Portal 64 is not the only modern N64 homebrew game nor the most advanced.PS: Portal 64 was not a port but a complete demake sharing no code with the original. It doesn't look like anything N64 hasn't shown as possible before that, the system had plenty great looking complex games in its time, but noone had thought of a Portal-like, before Portal (well, Narbacular Drop). Of course it was still an amazing project, but not exactly comparable to what the developers of this port are trying to do (and in the end for all we know they may fail in getting anything playable or will have to severely reduce the default settings to get it to anything resembling a playable game). Nor is it suddenly easy for a small team (even ignoring not every amateur dev is equal to the very best ever seen somewhere else) to make work equivalent to yesteryear's AAA projects as we came to know them, Portal itself was far from anything resembling AAA to begin with and no DC homebrew game so far is anything close to the system's best, unlike modern devs using modern knowledge and tricks to max out some much older 2D retro platforms where a full game is just a few MB with whatever that entails for the quality and quantity of assets and even the # of programming lines. Also, that's obviously not real 1080p rendering with the GSM or whatever faux patches, tweaking settings for an existing PS2 game with whatever placebo or subjective effects with unknown changes some may prefer is obviously completely different to porting a PC game to any other platform. Duh![]()
Homebrew devs have now made a game engine that van push more polys the N64 has ever done at high frame rates. Look at the latest Kaze projects. This is the kind of performance no devs ever managed to achieve back in the day. And Kaze is only one person.