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Hamas terrorists infiltrated Israel. 1400+ killed, 2400+ wounded, 240+ abducted. Israel declares war

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ידע זה כוח
And what if the people who did it were still around, still completely devoting their entire lives to doing it again and again and recruiting and training as many people as they can to do it forever, even if they are all going to die, to fight even a losing battle with utter malice because they believe it is what God wants and they will be rewarded if they fight to their last breath, with funding and resources from multiple wealthy countries.

I think many people just can't comprehend the evil. They don't understand people who will kill to the bitter end even if they are certain to lose. They think "Surely, if they are defeated they will become reasonable, they will make a deal if it looks like every Palestinian will die." No. That isn't how they think. It's an apocalyptic death cult. A blight to all humanity.
The moment she told me "you're bombing babies" I knew the conversation was lost. You can't argue with someone who equates our hard work not to hurt civilians, compared to them who did atrocities the world can not abide.

It's not like we are aiming for babies, we gave them 2 weeks to get out before we went in.
I remember having a strange conversation with an unapologetic Neo Nazi years ago and I remember him saying that the Nazis actually won the war because they permanently changed the world ideologically. They basically ended the enlightenment.
I thought he was insane but now I am not too sure.


I remember having a strange conversation with an unapologetic Neo Nazi years ago and I remember him saying that the Nazis actually won the war because they permanently changed the world ideologically. They basically ended the enlightenment.
I thought he was insane but now I am not too sure.

That goes against the fact that antisemitism in Europe was strong, even before the Nazis. They ramped it up to 11, but their hatred was not new.


I really couldn't sleep well tonight, the toll of it all is very heavy. We are seeing in real time how the West is falling, and against sacrifices the Jews. I hope my country will continue the operation even when the pressure becomes unbearable. We can't stop.

Calm down a bit. The west is not falling.

Frankly, in terms of geo-political importance, what’s happening in Gaza is far less important than the war in Ukraine for the safety and security of the west.

We are dealing with a grotesque warping of parts of western societies attitude towards jewish people, which needs addressing, but, as ever, social media makes things seem even worse than they are.

This cancerous ideology has been brought out into the sunlight because of these atrocities, and hopefully that will lead to change.

But the west really is not falling… and if anyone feels that way, they should probably step away from social media and do something more constructive and positive.
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That goes against the fact that antisemitism in Europe was strong, even before the Nazis. They ramped it up to 11, but their hatred was not new.
True but I but I think he was referring to that there was in general a continuous improvement throughout the 18th and 19th century and then there was a big period of regression in the 30s and 40s which obviously he thought was a good thing. It was no doubt bad before but it was typically better than the previous century but with recent events I would say anti semitism has gone back 100 years and these people haven't just started hating Jews, they obviously always had. Also when you look at people being pro segregation, racial hierarchy etc. This century looks like it's going backwards. I have even see a shocking number of comments saying Hitler was right recently. This stuff was always there just hidden.


Simps for Amouranth
I had added a bit into my Spielberg post but thought it better in here and to keep the realities of war out of that thread so I'll post it here..

I have to add, how can anyone not watch Schindler's List and see what the Jews actually went through and not see that collectively the Jews of today still carry that awful chapter with them, it's still recent history ffs and not understand that when under threat they will respond with overwhelming violence, so many where killed in such a horrible, violent and methodological fashion that their actions in recent years will always in my mind be justified by their past, we all know that they are surrounded by enemies who at a fucking drop of a heart beat would put them through the same shit Hitler did only they can't cause now it's the Jews on top and they (Muslims) don't fucking like it.


True but I but I think he was referring to that there was in general a continuous improvement throughout the 18th and 19th century and then there was a big period of regression in the 30s and 40s which obviously he thought was a good thing. It was no doubt bad before but it was typically better than the previous century but with recent events I would say anti semitism has gone back 100 years and these people haven't just started hating Jews, they obviously always had. Also when you look at people being pro segregation, racial hierarchy etc. This century looks like it's going backwards. I have even see a shocking number of comments saying Hitler was right recently. This stuff was always there just hidden.

Anti-semitism in Europe remained continuous in most of Europe. There were some peaks and lows.
In Germany it was an exception. Antisemitism was as strong as in other countries. But after the loss of WW1, the rise of the myth that Germany had been "stabbed in the back", gave rise to antisemitism.
Just consider that Ludendorff, was running away to Switzerland in disguise, fearing for his life after losing the war. When he heard people talking about the myth of "the stab in the back".
When he realized that the German people were blaming the Jews and not him, he returned to Germany. And some years later, joined the Nazi Party and was even a part of the Beer Hall Putsch.
But for the German people in general, the myth of "the stab in the back" gave them an escape goat and reinforced the antisemitic sentiment that had always been in Europe.
Calm down a bit. The west is not falling.

