Halo Infinite went a bit bumpy road, but it's almost here. With its latest Single Player campaign showcase we can see how much progress has been made. Let's check it out!
I must have watched that campaign reveal a dozen times now and still finding new things. Hype is building.Caught a lot of stuff in there. Good vid.
Looks like Alex shares the same "concerns" that I have. Give this a LOL emoji.
eh I kinda agree with him. It's certain scenes though. I liked the lighting of the cockpit scene more in the previous version. Lighting looked a bit more dramatic on the pilot (other than the sparkplug shot, that was an improvement).I think he came off as a bit harsh, the game has certainly improved. Saying it ”at times look worse” is a bit much IMO, but I’m no expert.
I think he came off as a bit harsh, the game has certainly improved. Saying it ”at times look worse” is a bit much IMO, but I’m no expert.
Yeah, the segmented hex walls and their improved texture details adds quite a bit to the scene, and I've been extremely critical of those flat hex walls. Anyone saying that that looks worse than original gameplay reveal has an axe to grind.He's way talking out his ass. Even Cinematics look worse? Anyone can see and compare the two cinematics shown and tell the new stuff looks decidedly more detailed and more polished. The environments, rocky mountain sides, lighting, texture detail, texture pop-in are all dramatically improved. The hex walls look way better than they did before. Well, he's entitled to his opinion, even a totally incorrect one.
There is no Covenant in Halo Infinite. Covenant is dead now. It is now a ton of splinter factions like The Banished and The Keepers of the One True Freedom. My money on Harbinger is they are a Precursor.I thought the harbinger was just that Vex/ Makyr looking thing from the recent video. Not a unique faction
I mean, overall it looks improved (especially gameplay segments), but there are artistic changes made during cutscenes that look worse IMO in some shots.He's way talking out his ass. Even Cinematics look worse? Anyone can see and compare the two cinematics shown and tell the new stuff looks decidedly more detailed and more polished. The environments, rocky mountain sides, lighting, texture detail, texture pop-in are all dramatically improved. The hex walls look way better than they did before. Well, he's entitled to his opinion, even a totally incorrect one.
They are doing like Destiny 2. Halo Infinite is the shell for GaaS. Eventually the campaign we play this fall will get its own name. They will add new expansions for campaign over the years including new MC stories and other characters. Rumors are first campaign DLC is Arbiter. 2nd campaign DLC is Buck.So happy more people are finally catching on to this. This campaign may be starting as one complete Master Chief story, but there will be more of them over the next 10 years. This campaign, when all is said and done, could actually turn out to be 2 pretty substantial campaigns in one, possibly three or more if they end up being smaller slices that aren't as big as this first one.
Yeah I'd agree with this, and I think this is what Alex was referring to as far that goes.I mean, overall it looks improved (especially gameplay segments), but there are artistic changes made during cutscenes that look worse IMO in some shots.
For example:
The old shot on the left looked better imo.
However, I prefer this new scene's composition
In general the Pilot's vest and clothes have more texture detail brought out, but some of the facial lighting looks worse in some shots. Seems like they wanted more focus on the face rather than having it in shadow, which is fine I guess. It's an artistic choice and I'm sure the cinematic artists went back and forth with a ton of iterations. That's what they do.
They are doing like Destiny 2. Halo Infinite is the shell for GaaS. Eventually the campaign we play this fall will get its own name. They will add new expansions for campaign over the years including new MC stories and other characters. Rumors are first campaign DLC is Arbiter. 2nd campaign DLC is Buck.
I mean, overall it looks improved (especially gameplay segments), but there are artistic changes made during cutscenes that look worse IMO in some shots.
For example:
The old shot on the left looked better imo.
However, I prefer this new scene's composition
In general the Pilot's vest and clothes have more texture detail brought out, but some of the facial lighting looks worse in some shots. Seems like they wanted more focus on the face rather than having it in shadow, which is fine I guess. It's an artistic choice and I'm sure the cinematic artists went back and forth with a ton of iterations. That's what they do.
Reposting from another thread:
Guess I’ll post this here since the Xbox OT sadly has so little activity (why is that?). I wish it was more active. Oh well.
Remember the announcement/game engine demonstration trailer? I’m curious how much, if any, of the enviroments and animals featured in it is still present in the game?
