Cyberpunk "realistic"?The dev's themselves were the ones who claimed they were making one of the most lifelike and realistic open world ever.
They failed at what they were trying to do, and GTA did it better.
Just a bit of speculation: Cyberpunk 2077 has been in development since like 2012-2013. GTA5 release in 2013 and within 1-2 year GTA online grew massively in popularity.
I almost wonder if Cybepunk began as a Witcher like game set in a city but as GTA online grew in popularity CDProjekt changes things up to emphasize more GTA like elements and eventually make something that could rival GTA online.
Because honestly a lot of the GTA style elements seem half baked.
I can very much believe that the open world was tacked on just for online. Just the generic gang wars reek of content drops for an online mode. God knows when that'll releaseJust a bit of speculation: Cyberpunk 2077 has been in development since like 2012-2013. GTA5 release in 2013 and within 1-2 year GTA online grew massively in popularity.
I almost wonder if Cybepunk began as a Witcher like game set in a city but as GTA online grew in popularity CDProjekt changes things up to emphasize more GTA like elements and eventually make something that could rival GTA online.
Because honestly a lot of the GTA style elements seem half baked.
Oh please shut up.
The game doesn't even have basic shit in it like AI pathing for NPC traffic. You can stop your car anywhere on the road and they all just stop behind it in a line for an indefinite period of time. You can stand in the middle of the road and they will do the same thing again. You can stand on people's cars, on the fucking bonnet in front of the driver and they will carry on as if nothing is happening.
And that's just one single aspect of many. People give Ubisoft shit for their open world games but at least they get the basics right and make a bit of effort in terms of the believability of the open world aspect and how the NPC's behave. If they are going to put so little effort into the open world aspect then why even make it an open world game? Even the witcher 3 did those things better.
As usual the corporate dick suckers will make excuses. You've been fed 7 years worth of hype and as a result your judgement is clouded. It can't be anything but the best thing ever, anything less and it's too much for your fragile dopamine addicted brain brain to handle.
Bugs? Who cares.
Underbaked open world? Who cares.
Shitty performance on consoles? Who cares. Its not like the game was originally scheduled to come out before the next gen consoles were on the market right?
Let's just print out the metacritic score, paste it all over our screens and have a wank instead of playing the game and seeing what it actually offers instead of what we've been told it should offer.
They are wasting time and resources. There's not enough engine here to make a GTA online.They already announced they're making a multiplayer CP. It's supposed to be free for anyone who bought this.
I think they definitely took a look at what GTA was doing and thought they can replicate their strategy. But the MP game is separate from this and another dev is making it.
wtf does that have to do with interactivity. Those are just npc bugs and they'll prolly fix all that shit soon. There are so many npc's and issues with their AI that you'll obviously notice the flaws more than what they do but I've seen some permanent npcs in the world that do stuff. There's clearly some programming behind them but I guess they just didnt bother with it much just like the stealth animations which are shit but again, no idea how interactivity is related to all of this? Did you interact with the npc's doing their daily routines in an ubisoft game? No you didnt. You didnt even care about them. It's cool they seem believable but lets be real, no one gives a shit about npcs.
Boohoo npc's dont blow eachother on the street! Mah immersion! Boohoo! I'm just going to ignore the massive and amazing level design and atmosphere, the story, the huge number of side quests voiced, etc. and I'm just going to focus on something that I never rly care in games, NPCS!. Fuck off.
bUt iTs aN rPg
And yet you can't even do basic RPG things. It's all window dressing for the missions.
It boils down to Cyberpunk 2077 not really being systems-driven. The traffic is scripted. You look at Watch Dogs 2, and you've got complex NPC behaviors and NPC systems interacting. Traffic responding to what's going on in the world. Traffic in Watch Dogs is dense, and it behaves as you'd expect. And it's all relatively persistent. Heck, Watch Dogs Legion is a technical train wreck in some regards -- so much so they've delayed content updates to focus on fixing the core design, but you can follow NPCs as they go about their day. They have real schedules they follow, and relationships, and jobs, and stuff.
Cyberpunk is more like VTMB. NPCs are set dressing. Heck, I'd compare it to fellow Polish FPS Sniper Ghost Warrior 3. All the NPC stuff in that game was canned/scripted because they ran into massive, massive tech issues and most of the game was made 2016-2017. And the longer you look at it, the more evident the cracks are. There's footage of different versions of the game where the traffic is in the same patterns. The same yellow car parked at the lights at the same moment. I think they ran into massive problems and resorted to making a clockwork city that follows prescripted patterns instead of making an emergent one where NPCs have life schedules and traffic is driven by rules not strict scripts. The way NPCs completely fall apart when they leave their cars is very telling. They just crouch in place. That's all they can do.