Frankly, in terms of geo-political importance, what’s happening in Gaza is far less important than the war in Ukraine for the safety and security of the west.

We are dealing with a grotesque warping of parts of western societies attitude towards jewish people, which needs addressing, but, as ever, social media makes things seem even worse than they are.

This cancerous ideology has been brought out into the sunlight because of these atrocities, and hopefully that will lead to change.

But the west really is not falling… and if anyone feels that way, they should probably step away from social media and do something more constructive and positive.
The West is not falling as of now but I wouldn't be surprised if it does. I remember reading about the fall of Constantinople to Islam which finally ended the Roman /Byzantine Empire. It didn't happen overnight, it was gradual and Europe could easily have United to defeat the invaders but they didn't because they were too preoccupied with squabbling with each other. I don't see why it would different now.


as someone who lives in a big city in germany and saw one of these pro gaza/hamas demos live i'm seriously thinking about if i should move somewhere else because i can't even imagine what my home city will look like 10 years from now if mass immigration continues (and it looks like it will). if i was a jew there i would have feared for my life as terrible as that sounds and i seriously doubt police is going to be able to proect anyone if there is a huge escalation. what makes things worse is that we are completly unarmed should things spiral out of control.
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Show that then, not unrelated footage presented as being from this conflict.

as someone who lives in a big city in germany and saw one of these pro gaza/hamas demos live i'm seriously thinking about if i should move somewhere else because i can't even imagine what my hme city will look like 10 years from now if mass immigration continues (and it looks like it will). if i was a jew there i would have feared for my life as terrible as that sounds and i seriously doubt police is going to be able to proect anyone if there is a huge escalation. what makes things worse is that we are completly unarmed should things spiral out of control.

Move where? Will eveyone escape their homes because of "islamofobia"? You can't make changes if you run away (not aimed at you really, just in general).
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Move where? Will eveyone escape their homes because of "islamofobia"? You can't make changes if you run away (not aimed at you really, just in general).

that's the big question. i don't know where. somewhere more rural i guess and then embrace the village life. honestly i also can't make any changes if i stay here, our polticians are all in on mass immigration from islamic countries. some want to go full speed ahead and others want to take it a little slower but the end result will be the same.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
Calm down a bit. The west is not falling.

Frankly, in terms of geo-political importance, what’s happening in Gaza is far less important than the war in Ukraine for the safety and security of the west.

We are dealing with a grotesque warping of parts of western societies attitude towards jewish people, which needs addressing, but, as ever, social media makes things seem even worse than they are.

This cancerous ideology has been brought out into the sunlight because of these atrocities, and hopefully that will lead to change.

But the west really is not falling… and if anyone feels that way, they should probably step away from social media and do something more constructive and positive.
I’ve been hearing predictions of the fall of the west due to the hordes of Islamic migrants since at least 2001. We’ve been told to just “wait a few decades” for over two decades, and yet here we are in 2023 and I don’t recall the last time anyone interjected the viewpoint of sharia law into the public discourse on gender reassignment surgery.
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
History fascinates, as always. Jefferson and Adams met with the ambassador of Tripoli after the Barbary States captured and enslaved ~1.25 million Europeans and Americans and demanded tribute from the USA. They had some choice words about the meeting in their letter back home. Jefferson then decided not to pay tribute and instead sent the fledgeling American navy there to take them out and rescue the captives.


We took the liberty to make some inquiries concerning the Grounds of their pretentions to make war upon Nations who had done them no Injury, and observed that we considered all mankind as our friends who had done us no wrong, nor had given us any provocation.

The Ambassador answered us that it was founded on the Laws of their Prophet,1 that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.

That it was a law that the first who boarded an Enemy’s Vessell should have one slave, more than his share with the rest, which operated as an incentive to the most desperate Valour and Enterprise, that it was the Practice of their Corsairs to bear down upon a ship, for each sailor to take a dagger in each hand and another in his mouth, and leap on board, which so terrified their Enemies that very few ever stood against them, that he verily believed the Devil assisted his Countrymen, for they were almost always successful. We took time to consider and promised an answer, but we can give him no other, than that the demands exceed our Expectations, and that of Congress, so much that we can proceed no further without fresh instructions.

There is but one possible way that we know of to procure the money, if Congress should authorize us to go to the necessary expence, and that is to borrow it in Holland. We are not certain it can be had there. But if Congress should order us to make the best terms we can with Tunis, Tripoli, Algiers and Morocco, and to procure this money wherever we can find it, upon terms like those of the last loan in Holland, our best endeavours shall be used to remove this formidable obstacle out of the way of the prosperity of the United States.

Inclosed is a Copy of a Letter from P. R. Randall Esqr. at Barcelona, the last from Mr. Barclay was dated Bayonne. It is hoped we shall soon have news from Algiers and Morocco, and we wish it may not be made more disagreable than this from Tunis and Tripoli. We are &c.


