This Hugh Mungus video...jesus at some people...
This Hugh Mungus video...jesus at some people...
yeah. Zarna and her posse are major cunts
They really are. God damn.
H3H3 is back to milking this for the views, huh.This Hugh Mungus video...jesus at some people...
H3H3 is back to milking this for the views, huh.
H3H3 is back to milking this for the views, huh.
New footage came out that shows Zarna harassing Rudy when he was talking with her crowd literally screeching at him. Shows exactly the kind of people they are.
When everyone has moved on from the incident and condemned the girl, they're still going to back to this. But I guess H3H3 is emotionally invested in Hugh Mungus' corner, as if they're a juror to a court case.Nope
When everyone has moved on from the incident and condemned the girl, they're still going to back to this. But I guess H3H3 is emotionally invested in Hugh Mungus' corner, as if they're a juror to a court case.
The 'squeal of outrage' part literally killed me
I haven't watched H3H3 in a while, so this is not directly related to them, but I just had 3 of my posts from their subreddit deleted from when JonTron did his racist rant. And another was from 3 months ago when someone posted a Paul Joseph Watson video and I said this
By the way, don't call JonTron racist on the sub anymore because that's "hate speech".
Everything related to H3H3 is shit now, even the sub. New video about Jake Paul
I can't help but admire the hustle of this Jake Paul kid, as dumb as he likes to make himself out to be he's a very smart kid, he's totally overtaken everyone on youtube in terms of monthly views, secured a 1 million dollar investment for the team 10 company at 19 years old. Everyone in that team 10 house ? he had them sign a 5 year contract and takes 20% of their Adsense. he's created a total monopoly and is milking it for all its worth, has to be making over 5 million a month easily with adsense alone.
Ive grown tired of h3h3, a soon as they left Israel and became bigger the spark was just gone, he doesn't make me laugh anymore at all, it all just seems so forced and as lovley as hila is she just isnt funny.
He briefly goes back to his vape naysh roots in this video. I'm sure you guys will enjoy it
Boi, Catman is thicc!He briefly goes back to his vape naysh roots in this video. I'm sure you guys will enjoy it
We won the lawsuit. Video coming soon. Huge victory for fair use on YouTube.
I'm sure they're ecstatic. So happy for them!
I'm sure they're ecstatic. So happy for them!
How can this play out for them? Would they receive compensation for the shit amount of money this lawsuit cost them?
So happy for them!
As Leonard French said, it's not an automatic process. They can either decide to let Matt Hoss go scot-free (and maybe get a written statement that Matt Hoss won't ever bother them again, à la Jim Sterling)... Or they can sue Matt Hoss - sue is not the right term, but I forget what word he used - for attorney fees. From the looks of it, they would have a high chance of winning, though he wagers Matt Hoss probably doesn't have enough money to pay them back since their expenses are probably upwards of 100,000 dollars at this point.
Awesome news. I'll look forward to the video.
I'm sure they're ecstatic. So happy for them!
Pretty much sums up my feelings on the subject of digital blackface. Man, I started liking H3H3 when most of GAF started to turn on him. weird.