lol, "upset."
I am simply not interested in this Fox News-esque false equivalence nonsense Ethan is trying to pull in order to have his cake and eat it to. It's disingenuous, and more than that, it's insultingly transparent what he's doing.
H3H3 want to bolster their viewership by pandering to the alt-right crowd with their Harambe memes and "anti SJW" rhetoric, and that's their prerogative, but if they want to present supporting social movements concerned with social justice like BLM as the equivalent on the other side of the argument, they can fuck right off.
It's pick and choose, not both as far as I'm concerned when it comes down promoting equality and alt-right interests, and they need to choose.
Why are you even assuming I'm angry? It's not just this video. I've commented before on how I dislike the way H3H3 have gone with their channel, and the good will they built up with their earlier content is increasingly diminishing to the point where I find myself contemplating whether they're worth another shot.
Don't pretend politics aren't important or that they're somehow above it because they making funny videos every now and then. The character of their content matters, and I'm not interested in supporting a channel that has no qualms courting the support and adoration of racists and sexists alike.
What is the political message hes pushing?
Oh come on, he's only criticizing those that deserve it. Can you honestly say that Lyft Hula girl isn't a horrible person? She's obviously not as bad as Joey(let's pretend black people are more violent than white people)Salads, but they're both awful people that we should remind people not to respect in any way.No matter how much you or Ethan say their videos aren't political and just target bullshit from individuals, the videos they choose to criticize and what they say about them inherently implies a political message. Now, Ethan may think it doesn't, but that just makes him naive.
Incorrect, Pepsi Max is much more refreshing.That Pepsi Max is somehow a good soda, we all know that Coke Zero is ten times better.
And flushed down to community.
oh hey, we community bois now
You wanna go?
Its spooky down here in the sub-basement. This is the exact plot to a Stephen King film.
Doctor Strange, probably.What's this from? I haven't seen it!
Jesus, this is exactly what Ethan was talking about. You're upset that he hasn't "chosen" your side and hasn't called the alt-right total scum, and so you break out the pitchfork and tell him to "fuck right off".lol, "upset."
I am simply not interested in this Fox News-esque false equivalence nonsense Ethan is trying to pull in order to have his cake and eat it to. It's disingenuous, and more than that, it's insultingly transparent what he's doing.
H3H3 want to bolster their viewership by pandering to the alt-right crowd with their Harambe memes and "anti SJW" rhetoric, and that's their prerogative, but if they want to present supporting social movements concerned with social justice like BLM as the equivalent on the other side of the argument, they can fuck right off.
It's pick and choose, not both as far as I'm concerned when it comes down promoting equality and alt-right interests, and they need to choose.
Doctor StrangeWhat's this from? I haven't seen it!
Man I don't normally say shit like this on GAF because I typically like to give people the chance to say their piece but I wish the people going "oh fuck this guy he's gone down hill/has an agenda/this that or the other thing I'm unsubbing" would just fucking silently do it and fuck off. H3H3 is a comedy channel about blasting ass, I don't want to come into the H3H3 thread to see pages and pages of people bitching about politics and how right/left Ethan is and how they're gonna unsub. It's like now that South Park is hitting a little too close to home people in that OT are all up in arms too. It's all fun and games until your thing gets made fun of and then it's all hands on deck.
You wanna unsub? Then just do it and get out and let those of us who still enjoy his videos enjoy them. You don't need our validation to click the unsub button and I doubt most of us give a shit that you're unsubbing or why so just get it over with and there's the door, sorry you don't enjoy it anymore but don't shit it up for the rest of us that do please.
I think this pov is pretty stupid as well so my response to you is just ignore us talking about unsubbing
Discussion, probably.If you're unsubbing then you're not watching his videos anymore so why are you still here?
Discussion, probably.
Except people who are unsubbing were subscribers and are sharing their thoughts, whether you like it or not. Obviously they were emotionally invested.I guess it's just late and I'm tired but I don't see it. I get that it's a forum and it's for talking about all kinds of sides and topics and viewpoints but like, you realize you don't like the videos anymore, you unsub so you don't see them anymore, why do you continue to come into the thread? Just to talk about how you don't like it and you unsubbed? It's like people on the Gaming Side who come into a thread about a game that they'll never play for a system they don't own just to talk about how stupid they think the game is. "I hate this series and this entry doesn't look any better." What's the point of that? It doesn't really breed good discussion it's just flinging shit.