There isn't much in the way of emergent design going on. And it's more like VTMB than Deus Ex in how it approaches quest design. You do get railroaded a lot.
Watch Dogs exists and it does a far better job of having a believable open world than this game does. At least it gets the basic things right.
How many RPGs let you kill anyone at any time?
Any RPG worth it's salt in the last 3 decades. Not these fake "RPGs" that people have become accustomed to since they dumbed the systems (and freedom) down to make them more palatable for console gamers. It's easier to list cRPG's that don't allow you to go around murdering everyone (including key characters) than those that do. Good RPGs let you live out the consequences of your actions, and if that means you've killed NPC's key to your quests (mainline or otherwise) then so be it.
I've elaborated further on watch dogs above. I 100% would not rather play that game but it does the "open world" thing far better than this game does and its a bloody ubisoft game.
You clearly don't know what a bug is. If it were a bug then there would be instances of the traffic AI behaving as expected - there are none.
The whole point of the npcs in the game world is to create an immersive and believable backdrop to the meat and potatoes of the game (the quests). Unfortunately it does the opposite, every time I'm outside of a quest I'm constantly being pulled out of the experience because of the dumbfuckery on display.
You should be able to do basic interactions with the npcs in this game, if not why even bother to have them there at all? They may as well have done away with them and made the game linear.
While basic, there are little touches like this in watch dogs for instance which help make the whole experience more believable:
I can't believe I'm even having to reference watch dogs, I don't even like the game but that's how low the bar is here. This isn't the year 2000 anymore, the standards for open world games are higher now. Whether they are RPG open world games or action open world games, it doesn't matter, the things being discussed in this thread are basic. Like I said before, even the witcher 3's NPC's in the game world are more believable than in this game. Is it down to incompetence, laziness or did they run out of time? You decide.
I couldn’t get through any of the Witcher games due to the combat. I’ve suffered through all the r* games in spite of their bad shooting pc has genuinely fun shooting imo.What. I'm no Rockstar fan but I find this hard to believe. Namely because I've played W1-3.
I would prefer Cyberpunk was like this, too but I don't it's not an RPG because of this.
Thats why Legion is such an amazing and highly rated game huh? Everyone loves that game, so much that after 5 hours I dropped it, and this is coming from someone who loved the first WD games. I felt more immersed in CP than I ever will in a WD game. Guess NPC"s cant carry a game huh? Imagine if people complained about the NPC's in Deus Ex. But as I've said, there are clearly npcs in the game quite a lot of them programmed and scripted, those that are permanent and those that keep spawning out of satans hell in front of you just like the cops and I believe just like the traffic AI, that they fucked up something and its not intentional, aka bugs. If the traffic AI would have no AI, it would chaos on the streets, yet that never happens, mostly because they have this weird glitchy spawn system. Just play something else if random npc's in the game are THAT important to you but the game isnt shit or non-interactive just because of npcs. If that were the case then by that logic any classic game, any jrpgs and whatever would be shit because they all lack that interactivity.
And Diablo 3 is better than Divinity 2....
I just threw up a little in my mouth. Even the loot in Divinity OS 2 is better than in Diablo 3.
It's still very much an RPG but if people are going to use that excuse for the piss poor open world game elements then it should be doing all the stuff we've come to expect from best in class rpg's over the years and more.
The police spawn in behind you, not in front of you. It's a feature, not a bug:
The fact that you want to compare classic games and JRPG's to this speaks volumes. This is 2020, not 1990. This is a western RPG, not a JRPG, the fundamental design goals of the two subgenres are different.
To create immersion you need interactivity, without it everything becomes jarring. That's especially so in this case when you see how well written and thought out the quests are in the game.
I just threw up a little in my mouth. Even the loot in Divinity OS 2 is better than in Diablo 3.
It's still very much an RPG but if people are going to use that excuse for the piss poor open world game elements then it should be doing all the stuff we've come to expect from best in class rpg's over the years and more.
The police spawn in behind you, not in front of you. It's a feature, not a bug:
The fact that you want to compare classic games and JRPG's to this speaks volumes. This is 2020, not 1990. This is a western RPG, not a JRPG, the fundamental design goals of the two subgenres are different.
