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Hamas terrorists infiltrated Israel. 1400+ killed, 2400+ wounded, 240+ abducted. Israel declares war

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Beautiful. Nice to see someone with some common moral sense in the PC shitfest that is the American colleges and universities.

We are not happy. Sadly our governments are pieces of shit and they imported this trash to get more votes in the next elections and then they let more in for the next election...

This cycle continues until we're completely outnumbered by these people that have 5 kids when they are living on benefits.

If nothing is done fast I predict Europe will actually be 50% or more arab/muslim and our western values go out the door.
That honestly sounds terrifying. You'd think after all the terror attacks that happened over Europe in the last decade they'd think twice before opening immigration to all those places.
I hope European consensus about their countries being so open will change soon enough before we get a country with a Hamas supporter president
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CliffyB's Cock Holster
These fucking idiots can scream about their holy book all they like, the progress is always towards secularism.

Its not progress if a person shifts from a religious to secular belief system yet behaves just as odiously to those who don't share their credo.

Its never about what we believe for ourselves, its what our beliefs entitle us to impose on other people.


Two cool links, two interesting and completely unexpected perspectives: Ben-Gurion and a Palestinian girl.

Here's the text of the email (with a few typos cleaned up by me):
"Hey! :D
I hope this e-mail finds you well. Apologies in advance for the English. I am not a native speaker. Originally from Gaza. Im (name).. 20 years old. I was able to secure the necessary permits to move to the west bank about 2 years ago to stay with my aunt and uncle while i conduct my studies. i hope to be a nurse (hebron).
I found your tweets a while ago and have followed you on twitter a while. I listened to your podcast series for weeks. Some of it i knew, some of it i didn't. It was nice to hear an non-biased non-arab (presumably not jewish) narrate the history of my people. At the start of episode 2 i realised they are just like me. The jews, I mean. They wanted their own land and came with hopes and dreams to secure a better future for their loved ones and families. I think there is probably a jewish girl my age wanting peace with us.
I know your media views us as vermin, but we aren't. One of the reasons i follow you is not just your podcast but you see us as humans which is so rare for people in america.
I don't believe israelis are bad or that jewish people are bad. I know in gaza there are many that do, but it is sometimes hard to escape that after what they have done. My family still lives in a cage.
The blockcade has destroyed the economy! Sometimes ten hours without electricity! Israel has a thriving economy. Tech centre of the middle east. We don't even have our own airport. We don't have good infrastructure. We haven't been able to rebuild. We have nothing. Even in the west bank they terorrirse us all the time. It makes people angry and resentful.
But there are many like me and my friend Fatimah, who even prayed for the Israelis when the attacks happened on the 7th. I pray Allah grants them Jannah. Those people at the concert did not choose this life any more than i did. My heart is sad for their families, what was done to them cannot be forgiven ever :( and allah won't forgive those that did it.
My own parents and siblings are in Gaza. Every day i hear from them i thank allah they are alive. He is merciful for sparing them. They would rather die then leave gaza and never be able to go back. When the bombs came near my home in 2019 i did not care. I was ready. I did not cower. When you grow up in Gaza you prepare for death. My heart is so broken for my people, i do not have enough tears left. Everyday new buildings. My old school destroyed. My uncles shop in Gaza in ruins.
One of the reason i adored your podcast and listened to it twice was you make us sound so similar. By us i mean us palestinians and the jewish. We are just both brothers/sisters, jewish and arab who want the same thing. A place to call home. They were just like me. The difference is when they die your media mourns them in a way it never mourns us. In 2018 so many of us died and yet nobody mourns us and humanises us in death. They have articles for lone IDF soldiers who die in israel. But when our boys die in the west bank, nothing is said..Just those dumb arabs that deserve it.
We did not get a say in how Gaza was run. I would not vote for them! My dad in fact hates them he calls the hamas leaderships corrupt baboons. He knew young boys who he teaches who join the resistance and he feels so sad for them. Sad because they were sweet innocent boys who saw their families killed by the israelis and then are driven to go fight for a group that does not care for them.
My friend Rakeem i played with when i was younger. He saw both of his parents die from the israelis. He also saw his grandparents, one sister and baby brother aged 2 die. Only him and his sister lived. He carried his little brothers corpse for hours when the bombs came to Gaza. He was only 11. Those are the boys that become angry and vengeful and rather than nurture the anger to do something good hamas exploits it.
