the loss of grip in the front or rear axle. In this game, never seems dangerous or risky to pull the cars as if they were bowling, being almost impossible to lose traction completely.
So is he simply not high reving and dropping the clutch?
Soft tires still spin if you floor it (and TCS) is off in a real car. Going by what he said, he turned all assists off...came to a stop...the floored it. The car just took loss of traction or tires spinning.
Found it strange. I'm sure doughnuts are easy, I'm assuming he meant in a straight line.
The VentureBeat review contains plenty of correct information, apart from the bit about PP. The problem is when you compare it to their Forza 5 review:
Forza 5
1. Limited number of tracks
2. Repetitive music, no proper custom audio support
1. Visually inconsistent
2. Limited damage
3. Disappointing exterior customisation
4. Monotonous... in general (reviewer notes this could be due to a lack of interest in racing)
5. Lifeless crowds
6. Other complaints about tedium, including: dull lunar missions, no crowd cheering, no commentary
7. Forgettable soundtrack (custom audio support is mentioned here, in the 'cons' section)
8. Microtransactions (the reviewer makes it clear they are optional, but it is still considered a negative)
9. Not newbie friendly
The bolded points apply to Forza too, but there was no mention. You could argue the case for a few of the other points as well.
There is a different approach to the two reviews, with Forza's not dwelling on negatives and neglecting to mention some entirely. In contrast, GT's review offered counters to almost all the positives, followed by a stream of negatives from a reviewer who is not hiding their lack of interest in the subject. The tone of the review certainly warrants a 65% - the problem is that it is inconsistent with the Forza review, so the score appears to be attention-seeking.
Those are just features in the game. Games like that already exist on PC so anyone primarily looking for that kind of game shouldn't be looking on consoles.
Not sure what he did. Because you can burnout in GT6 easily if you get the assists and tires right.
Lol the fuck.Wait, where are the crowds? Oh...there they are.
I wasn't comparing them - I was comparing the reviews. They are from different journalists written for the same website. The way in which the scores were reached was inconsistent with each other, and it appeared that the Forza reviewer was more enthusiastic about racing games in general compared to the GT reviewer. Even if you ignore the inconsistencies, it's hard to tell whether both games received a fair assessment as they were being approached from significantly different attitudes. You can be sure that the GT score deterred a few people from buying the game, and some of them would have been deterred unnecessarily.It's kind of unfair to directly compare these games given the hardware, but I understand why people are.
One thing I've sort of always wondered is how gaming sites judge car physics. How can you tell what a super car should feel like? It's hard for me to know how they determine that.
Lmfao, better than The Last of Us in their eyes then?
EDIT: Still congrats to Gran Turismo, looks like its solid.
That sort of perspective on reviews seems relatively outdated these days, and I wouldn't put much stock into it. I wouldn't worry about the impact of such a review; most people will be able to see it offers no worth.
The problem is that it's like reviewing a book poorly because English is too inaccessible of a language to learn. Being critical of viewpoints like that is necessary. Not every viewpoint is made equally.
Uhm it's marketed at the mass market, at people that like to look at cars, etc. It wouldn't sell in the millions if it was truly only built for Sim enthusiasts. From that standpoint the venture beat review is ok, the problem is that the industry uses metacritic.....
While I'm absolutely sure that GT6 is a fantastic game overall, it has some serious flaws which press and some gamers are fed up with. First of all, of course, it's car and track rosters' inconsistency, where PS4-ready assets face PS2-era ones. And the "second-tier" major issues are sounds and damage modeling. Even mind-blowing things like Moon Rover events won't be enough to please public until that fundamental flaws are fixed. Reduce car roster from astronomic numbers, but make it entirely "premium".
After GT3 it's all about the beauty of cars.........Polyphony considers everything else low on the priority list.
The fact you can still drive into a wall at 200mph and still drive the car or bounce off of walls at a turn shows it.
It's funny that even with next gen out, there is no game on the market that does realistic damage. At 200 mph there would be no car to drive.