If what shown in that trailer is still in, man, we’re getting a special kind of Halo this year.
I’m confident the number of animals in the stampede won’t be possible with the scale of what 343 is going for infinite, but it’s still interesting to look back at.
Just did a count and there was about 40 animals in that stampade. That combined with physics, vehicles and whatnot seems a bit optimistic. Don’t get me wrong, I would love to see it! Yeah however, I hope the rhinos, sandy areas and wet caves are still in.Of course that number of animals is possible, they put well over 20 enemies on screen with more complex AI with vehicles and all the action going on.
I know we've seen quite a few newer animals since this reveal. We haven't seen the deer, but we've seen those gophers, we've seen birds, we've seen those larger birds from the campaign overview. We've yet to see the larger animals such as deer and rhinos, but I imagine they must be present.
Just did a count and there was about 40 animals in that stampade. That combined with physics, vehicles and whatnot seems a bit optimistic. Don’t get me wrong, I would love to see it! Yeah however, I hope the rhinos, sandy areas and wet caves are still in.
Reposting from another thread:
Guess I’ll post this here since the Xbox OT sadly has so little activity (why is that?). I wish it was more active. Oh well.
Remember the announcement/game engine demonstration trailer? I’m curious how much, if any, of the enviroments and animals featured in it is still present in the game?
If what shown in that trailer is still in, man, we’re getting a special kind of Halo this year.
I’m confident the number of animals in the stampede won’t be possible with the scale of what 343 is going for infinite, but it’s still interesting to look back at.
This slipstream demo is infinitely better than anything they showed recently. I’m sour this isn’t the game we are getting.
Kinda intelligent enemies are gonna be a huge difference.And to be fair, I didn't see anything in that trailer that doesn't exist in some shape or form in Far Cry 6 (or 5, for that matter).
Looks like Alex shares the same "concerns" that I have. Give this a LOL emoji.
Looks like Alex shares the same "concerns" that I have. Give this a LOL emoji.
Right so Alex was actually comparing to the opening cinematic from 2019 and the engine trailer from 2018. The engine trailer is obviously the bar they were aiming for but haven't attained unfortunately (but then again has any game attained that level?).Yeah I'd agree with this, and I think this is what Alex was referring to as far that goes.
The graphics aren't technically worse (in fact they've even adjusted the pilots bone structure so that his eyes sit deeper in his skull which is nice because the initial reveal version didn't quite look right), but they have messed around with the lighting and as such is looks overly lit and less cinematic.
As far as the campaign footage goes I do think people overstating how much improvement there's been purely because they want desperately for there to be a massive upgrade, but it still absolutely looks better than last year overall.
Destiny failed as they scrapped a lot of Joe Staten's world building for it. I believe he left Bungie shortly after the first game launched.The failure of Destiny for me, and many others, was it never doing a good enough job establishing a new universe in a serious way. Bungie seemed to want the easy side of the kinds of games they like to make without building out the big singleplayer epic to accompany it that people who were fans of their Halo games wanted.
Definitely artistic, and the scene preceding it where the Pilot's holographic device finally died on him was the visually weakest moment of Discover Hope trailer by far. They fixed it in the newer, updated cinematics. Rest of what he says is just bizarre. He tried to use the initial reveal trailer to claim it demonstrated more variety in locations. Actually, it did not.
95% of that whole trailer is the exact same PNW biome. The scene with the deer is the same biome, just at night under different lighting conditions. There was a cave? Guess what Halo Infinite already has caves confirmed. There was some underground looking area or whatever that was? Halo Infinite has underground areas confirmed just in the latest Inside Infinite by Joe Staten, he cites what he calls a desert in the trailer. How do we even know that's actually a desert at all, and not the deadlands, which is one of the sub biomes of Halo Infinite, something we got a small tease of in campaign overview, the location with the birds. That scene accounted for a whole of 4 seconds in the initial Halo Infinite reveal. Next, the rhinos were again in the same biome. No evidence they weren't, just with more dirt ground. That's been seen already in campaign overview, plenty of just dirt ground areas. We haven't seen an ocean, but we've seen multiple bodies of water, one of which appeared like some lake. The area where the marines popped that smoke signal? That's the same PNW biome. The area with chief overlooking it all? Same Zeta Halo PNW biome. The area with Chief driving the warthog? Same PNW biome. The night time scene with what seems to be a fire burning? Same PNW biome.