My dad always say hamas do not care for the lives of these boys and that those boys could have done something great had they been given a chance to, but instead they will die fighting for leaders who do not care!!!! Good boys who are now bad men and ruined. But what can we do ? Fight with our bare hands against guns? Just as silly as to think we can fight off israeli bombs with our hands.
And once the resistance is gone i don't see we will have peace! I cannot see the occupation ending ... What's next for Gaza? i do not even blame IDF soldiers, they are just as brainwashed as hamas to do their job. i blame the israeli government for making them treat us this way!!! Their governemnt is viciously evil! Towns, shops , home in gaza destroyed, they don't even allow in building materials. So many dead in gaza. The survellience in the west bank is now worse than before! Settlers are legally allowed to carry guns to shoot at us! But if we fight back where will be our right to defend against the settlers? Children are trauamtized.
The material conditions for palestinians won't improve. And through the ashes hamas' ideas will be martyred and then it will change a whole group of young innocent kids who will become even more vengeful after seeing their families killed. You cannot bomb your way to changing hamas' ideas. Only improvement in our current state will see us change and make sure the childen of Palestine understand that the jews also care for them. Education is a must, then the Palestinians children will grow up caring for the Jewish. Otherwise if they are forced into the cage again then you will see something new emerge in a decades' time, and a new group will commit something much worse than the events of October 7th.
If you ever choose to come to Falastin, my university would love to welcome you. We have had a few Americans visit that are sympathetic to us and like understanding our side of the conflict and how we can make peace and get a proper state! We are very gracious hosts!!! I shared your podcast with my two friends, i hope they will listen. They promised me they would but it is extremely long so may take them time to get through. My uncle Abdal is listening. He is 15 minutes through episode 1. He is such a kind gentleman who wants to make peace with the jewish folk, even though he knows they think of us badly more than ever now. He was sad when Rabin died. He said Rabin was good. He hates bibi.
Some of the comments i see on your page make me sad. I want to comment then stop myself because as to not invite hate. (Also i run a harry styles fan account on twitter so i think i would just draw to much attention haha) But i wish people could see that we too are human beings with simple dreams. Mine is to go to a Harry Styles or Kehlani concert. And to get to 100k tiktok followers. To visit my amazing internet friends in Europe who i met on twitter. For the Americans to see us as human beings also, the way they see Israelis as humans. We aren't that different from the Americans, we just have a different flag. I also want my country to become liberated, to end our occupation and to restore the dignitiy of my people. i want a peaceful government. i do not want the jewish to die anymore then i want my own to die. I do not want to see buildings and homes and stores in my city turned into nothing. I don't want to be sad everytime my family calls because i am so anxious thinking someone has died. The situation at home is so bad :( And i don't know why some Americans seem to like seeing us suffer.
I wrote a lot here... But once again as a girl from Falastin thank you for telling our story. Thank you for telling their story too and how our tales overlap in a way that not many can appreciate. May you have great prosperity and happiness.
Well wishes
So everyone is now going on about the "refugee camp" that was hit and was clearly above tunnels where Hamas was hiding. Not just hiding, it was a known stronghold of the group. What am I missing? And at what point does a place cease being a "refugee camp" when it has permanent buildings and has existed for like three quarters of a century. And am I wrong or did Israel not warn this area to GTFO to the south before they moved in to clean house?
So everyone is now going on about the "refugee camp" that was hit and was clearly above tunnels where Hamas was hiding. Not just hiding, it was a known stronghold of the group. What am I missing? And at what point does a place cease being a "refugee camp" when it has permanent buildings and has existed for like three quarters of a century. And am I wrong or did Israel not warn this area to GTFO to the south before they moved in to clean house?
I don't think that the camp got as much clicks as the hospital. There is a limit on how much you can lie - next time people will either believe less or care less.


Yes because atheism has such a fantastic track record right?
People like you would make mass murderers like Hitler Stalin and pol pot so proud,

Yeah, let's not get into an argument about that in a thread where babies have been decapitated because of religion, eh?

And it's always the same three, ain't it? Which you're wrong about, by the way:


The late, great Christopher Hitchens helped to destroy that particular fallacy a long time ago, the same way he destroyed the fallacies surrounding Islam - which have been quoted already in this thread.
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So everyone is now going on about the "refugee camp" that was hit and was clearly above tunnels where Hamas was hiding. Not just hiding, it was a known stronghold of the group. What am I missing? And at what point does a place cease being a "refugee camp" when it has permanent buildings and has existed for like three quarters of a century. And am I wrong or did Israel not warn this area to GTFO to the south before they moved in to clean house?

