No absolute fucking way that is gonna look that good.
But i'm happy to eat crow if that happen...

No absolute fucking way that is gonna look that good.
But i'm happy to eat crow if that happen...
The trailer leaked and it can be found all over Twitter.
yeah I think its fake. One of the clip I remember were from the Crew cinematic or something. Where the guy looks in the side mirror while driving on a highway.No absolute fucking way that is gonna look that good.
But i'm happy to eat crow if that happen...
yeh I don't know where those more impressive looking parts are from but i checked and those pink/blue neon parts seem to be ripped out of the natural vision trailer, bookmarked here.I watched the trailer in my phone so everything looked pristine, i need to watch it on my oled tv.
Some parts were more impressive than others like the first person driving scene or the hobo part.
Would not be surprised if there will be jokes like in the latest Doctor Who specialAnd another girl who works there posted and she too has pronouns in bio. There's no way in my mind similar people can work on the kind of story I expect from a GTA, but let's hope I'm wrong
What is this fake thing, lol.
What a bad graphicsExcitement intensifies
Grand Theft Auto 6 Official Announcement Trailer is coming December 5 at 9 AM ET
Known Liars
Them bra straps poppinExcitement intensifies
Don’t they always do late PC versions?I wonder if Rockstar will be announcing GTA 6 as current-gen console only release with PC coming 1 or even 2 years down the line.
If yes, then our PC bros reaction will not be too far from this one...
too latePlease don't be woke, please don't be woke.
That "leaked trailer" is fake of course, it has moment from Watch dogs 2 CG trailer soooooo...
This one is legit (not a trailer, it's the game):
That "leaked trailer" is fake of course, it has moment from Watch dogs 2 CG trailer soooooo...
This one is legit (not a trailer, it's the game):
Well, in GTA5 they for example removed trans jokes no? So I expected pretty one-sided jokes in GTA6. Probably will only about right wingers, anti-police, anti-republican and so on.People are really worried about it.
GTA V is fine to me as it is, i just make sure to install a Ragdoll mod when i'm playing it again. In that regard GTA IV was better. Also driving physics are not better in GTA IV than V. The Driving physics have wider range from mud to rainy to dry.I've seen the new leak.
It's just more gta 5 lol.
meh. gta 4 wasincredible. Amazing tech and physics at the time, fantastic characters and gaempaly. gta5 was worse for me on all fronts.
the ps5 version of gta5 finally looks good. I always had some visual problems with that game on any platform but their taa and other small improvements are good on new consoles... but it's still not gta4 when it comes to evening light and physics
driving physics are infinitely better to me in gta 4.GTA V is fine to me as it is, i just make sure to install a Ragdoll mod when i'm playing it again. In that regard GTA IV was better. Also driving physics are not better in GTA IV than V. The Driving physics have wider range from mud to rainy to dry.
Thats a matter of preferencedriving physics are infinitely better to me in gta 4.
But graphics and physics aside, I much prefer niko and his story. It's darker and more grounded.
Wtf is gta 5 about? I finished that game. Who the fuck knows. 3 characters are so disjointed too
yeah of course it is. gta 5 is more arcade and snappy. Way easier to drive "more fun". I have to agree. 5 reminds me of sleeping dogs (which I liked more than gta 5 too but it didn't age well)Thats a matter of preference
Story is better in GTA IV i agree.
So this is being passed around online and has been removed over and over. Not sure how true it is but a small video
We had very big leaks for GTAV, RDRII and pretty much every R* game so not surer what you mean. Of course some are gonna use the hype to do bullshit but there is still some legit leaks.Another billion fake leaks before the trailer even hits the surface - GTA fan base is hilariously predictable.
I don't see how you can parse it just being more GTAV from a 7 second video showing clouds and buildings from what will be a 2-3 year old build( by the time to game releases) with scaled down graphics. I mean, of course it takes place in a city lol.I've seen the new leak.
It's just more gta 5 lol.
meh. gta 4 wasincredible. Amazing tech and physics at the time, fantastic characters and gaempaly. gta5 was worse for me on all fronts.
the ps5 version of gta5 finally looks good. I always had some visual problems with that game on any platform but their taa and other small improvements are good on new consoles... but it's still not gta4 when it comes to evening light and physics
It seems to be leaked by the son of the Art Director.
We had very big leaks for GTAV, RDRII and pretty much every R* game so not surer what you mean. Of course some are gonna use the hype to do bullshit but there is still some legit leaks.
You must young lol we are Deffo not getting any gameplay lolDon't cover online shit. Focus the trailer on just the Single player please
Excitement intensifies