To create immersion you need interactivity, without it everything becomes jarring. That's especially so in this case when you see how well written and thought out the quests are in the game.
I just threw up a little in my mouth. Even the loot in Divinity OS 2 is better than in Diablo 3.
You didn't get the point. Something about comparing apples to apples.
I always want more and better, I'm with you there.
See, this police spawning thing... it's not as far off from how RDR 2 worked as some pretend. If you commit a crime in RDR 2 and someone witnesses it the second the witness leaves your field of vision they have instantly found and alerted police... in the wild west... if you really want to loot the corpses from your crime you can end up in a never-ending cycle of more police and more bounty hunters constantly appearing. I tried killing everyone in a small town once and ended up murdering 300 cops... in an old west small town. They also literally spawned out of nowhere, just a further away nowhere than in Cyberpunk.
So you're saying it's fine for other open worlds with npcs to lack interactivity but CP can't because it's western. Good logic jan. Cop spawns as well as npc spawns are clearly not intentional or at the very least since they rushed it they've put this in place until they actually implement/fix the spawns. I honestly feel sorry for you if this impacts your enjoyment of the game that much. Go play something else if you dont like it. Just that easy.
Overall I agree yes but comparing the "open world" aspects of the two games is fair game. If they didn't want to open themselves up to comparisons like that then don't make it open world.
The spawn system for police exists in all open world games but in most games the spawn points are set much further from the player so that the illusion is much more believable.
The reason they don't set the spawn radius further away in this game is because the tracking system is so poor. Imagine police having to navigate the streets using the traffic AI or pedestrian AI, it just wouldn't work. Hence the police in this game don't chase you, they just spawn more in directly behind you. So it looks like the only "solution" they had was to make the spawn radius so small that you can literally see them popping in on the map right behind you.
They said they were going to make an immersive open world. The open world in this game is anything but immersive.
Thanks for the suggestion but iI think I'll carry on playing it, enjoy the aspects that I do like while also being able to talk about the glaring flaws that exist in this game. Sorry if that upsets you.
I agree with everything you're saying, I just think the big companies who have been handling emergent sandbox gameplay for much longer are only slightly less immersion-breaking with their systems.
This is also true which is what makes it all the more frustrating. They aren't even getting the basics right here. If they were then it would be easy to give them a pass because everything outside of the open world is so good.
I actually hate it when a quest ends in this game and I use the fast travel system at every opportunity which I never usually do in open world games.
CP wishes it was Deus Ex levels of quality.With GTA5 and RDR2 they did make this massive maps with interesting things and all... but nothing to do outside main quest. Guarma ... biggest disappointment for me, they made whole "tropical island" mode for just few missions...
CP is open world Deus Ex
Overall I agree yes but comparing the "open world" aspects of the two games is fair game. If they didn't want to open themselves up to comparisons like that then don't make it open world.
CP wishes it was Deus Ex levels of quality.
The Deus Ex hubs smash the open world of CP.
And that's before we look at the gameplay systems which, shooting aside, all go to Deus Ex.
I look at it differently from you, I look at it like this stuff isn't even much better from the titans of open world game design, so why should this game be up to par with them? I'd not do fast travel, personally, I think you end up skipping phone calls and stuff that way but you do you.
Not really, since one is a sandbox that the "open world" is important aspect of a game, and the other is just a setting.
Lol, at the last sentence. You want to make a geme in aa city? Then you better aim for GTA level of open worldness.
Do Spiderman games are comparable to GTA ?
They said they were going to make an immersive open world. The open world in this game is anything but immersive.
Thanks for the suggestion but I think I'll carry on playing it, enjoy the aspects that I do like while also being able to talk about the glaring flaws that exist in this game. Sorry if that upsets you.
Fixing just the following things would make a huge difference in this game:
- Traffic AI so that they can navigate around obstacles on the way to their destination.
- Pedestrian AI that react to you having a weapon equipped, aimed, fired etc in a more believable way
- Police AI that don't magically spawn in right on top of you and can engage in chases should you break the law (ties in to point 1 as it would allow the police to have proper traffic AI)
With an ai as broken and brain dead as Cyberpunk, I wouldnt call this shit next generationGta t is probably better yes but cyberpunk is great so far so to be in the same discussion as gta 5 is a massive achievement.
Its truly a next generation game.
The worst AI I have witnessed in 25 years of gaming.With an ai as broken and brain dead as Cyberpunk, I wouldnt call this shit next generation![]()