Yeah this was basically a city that started out as a refugee camp decades ago, it's long had buildings and not tents. Top Hamas leaders in the vicinity of civilians has never been out of bounds for Israel and spinning this as unusual only because it was a "refugee camp" was I guess the way to manufacture the next mega news cycle.

I also think it may have extra collapsed because of the Hamas tunnels under it? Not sure about that
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So everyone is now going on about the "refugee camp" that was hit and was clearly above tunnels where Hamas was hiding. Not just hiding, it was a known stronghold of the group. What am I missing? And at what point does a place cease being a "refugee camp" when it has permanent buildings and has existed for like three quarters of a century. And am I wrong or did Israel not warn this area to GTFO to the south before they moved in to clean house?
It's just yet another way of Hamas to victimize itself. With the help of Russia, Iran, China and all the PC losers that swallow their constant fake news.
Every major Hamas military target is somehow, in a shocking turn of events, a very important humanitarian place.
Seriously, western media is just so fucking dumb and useless. Even reporting the death toll in Gaza is fake news as the numbers come from the "Gaza health ministry" (which is literally Hamas lmao)


ידע זה כוח
Two cool links, two interesting and completely unexpected perspectives: Ben-Gurion and a Palestinian girl.

Honey, why don't you come out and say it, it's ok, don't hide behind other people words. Let it out, don't sit on the fart in your mouth.

Regrading the book passage:
In his 1978 book The Jewish Paradox – a manifesto of wrong-headed thinking about Jews, Israel and the Middle East – Goldmann unloaded a bushel of obtuse and naïve statements, several of which are to this day given loving prominence on Islamist and neo-Nazi websites.

Regarding the fake Palestinian girl, the tell is the "i" uncapped, because no one writes like that as a foreigner. Not to mention his substack is martyrmade.

So yalla.


So everyone is now going on about the "refugee camp" that was hit and was clearly above tunnels where Hamas was hiding. Not just hiding, it was a known stronghold of the group. What am I missing? And at what point does a place cease being a "refugee camp" when it has permanent buildings and has existed for like three quarters of a century. And am I wrong or did Israel not warn this area to GTFO to the south before they moved in to clean house?
Hamas doesn't give a damn about Palestinians, they do this intentionally, this is why its important to stand firm with the Israelis, they are fighting a vile reprehensible monster. They faster and more decisive the victory the sooner both Israeli and Palestinian suffering ends. The longer it draws out the worse things are. The nightmare scenario is if Israeli's do become careless or vindictive.
Right now the unfortunate truth is innocent Palestinians are going to die in Israelis actions, but they are only happening and the people are only in danger because of Hamas. Israeli is going above and beyond to minimize civilization casualties , if the Israeli's stop being so magnanimous , I'd reevaluate my support, but as long as they are doing things as right as they can in an awful situation, they have my support and they should have everyone else's too.


Hold onto your panties
So everyone is now going on about the "refugee camp" that was hit and was clearly above tunnels where Hamas was hiding. Not just hiding, it was a known stronghold of the group. What am I missing? And at what point does a place cease being a "refugee camp" when it has permanent buildings and has existed for like three quarters of a century. And am I wrong or did Israel not warn this area to GTFO to the south before they moved in to clean house?
Saw that in a summary article this morning too how they were calling it a refugee camp. Okay, then? What refugees were there...ever? Just like many obtuse tactics Hamas implements this was just another outpost for their retard terrorist brigade. Media really struggled with that as there was no disguising what it was.
Honey, why don't you come out and say it, it's ok, don't hide behind other people words. Let it out, don't sit on the fart in your mouth.

Regrading the book passage:

Regarding the fake Palestinian girl, the tell is the "i" uncapped, because no one writes like that as a foreigner. Not to mention his substack is martyrmade.

So yalla.
Could have read that book passage any given time and feel the anti-Semitism dripping off the ink. Not even subtle in the least. The letter from the fake Palestinian girl almost reads like an AoL copypasta or something weird someone dug up on 4chan. The fart already came out with the first post though.


This is what should happen to every single Hamas member and supporter that marches against Israel and any Jews worldwide.



Gold Member
I’m describing historical fact, not holding up moral standards. Should my disclaimer about the atrocities committed by Imperial Japan have included more flagellation to preemptively quell your self-righteousness?
Sure, I think there are far better groups to hold up as supporting/defending Jewish people than WW2 era Japan. Maybe the mass evacuation out of Denmark, they guarded their Jewish population as much as they good IN THE TEETH of the nazis, not on the opposite side of the planet.