Except people who are unsubbing were subscribers and are sharing their thoughts, whether you like it not.
Every post in here, positive, middle of the road, or negative have had back and forth conversation. That's a discussion, not flinging shit. What you are asking for is basically a vacuum. You don't own this thread.
I can only speak for myself, but I've already spoken my piece and haven't been going on and on about why I unsubbed episodes ago, but I will add to a discussion if I feel like I have something to add.I edited my post to further explain my point (I hope) but you're also right, I don't own this thread. Just like we don't own H3H3 and Ethan doesn't owe us anything so to just come in here and complain endlessly doesn't breed good conversation.
I'm not talking about people who are on the cusp of unsubbing, I'm talking about people who have already unsubbed. The thing you like, you don't like anymore. So what is your angle by continuing to come in to the thread that's specifically about that thing you don't like, just to talk about how much you don't like it and don't watch it anymore?
I guess what I'm having trouble with is, typically if I see a thread on GAF about something I already know I don't like, I don't go into the thread, and I don't take the time to post about how much I don't like the thing. I just ignore it. So I don't really get why people who now don't like/have unsubbed from H3H3 can't just ignore the thread and instead feel the need to come in here and complain about how much they don't like it anymore and how they unsubbed. I admit I came in too hot in my first post but seriously, the last like 5 videos Ethan's made have all been followed with posts about how much people don't like him anymore and how they're unsubbing. Ok, sorry to hear that, but why the need to drone on and on about it? Why does it feel like there are people that said they're unsubbing several videos ago still here talking about how much they don't like H3H3 anymore?
There's an ignore feature built right in, use it!The pious unsub posts are trash and I agree this thread would be better without them but it's best to just ignore it.
There's an unsub feature in Youtube aswell, you don't have to see the videos...There's an ignore feature built right in, use it!
There's an ignore feature built right in, use it!
I've used it, as I said a few post above! But i'll keep continuing to read this thread as much as I want and post when I feel like it. You should too.There's an unsub feature in Youtube aswell, you don't have to see the videos...
Same and I agree!Am I the only one that's never used the ignore feature on this site ever?
I prefer to see everything, whether it's good or bad.
And I don't, as I said a few post above. But i'll keep continuing to read this thread as much as I want and post when I feel like it. You should too.
I really don't want to keep responding to ever other person, especially because I've literally answered this a few posts ago. Actually, I reference this exact thing in the post you're responding to. I also hope you kind find some irony in your question.No offense, but don't you have anything better to do with your time then discussing on an internet forum about a youtube channel you don't even care about?
I can only speak for myself, but I've already spoken my piece and haven't been going on and on about why I unsubbed episodes ago, but I will add to a discussion if I feel like I have something to add.
The reason why I still come to this thread when I see it pop up because at some point I hope I can sub again. Subscriptions are the only way to show your support (insignificant as it may be), so I don't sub and I'll keep checking out this thread and see where it goes. Since unsubbing, I've still watched a video or two, but I've also skipped some too. This thread helps with that.
Am I the only one that's never used the ignore feature on this site ever?
I prefer to see everything, whether it's good or bad.
Same, the ignore feature is just a safe space for people who don't like their opinions challenged. The only people I would ignore are racists and homophobes, etc but those people get banned.Same some posters I definitely don't agree with on certain topics but doesn't mean I want to outright ignore all posts made by them, anyone that is a complete prick is usually banned anyway.
Same some posters I definitely don't agree with on certain topics but doesn't mean I want to outright ignore all posts made by them, anyone that is a complete prick is usually banned anyway.
I can't tell you how many posts I disagree with on gaf. I do like seeing everything because of how baffling some opinions can be lol.
That's another reason.
Sometimes there's that one guy we all follow just to see what bullshit they say, then we all laugh at them.
lol, "upset."
I am simply not interested in this Fox News-esque false equivalence nonsense Ethan is trying to pull in order to have his cake and eat it to. It's disingenuous, and more than that, it's insultingly transparent what he's doing.