The more things change...
I’ve been hearing predictions of the fall of the west due to the hordes of Islamic migrants since at least 2001. We’ve been told to just “wait a few decades” for over two decades, and yet here we are in 2023 and I don’t recall the last time anyone interjected the viewpoint of sharia law into the public discourse on gender reassignment surgery.
To be honest, this one is a bit more complicated and hard to predict. Demographically Muslims just don't make up that much of the population in most European countries and even less in America. It would take decades at the current rate for Muslims to become a majority outside of some urban areas. It is possible if demographic trends continue but It will take at least 50 years. Politically things would then change as is it has everywhere else that has seen the same trend.. However what we don't know is if Islam goes the way of Christianity of if successive generations become less religious. It doesn't look like it now but it could happen. I remember people saying that Conservatism would die out because when polled the vast majority of young people in the 60s were left wing but now they are 70 they vote overwhelmingly for the right.


History fascinates, as always. Jefferson and Adams met with the ambassador of Tripoli after the Barbary States captured and enslaved ~1.25 million Europeans and Americans and demanded tribute from the USA. They had some choice words about the meeting in their letter back home. Jefferson then decided not to pay tribute and instead sent the fledgeling American navy there to take them out and rescue the captives.


We took the liberty to make some inquiries concerning the Grounds of their pretentions to make war upon Nations who had done them no Injury, and observed that we considered all mankind as our friends who had done us no wrong, nor had given us any provocation.

The Ambassador answered us that it was founded on the Laws of their Prophet,1 that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.

That it was a law that the first who boarded an Enemy’s Vessell should have one slave, more than his share with the rest, which operated as an incentive to the most desperate Valour and Enterprise, that it was the Practice of their Corsairs to bear down upon a ship, for each sailor to take a dagger in each hand and another in his mouth, and leap on board, which so terrified their Enemies that very few ever stood against them, that he verily believed the Devil assisted his Countrymen, for they were almost always successful. We took time to consider and promised an answer, but we can give him no other, than that the demands exceed our Expectations, and that of Congress, so much that we can proceed no further without fresh instructions.

There is but one possible way that we know of to procure the money, if Congress should authorize us to go to the necessary expence, and that is to borrow it in Holland. We are not certain it can be had there. But if Congress should order us to make the best terms we can with Tunis, Tripoli, Algiers and Morocco, and to procure this money wherever we can find it, upon terms like those of the last loan in Holland, our best endeavours shall be used to remove this formidable obstacle out of the way of the prosperity of the United States.

Inclosed is a Copy of a Letter from P. R. Randall Esqr. at Barcelona, the last from Mr. Barclay was dated Bayonne. It is hoped we shall soon have news from Algiers and Morocco, and we wish it may not be made more disagreable than this from Tunis and Tripoli. We are &c.


The more things change...
Hitchens has used this historical fact as evidence on the real identity of Islam and its teachings.
But currently the Jewish community holds enough power positions in the West, from political, military and media sides, to turn the West against the muslims, and they need to, otherwise I dont see them surviving this. The West finally chilling with the muslim mass migration might actually happen.
The problem is that even among jews some of them (or maybe a lot?) do not support Israel.

The West is not falling as of now but I wouldn't be surprised if it does. I remember reading about the fall of Constantinople to Islam which finally ended the Roman /Byzantine Empire. It didn't happen overnight, it was gradual and Europe could easily have United to defeat the invaders but they didn't because they were too preoccupied with squabbling with each other. I don't see why it would different now.
Yeah, I believe with muslim population growing in Europe you will get a lot of folks aligned with the middle east in europe. It would be something similar to western countries aligning with other western countries and vice versa. Will be a gr

I have always maintained my stance that islamic world needs something like reformation so that the religious zealotry would go away. For now, a lot of those countries are living in 12th century - at least it is comparable to christianity of that time. Except rather than crusades, there is jihad.
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Some Jews don't, but overwhelmingly they do. Some Jews also supported Hitler, some people think people can change. And as you grow older you understand that people can change if they work at it, and most are lazy.

This is very true. I see it a lot in addiction recovery, which is something that requires a fundamental change in life and thinking processes.
Every single addict on this planet has the ability to recover and get sober, yet less than 10% will do it.
Change is always possible, but it requires genuine desire in the person and a LOT of hard work.

Digging your way out of a hate filled stone age ideology that you were indoctrinated into the second you escape the womb seems even less plausible.