Just saying that Japan in WW2 isn't where I would look for examples of humane treatment. Given that they ghettoed their Jews in Shanghai and 10% of them died...(if Wiki is correct on that point) better than a death camp for sure but it's not that far off I think.


Yes we are. As a country. The statistics prove it. Just because one religion is seeing growth, it does not mean that religion as a whole is on the increase. It is most definitely not. Thankfully.

The fact the Muslim population has only risen 1.6% in the last ten years in the UK ain't exactly fucking panic stations about sharia law coming in next week, is it?
Sure. I suppose it’s not panic stations yet. Not that panicking will do anything. It was at 6.5% in 2021, so who knows what it will be like in 20 years.

Moreover, that percentage is concentrated in specific towns and cities, rather than dispersed throughout the isles.

It is what it is.


Hold onto your panties
Hamas doesn't give a damn about Palestinians, they do this intentionally, this is why its important to stand firm with the Israelis, they are fighting a vile reprehensible monster. They faster and more decisive the victory the sooner both Israeli and Palestinian suffering ends. The longer it draws out the worse things are. The nightmare scenario is if Israeli's do become careless or vindictive.
Right now the unfortunate truth is innocent Palestinians are going to die in Israelis actions, but they are only happening and the people are only in danger because of Hamas. Israeli is going above and beyond to minimize civilization casualties , if the Israeli's stop being so magnanimous , I'd reevaluate my support, but as long as they are doing things as right as they can in an awful situation, they have my support and they should have everyone else's too.
It's on a much larger scale than what you're looking at. Those who control Hamas, the various other Muslim extremist groups, Jihadists and Islamic leaders of Sharia in bordering countries like Egypt knew exactly what they were doing by closing off their borders. That was not just because 'Hamas was dangerous.' Egypt may not appear so but has Islamic jihadists which believe using their Hamas pawns to do their dirty work while also locking them in will help gain them favor in a greater power move. And that's not just Egypt funding 'Palestine' for more munitions...it's nearly every bordering Muslim nation (with Iran & Qatar being two of the most identifiable from data, official reporting and historically). They knew very well how this would go down and this was planned out who knows how far in advance. You'd think civilians would have been heading for the hills though once they saw the heavy armillary rolling in before the 7th, or when those tunnels were being dug all over the place.
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Gold Member
What can we do to fight antisemitism?

It feels like so much of it is based on insane conspiracy theories or on a belief that Israel has no right to exist. how can that be fought?
Just call it out when you see it. The majority of antisemitic people are colossal retards.
Saw that in a summary article this morning too how they were calling it a refugee camp. Okay, then? What refugees were there...ever? Just like many obtuse tactics Hamas implements this was just another outpost for their retard terrorist brigade. Media really struggled with that as there was no disguising what it was.

Could have read that book passage any given time and feel the anti-Semitism dripping off the ink. Not even subtle in the least. The letter from the fake Palestinian girl almost reads like an AoL copypasta or something weird someone dug up on 4chan. The fart already came out with the first post though.
Evil Israelis bomb The UN Department of Lost Puppies! 5000 women and children killed! Not to mention the poor poor animals. Hamas base underneath the department destroed by sheer coincidence.

Even Piers Morgan seems to be falling for shit like this. Are people REALLY that stupid?


Honey, why don't you come out and say it, it's ok, don't hide behind other people words. Let it out, don't sit on the fart in your mouth.

Come out and say what? You have a problem with anybody bringing nuance to this topic and given that so many that do hide sinister motives it's understandable, but I don't care what you think and I'm not hiding anything.
It's on a much larger scale than what you're looking at. Those who control Hamas, the various other Muslim extremist groups, Jihadists and Islamic leaders of Sharia in bordering countries like Egypt knew exactly what they were doing by closing off their borders. That was not just because 'Hamas was dangerous.' Egypt may not appear so but has Islamic jihadists which believe using their Hamas pawns to do their dirty work while also locking them in will help gain them favor in a greater power move. And that's not just Egypt funding 'Palestine' for more munitions...it's nearly every bordering Muslim nation (with Iran & Qatar being two of the most identifiable from data, official reporting and historically). They knew very well how this would go down and this was planned out who knows how far in advance. You'd think civilians would have been heading for the hills though once they saw the heavy armillary rolling in before the 7th, or when those tunnels were being dug all over the place.
Nah, I think Lebanon (not Hezbollah), Jordan and Egypt had their personal reasons to close the borders. They already "experienced" enough palestinians and don't want more.
  • Egypt has just gone through their fight with Muslim Brotherhood (which is either Hamas' offshoot or vice versa)
  • In Jordan palestinians tried to overthrow the king. The king does not want more palestinians there for sure. They already have around 25% population or something. Imagine if there are more of them and they will decide to invade Israel by usurping the power in Jordan.
  • Lebanon went through palestinian insurgency that later triggered the civil war. Lebanon hasn't recovered since then.
Nobody likes Hamas aside Iran & Qatar. Erdogan is just an opportunist.
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Hold onto your panties
Evil Israelis bomb The UN Department of Lost Puppies! 5000 women and children killed! Not to mention the poor poor animals. Hamas base underneath the department destroed by sheer coincidence.