This is the dominant biome of a Halo. Variety, diversity, that all comes with how 343i designs the areas, what they put in the areas. I suspect we will find something memorable about a location with a downed Guardian. There will be plenty of forerunner interiors, a big part of a Halo also. I'm just stunned that with all the samey looking shooters out there with their boring locations, a huge ass Halo with all this open space freedom is where Alex from DF draws the line. I cringed listening to the guy lol.
You don't have to find Halo Infinite amazing looking, but claiming at one point Death Stranding's gameplay was more interesting than the possibility of a more open, more freedom filled Halo had me immediately stop watching lol.
nothing controversial imo, game is far from being a looker so if sombody thought it will be could be disappointed, tough game still can be good
I shit on you my friend, not on DF.Nothing controversial besides the troll you're replying to constantly shits on df. All of a sudden after concern trolling this thread he found something from df to "back" his shitposting lol.
Agreed.nothing controversial imo, game is far from being a looker so if sombody thought it will be could be disappointed, tough game still can be good
game is far from being a looker
As one of the biggest and most recognizable gaming franchises around, expectations from a new Halo game are always going to be sky high. It's fair to say that the series has routinely fallen short of those expectations ever since Bungie handed over the reins to 343 Industries, and that's exactly why there's so much riding on Halo Infinite.
Promising the definitive and biggest experience in Halo franchise and being touted as a spiritual reboot, Halo Infinite needs to be a much-needed win for the series. Its release is soon approaching, and by this point, we know plenty about both how its campaign and its multiplayer are going to work (and we're likely going to learn even more in the coming weeks). Here, we'll be taking a look at some key details you should know about the game.
It's not the best-looking game, but it's also not the worst. It's not a next-gen showcase, but it is going to be a fun romp. When you consider Hellblade 2, Flight Simulator, and Forza Horizon are in the mix and do look better, I personally am disappointed in Halo's newest graphics tech. It does a lot to maintain performance which is fantastic, but its drawbacks are apparent. Everything up close looks great but everything further from the player has some aliasing, and the LOD looks very low. The scope and scale is fantastic though.Game looks great, I call BS on those that that say "far from being a looker".
I can disagree with Alex from DF without trying to discredit him. To say it looks worse then the previous showing, I think is clearly incorrect. His gameplay concerns don't really make sense to me. Infinite is "limited" open world, just like the original halo with slightly more freedom in a wider sandbox. This is a reboot/reimagining of halo, so yeah I would expect them to add to the gameplay and try to take it to the next level. Nobody wants the exact same corridor shooter that we have had the past 20 years. Anyone that wants more of the same, can go back and play the older games.
I don't really get his reasoning on the gameplay comments from him, imo when he talks of gameplay, I don't think he knows what he is talking about. just my opinion.
Leadbetter is the only one of those guys that never triggers me. Alex has to always demonstrate the superiority of PC over console. Always indirectly but nevertheless it's f'ing annoying. John is great for his passion of all things gaming but he plays softball with developers too often when they have botched something major. Richard does that too. I would like to see these guys lay into a developer the next time they market their game as having HDR but then give us a broken or non-existent implementation, for instance. Rdr2, the Surge 2, Hitman 3, Darksiders 3 all come to mind. I'd like to see these guys use their platform to let some of these companies know how disappointing it is for his subscribers to buy a $60 game and have to suffer through months hoping a patch will fix what shoulda been working at launch. (Cough.. Hitman 3 "hdr", ahem Halo MCC Halo 1 and 2 campaigns on Xbox One X cough..)Right so Alex was actually comparing to the opening cinematic from 2019 and the engine trailer from 2018. The engine trailer is obviously the bar they were aiming for but haven't attained unfortunately (but then again has any game attained that level?).
The 2019 opening cinematic was what i expected graphically from the game. What we got in 2020 in the cinematic before the infamous gameplay was considerably worse. The new cinematic 2021 is just as good as the 2019 cinematic and slightly improved, but is lit differently to give an overall different composition.
Alex mentioned nothing about the massively improved LOD and pop in. The new volumetric lighting, character models being more detailed and the changes to the art direction. In fact it took Leadbetter to actually mention these improvements.