NeoGAFs Kent Brockman

Halo Infinite estará hecho para fans y novatos; Game Pass influyó en el desarrollo | LevelUp
343 Industries quiere tener varios guiños para los fans veteranos
At a presentation featuring LEVEL UP, a spokesperson for 343 Industries acknowledged that Xbox Game Pass influenced the way they designed Halo Infinite. This can be seen in the way they designed the story so that anyone can understand it. In other words, they wanted Infinite to be a good entry point into Halo.
"Game Pass is an exciting opportunity with all the inertia of millions of subscribers. We definitely had that in mind. We wanted it to be a great place for all players to make the jump into the Halo universe," the studio explained.
It is important to note that this does not mean that Halo Infinite will forget about the veterans of the series. 343 Industries confirmed that they will reward fans with a lot of winks about the series, which will surely arouse an emotional reaction in many.