The West is not falling as of now but I wouldn't be surprised if it does. I remember reading about the fall of Constantinople to Islam which finally ended the Roman /Byzantine Empire. It didn't happen overnight, it was gradual and Europe could easily have United to defeat the invaders but they didn't because they were too preoccupied with squabbling with each other. I don't see why it would different now.
Europe was very different in 1450. When Constantinople got reinforcements from Europe, they were seen as being like weird dysfunctional barbaric savages, not some sort of advanced Atlantean stormtroopers from the future. It was only after Constantinople fell that Europe went through the Renaissance or "Rebirth" where they recovered a lot of knowledge that they lost with the fall of the Western Roman Empire, largely fuelled by eastern scholars fleeing to the west with their libraries.
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member

Arrigoni claimed that it was in his blood to fight for freedom as his grandfathers fought against the former fascist regime in Italy. He had the Arabic word for resistance (muqawama) tattooed on his right arm.

Zionism is an abominable, racist and colonial movement. Like all colonial and apartheid systems, it's in the interest of all that it be swept away. My hope is to see it replaced, without any bloodshed, with a democratic, secular and lay state – for example on the borders of historic Palestine – and where Palestinians and Israelis could live under equal rights of citizenship without ethnic and religious discrimination. It's a wish that I hope will soon become a reality."
— Vittorio Arrigoni, 2010[10]



To be honest, this one is a bit more complicated and hard to predict. Demographically Muslims just don't make up that much of the population in most European countries and even less in America. It would take decades at the current rate for Muslims to become a majority outside of some urban areas. It is possible if demographic trends continue but It will take at least 50 years. Politically things would then change as is it has everywhere else that has seen the same trend.. However what we don't know is if Islam goes the way of Christianity of if successive generations become less religious. It doesn't look like it now but it could happen. I remember people saying that Conservatism would die out because when polled the vast majority of young people in the 60s were left wing but now they are 70 they vote overwhelmingly for the right.
Westerners expect a certain level of freedom and comfort. When things become less comfortable, they leave and the demographics change very fast. It happens in Israel all the time. When a town's Haredi population becomes large enough, certain areas of the city become ultra-religious, with male/female separation and special dress codes, etc. When this happens, the secular Jews start feeling like it's not their home anymore, they don't feel comfortable in their own neighborhood and eventually, they leave.

Currently, 15% of Londoners are Muslim. At some point, the Muslim population in London will be large enough to make Londoners feel uncomfortable (because of the lack of assimilation of most Muslim immigrants, not because they are Muslim per se), it won't feel like London to them anymore. There are a lot of scenarios of what can happen once London reaches that point, but the clash will happen way before there are 50% Muslims in the UK and even long before there are 50% just in London. The same goes for every big European country.
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— Vittorio Arrigoni, 2010[10]


All those sex workers, LGBT and women in support of Hamas should probably also do a tour in Gaza. It is hilarious that Israel and a lot of western states provide a lot of support and security to women and minorities, yet now they support people who would gladly behead them in the name of the prophet.

Currently, 15% of Londoners are Muslim. At some point, the Muslim population in London will be large enough to make Londoners feel uncomfortable (because of the lack of assimilation of most Muslim immigrants, not because they are Muslim per se), it won't feel like London to them anymore. There are a lot of scenarios of what can happen once London reaches that point, but the clash will happen way before there are 50% Muslims in the UK and even long before there are 50% just in London. The same goes for every big European country.

I expect some trends similar to what is happening in USA - where a lot of people move from urbans to suburbans, while cities are becoming a dystopian mess with high rise buildings, poverty and crime.
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
What an idiot.
Even worse, Hamas allegedly found the group that murdered him, but Arrigoni's parents urged Hamas that they shouldn't be put to death.

So they were all given reduced sentences and one of them eventually left Gaza and joined ISIS.

The four Salafist extremists captured in the raid were charged over Arrigoni's abduction and murder in a Hamas military court. The trial was presided over by military judge Abu Omar Atallah.[23] They were found guilty in September 2012. Mahmoud al-Salfiti, 28, and Tamer al-Hasana, 27, were sentenced to life imprisonment with hard labor: the court refrained from imposing the death penalty on them after Arrigoni's parents urged that they be spared. Khader Jram, 24, was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment and Amer Abu Ghouleh, 23, was given a prison term of one year for sheltering fugitives. Following an appeal, a military court reduced the sentences of Salfiti and al-Hasana from life to 15 years on 19 February 2013. "We asked in our appeal for the conviction for murder and abduction to be dropped to only abduction," their lawyer Mohammed Zaqut said.[24][3][25][26][27]

In June 2015, after being granted a furlough from prison, Mahmoud al-Salfiti managed to escape from Gaza to Iraq, where he joined ISIS. On 28 November 2015 he was reportedly killed fighting for ISIS in Anbar province.[28][29]


Not only did they kill Shani Louk, they beheaded her .. Her skull was found separated from her body ..
This is like a distopian sci fi picture, where barbarians from the middle ages attack a high tec country. Only that it´s real.
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