H3H3 want to bolster their viewership by pandering to the alt-right crowd with their Harambe memes and "anti SJW" rhetoric, and that's their prerogative, but if they want to present supporting social movements concerned with social justice like BLM as the equivalent on the other side of the argument, they can fuck right off.
It's pick and choose, not both as far as I'm concerned when it comes down promoting equality and alt-right interests, and they need to choose.
They don't need to choose. You're just upset that they haven't chosen. The people that're far right/left do that often. "You're either a steadfast supporter of what I believe or you're a fucking piece of shit." How about not everyone needs to be politically opinionated? You know there're tons of people that don't even know what the right and left stand for.
Since I accidentally posted in this thread while looking at another one...
Someone may say something along the lines of "not having a political opinion is a political opinion". The "political" dimension of things comes down to utility (including potential). People are only as innocent as they are helpful (and not harmful). This applies to everything in the universe, let alone comedy, because something obtaining a political dimension is merely a matter of choosing to see/measure it that way (and thus, we obtain the axiom, "everything is political"). The more the game of politics is central to your person, the more demanding you will be of someone's utility (especially if the enemy has access to it); this will obviously clash with people who have a mild at best engagement with it or any specific conflict within it.
Ethan obviously has some sort of political opinion that may or may not influence how he tells jokes or how you receive them: he's not very enthusiastic on #BLM, but believes "All Lives Matter" is a dubious or unworthy response to it and Joey Salads is plainly fraudulent, moreover he's not particularly judgmental on those who have conflicting opinions (which is the point of the follow-up video). I could see how several very different people could find that harmful or at least not helpful at the same time.
One of the things I was going to bring up was asking if people still held out hope that H3H3 would return to what they liked, and were still here to check in or be lured back, but I got distracted elsewhere online and then fell asleep (haha sounds so lewd).I can only speak for myself, but I've already spoken my piece and haven't been going on and on about why I unsubbed episodes ago, but I will add to a discussion if I feel like I have something to add.
The reason why I still come to this thread when I see it pop up because at some point I hope I can sub again. Subscriptions are the only way to show your support (insignificant as it may be), so I don't sub and I'll keep checking out this thread and see where it goes. Since unsubbing, I've still watched a video or two, but I've also skipped some too. This thread helps with that.
I know I'm on someone's ignore list from a long time ago but I'm pretty sure I don't have anyone for the same reason, I like to see all sides of an argument. It actually really bums me out that I'm on the one that I know of (no idea if there's a way to see who has you ignored) because it was something really stupid like "if you don't agree with X opinion I'm ignoring you all" and I liked the poster that did it too but they'll never know now ;__;Am I the only one that's never used the ignore feature on this site ever?
I prefer to see everything, whether it's good or bad.
If Ethan and Hila are still getting stuff from their Patreon that's $3K a month, then you add in whatever they make via YouTube and other sponsors, they can probably afford a pretty sweet place here depending on what part of LA they're in. Even if they just had the Patreon and allotted $2K to rent they could find a nice 2-bedroom pretty easily I think. Here in Burbank studios and 1-bedrooms usually run anywhere from $800-1400 a month so they could find a 2-bedroom for under $2K as long as they aren't down on the coast or Beverly Hills or something. $2K in New York apparently gets you half a closet from what I'm told.To get things back on topic. It's amazing how much of an upgrade their living situation in LA is compared to NY. I didn't think the price difference could be that drastic, so I'm assuming they're doing pretty well for themselves these days.
Am I the only one that's never used the ignore feature on this site ever?
I prefer to see everything, whether it's good or bad.
you're proving his point...
Jesus, this is exactly what Ethan was talking about. You're upset that he hasn't "chosen" your side and hasn't called the alt-right total scum, and so you break out the pitchfork and tell him to "fuck right off".
And in what world is someone not allowed to support BLM just because they made fun of a few insane girls freaking out over Hugh Mungus and a hula doll?
They don't need to choose. You're just upset that they haven't chosen. The people that're far right/left do that often. "You're either a steadfast supporter of what I believe or you're a fucking piece of shit." How about not everyone needs to be politically opinionated? You know there're tons of people that don't even know what the right and left stand for.
Y'all are like clockwork.
Y'all are like clockwork.