Ethans an icky poo poo bum. and he should stop poking fun at people I can relate to. Gross.
South Park isn't afraid to make fun of alt-right people, as we saw in the last episode, can the same be said about Ethan?
You guys are really emotionally invested in these youtube kids.
So wait this video was funny and managed to expunge this thread of people who live in an echo chamber and cant look past their own political views?
Incredible H3H3, incredible.
South Park isn't afraid to make fun of alt-right people, as we saw in the last episode, can the same be said about Ethan?
I wish I knew what that meant.
If anything else, I live in an echo-chamber of people doing nothing but bitching about SJWs and everyone being triggered, Gaf is the only site where it's not invested by that shit.
I just dont see what you see in these videos and it really feels like people bringing their own baggage into it, I saw it in the South Park thread at all, I go outside and no-one talks about this stuff but I come on GAF and its people in every thread, its as if people spend all their time visiting internet sites where they become outraged by things that when you step outside never seem to materialise.
You are entitled to your views, but to me this is a comedy video about a pretty unreasonable woman who has lost the plot, I didnt read anything into feminism or sjw, I saw a woman who had gone off the deep end and got exposed.
Can? More like "Should."
Call me when he makes fun of people who call everyone an SJW and a cuck.
Hatred of the Jewish people is the fucking core tenet of the alt-right movement, way more so than the love of politically incorrect humor or hatred of feminists.
If Ethan making fun of the idea Jews caused 9/11 isn't enough for you to think Ethan isn't afraid to make fun of alt-right people, as you asked, then I don't know what to tell you.
There is definitely an overlap.ITT GAF thinks MRAs and antifeminists are all part of the alt right.
your gonna unsub from h3h3 because someone he knows made a video about leafy? ethan hasn't even addressed or discussed whatever's going down with those two. he's staying out of it, even on twitter.
i don't blame you from staying away from the reddit, though. I only go over there every now and again to see if theres any cool fan art. reddit is where youtube drama goes to gestate and regurgitate back out.
The lyft chick was completely in the wrong and people here defend her? What the fuck happened to gaf? This is straight white knighting.
No one is defending her, she was clearly in the wrong but does this mean that H3H3 needs to turn into the "lets shit on crazy feminist" channel?
Dude straight up made a playlist for feminist videos, so there will probably be more in the future.
Like, not one single comment so far has defended her so far. The criticism comes from what direction Ethan is going to take his channel of this continues.
nah im gonna unsub because they made yet another triggered feminist video
The lyft chick was completely in the wrong and people here defend her? What the fuck happened to gaf? This is straight white knighting.
Why can't people just admit when someone on "their side" is wrong.
Reading is hard, huh?
I just dont see what you see in these videos and it really feels like people bringing their own baggage into it, I saw it in the South Park thread at all, I go outside and no-one talks about this stuff but I come on GAF and its people in every thread, its as if people spend all their time visiting internet sites where they become outraged by things that when you step outside never seem to materialise.
You are entitled to your views, but to me this is a comedy video about a pretty unreasonable woman who has lost the plot, I didnt read anything into feminism or sjw, I saw a woman who had gone off the deep end and got exposed.
No, English is not my first language and i'm just terrible at explaining myself. I meant something like "I can't believe people are unsubscribing because it's a feminist video"
Sadly I don't think that's possible for many here. For people who love to complain about "outrage", they sure do love to jump to being outraged themselves pretty quickly.If you disagree, just express it like a normal human being.
There has been like 4 videos from over 300 about SJW's so he really isn't pandering to that market. Just screams of people getting offended that he is making fun of someone you can relate too, all 4 of the videos have shown the "victim" being completely in the wrong too so I wouldn't really worry about this pandering that some of you think is happening.
There has been like 4 videos from over 300 about SJW's so he really isn't pandering to that market. Just screams of people getting offended that he is making fun of someone you can relate too, all 4 of the videos have shown the "victim" being completely in the wrong too so I wouldn't really worry about this pandering that some of you think is happening.
Saw the new video and came directly to GAF to see the reactions.
Come on guys, you can find the behavior from these feminists ridiculous and still not be in the "alt-right Trump followers MRA" shit. Maybe they had these videos close to each other because Ethan just discovered this kind of thing. Maybe he saw the Hugh Mungs video and found the Lyft one in the related stuff, as he probably did when he was searching for ridiculous prank videos after seeing one of them.
He's not making fun of the feminist movement, he's making fun of these ridiculous overreactions. He really doesn't say anything political in these videos.
Words that are definitely used too damn much in today's vernacular:
It's time to stop. That includes you, H3H3.
Words that are definitely used too damn much in today's vernacular:
It's time to stop. That includes you, H3H3.
Pretty fed up of all of these now. Alt-right in particular purely because I'm sick of seeing the term EVERYWHERE at the moment.
It seems the term alt-right is being used a lot as a way to quickly dismiss someone. I'm glad there's people on GAF calling others out for calling Ethan an alt-right when he's clearly the farthest thing from alt-right. He's made many videos showing how progressive his thinking actually is.
It's like Louis CK can talk about how shitty people are who hates gays, but the moment he cracks a rape joke, everybody loses their mind.
You guys are missing the point. I've called both of those people who were the subject of recent videos ridiculous. I don't really think Ethan is super alt right or whatever either. However, doing lots of videos like this attracts that type of people to their community, and they shit up the community and push out normal people, and (like I've said in this thread before) I've seen several youtubers slowly morph into their community when that happened and just become alt right pandering. We know he's not necessarily making fun of feminism, we're not stupid. However he is walking a dangerous line. The people he's pandering to bring a lot of views and clicks, and we are just concerned that he will just delve deeper into that pandering.
That, and the recent videos on those topics have been really lazy.
He could start reacting to Sargon of Akkad or Milo or Davis Aurini or Breitbart/Drudge or Taylor Swift being an alt-right icon or some other "alt-right" weirdo to balance it out, so the new toxic fanbase can be triggered and outrage against h3h3 enough to leave?You guys are missing the point. I've called both of those people who were the subject of recent videos ridiculous. I don't really think Ethan is super alt right or whatever either. However, doing lots of videos like this attracts that type of people to their community, and they shit up the community and push out normal people, and (like I've said in this thread before) I've seen several youtubers slowly morph into their community when that happened and just become alt right pandering. We know he's not necessarily making fun of feminism, we're not stupid. However he is walking a dangerous line. The people he's pandering to bring a lot of views and clicks, and we are just concerned that he will just delve deeper into that pandering.
That, and the recent videos on those topics have been really lazy.
So wait this video was funny and managed to expunge this thread of people who live in an echo chamber and cant look past their own political views?
Incredible H3H3, incredible.
Stop blaming me guys,not cool at all.I wish I knew what that meant.
If anything else, I live in an echo-chamber of people doing nothing but bitching about SJWs and everyone being triggered, Gaf is the only site where it's not invested by that shit.