Oh man,the 200 shirt challenge is hysterical. Going around the grocery store like that. The galls lol!
I dont live in America but what surprised me is that no-one seemed bothered or stared, we dont have those scooter things in England shopping centers.
Two new videos that weren't posted here:
The Return of SOFLO
thank you youtube
By the way, what do y'all think would be like 3-5 essential videos to get someone into h3h3? vape naysh, the original joey salads, gamer gear (or whatever) and the boy band one?
Two new videos that weren't posted here:
The Return of SOFLO
thank you youtube
By the way, what do y'all think would be like 3-5 essential videos to get someone into h3h3? vape naysh, the original joey salads, gamer gear (or whatever) and the boy band one?
I laughed out loud.watching the 200 shirts episode and I'm dying
Two new videos that weren't posted here:
The Return of SOFLO
thank you youtube
By the way, what do y'all think would be like 3-5 essential videos to get someone into h3h3? vape naysh, the original joey salads, gamer gear (or whatever) and the boy band one?
By the way, what do y'all think would be like 3-5 essential videos to get someone into h3h3? vape naysh, the original joey salads, gamer gear (or whatever) and the boy band one?
Can someone tweet this to h3h3? K thx bye.
Really didn't enjoy Ethan's commentary on the most recent video. The video was obviously ridiculous and that behavior is unacceptable but the way Ethan was calling her a bitch and throwing around the term social justice warrior completely unironically just rubbed me the wrong way.
I think sometimes Ethan and Hila find themselves at the mercy(?) of their fan base requesting reaction videos to certain things even if they [E&H] wouldn't normally do them. In the past it felt like Ethan would take time to really ass blast a video (like the dude who made that crazy organ or the cooking for one guy) but this one seemed way faster, didn't this just recently happen? Maybe that's why it feels off to some, they didn't give themselves time enough to come up with the a solid roast?
At any rate that woman WAS being a bitch. It did seem weird to me to hear Ethan slinging it around like that but seriously? She was acting like a fucking psychopath. She's too stupid to put together that he's saying "Hugh" and "Mungas" as a first and last name instead of all one word so she screams at the top of her lungs in a crowded public area that she's just been sexually assaulted? Get the fuuuuuuuuck out of here. There are people with real threats to their lives and well being out there and this idiot crying wolf doesn't do the next girl who ACTUALLY gets harassed or assaulted any favors.
I was so ready for the other two security guards to tell her their names were Hugh Mungas though, oh my god I would have fuckin died. Props to everyone who kept a level head during that whole ordeal too, I probably would have started crying if some fuckin harpy started screeching at me like that in public over absolutely nothing.
Lol, if I was her Facebook friend I would have called her out on that shit.
Lol, if I was her Facebook friend I would have called her out on that shit.
Eh, I thought the new video was hilarious. Hila during the PC part was amazing. "Not everyone's got eyes though" "FUCK!"
I was kind of surprised though that they would take a definite side though. Usually they are the voice of reason and make fun of all sides.
Yeah, this is why the video didn't exactly sit well for me, either. The girl was being ridiculous, obviously, but the "Hugh Mungus" dude is lame too, because it is kind of a creepy joke, honestly.
The guy was a creep and I don't mind her calling it out but arguing with security was not a good look. She would have been better off backing down once security stepped in and making a complaint later. It was not necessary for h3h3 to devolve into bullshit about safe spaces, SJWs and trigger warnings. It's just pandering to the pond life of the Internet.
I haven't seen the video yet but if it's the video I think it is then calling her a bitch and going on about 'sjw' culture seems a bit justified. I couldn't entirely grasp the context of the video either though because she keeps calling him a 'token'? Like is he a cop or something?
Hugh Mungas is a bizarre name though.Imagine if he was named Mike Hunt.
Yeah, this is why the video didn't exactly sit well for me, either. The girl was being ridiculous, obviously, but the "Hugh Mungus" dude is lame too, because it is kind of a creepy joke, honestly.
So yeah, it would have been nice to see Ethan take a more impartial side, even if slightly so.
When someone says "social justice warrior" with sincerity I instantly lose all respect for them.
Yes, that lady was awful. But using that gamergater terminology instantly pisses me off
When someone says "social justice warrior" with sincerity I instantly lose all respect for them.
Yes, that lady was awful. But using that gamergater terminology instantly pisses me off
Holy shit the amount of people in here saying the guy was creepy is weird af.
He did literally nothing wrong. Saying Hugh Mungus is not anywhere near creepy or weird. Same as saying something like Mike Hunt, he didn't wanna give his name so he provided a stupid one, I've done it before as a joke when asked for my name, who cares.
This bitch is a psychopath. And who cares if shes called a bitch, her behaviour in the video clearly shows her being an absolute bitch. If it was a dude he would be an absolute douche dickhead. Fair play to Ethan for actually calling her a bitch imo.