Even Piers Morgan seems to be falling for shit like this. Are people REALLY that stupid?
They have a guideline for those headlines. Looks pretty close except for the last one. Last one they try to claim it was a basement full of medical storage supplied rather than tunnels for terrorist rats.

NGL...haven't been watching Piers. I like how he went from one partisan extreme over the past 10-years but, I still feel there's a lot of politics behind what he does. For me to gather clear information on this war, I'm opting out of party politics as much as I possibly can. They work for networks too which have a bias, so given their value at a network and that bias; it shouldn't be hard to expect talking heads to parrot whichever means keeping their seat.
Nah, I think Lebanon (not Hezbollah), Jordan and Egypt had their personal reasons to close the borders. They already "experienced" enough palestinians and don't want more.
  • Egypt has just gone through their fight with Muslim Brotherhood (which is either Hamas' offshoot or vice versa)
  • In Jordan palestinians tried to overthrow the king. The king does not want more palestinians there for sure. They already have around 25% population or something. Imagine if there are more of them and they will decide to invade Israel by usurping the power in Jordan.
  • Lebanon went through palestinian insurgency that later triggered the civil war. Lebanon hasn't recovered since then.
Nobody likes Hamas aside Iran & Qatar. Erdogan is just an opportunist.
Lebanon unlike Palestine is established and has been for quite sometime. Although to avoid derailing, we won't go into their history of Islamic invasions.

- Egypt may have gone through that fight but there's plenty more at work there. Plus they have these guys ratting around like Hamas too. They knew why not to let Palestinian occupants in due to what you mentioned. But, they also know very well why they're shutting them out.
- Hashimite kingdom in Jordan is still controlled entirely under Sharia. They too due to the attempts to overthrow their 'king' want to keep them out. However, they're far from condemning a holocaust from Jews either. Read further into Sharia Islamic states, the Qu'ran and history. It's there.
- Hezbollah has their largest populations (headquarters if we want to be formal) in Lebanon. Although Lebanon's roots are not dug as deep into Sharia, there seems to be signs that Hezbollah is plenty involved enough in their politics that they probably wouldn't even need Sharia. Point is, from the get-go...they made clear their stance on Israel and with Jews.

I agree. Most probably don't like Hamas because it's hard to accept that such stink came from the same place. They put them on a lower level obviously than the jihads and such; but most feel they're doing the work of 'allah.' So, none of these nations are going to step in and stop Hamas. You can expect them to cheer them on because they're not such a divided religion so-called academics may claim.


The sinister side of me wants to start a charity/funding movement to send all these colorful hamas/palestinians protestors on what presumably would be their dream vacations of a lifetime in the middle-east. Wouldn't be that expensive with one-way ticket cost either.


Video: Conservative commentator, Ben Shapiro, speaks about the Israel-Hamas conflict and Western values (Oxford Union, 11/1/23)
American journalist and lawyer, Ben Shapiro, sits down to answer question from Oxford Union president, Disha Hegde, about why he supports Israel's actions in Gaza and why he decided to shift focus from politics to Barbie earlier this year.

Video: Ben Shapiro talks about Israel vs Hamas and why he would never support Biden over Trump (Oxford Union, 11/1/23)
US journalist and political commentator, Ben Shapiro, answers questions from the audience at the Oxford Union
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Israel now under 800 meters from splitting Gaza in two. I am assuming the move is split - clear out Hamas in the north, that will take a while but after heavily filter civilians back through, possibly repeat in another region.




Perpetually Tired
Video: Conservative commentator, Ben Shapiro, speaks about the Israel-Hamas conflict and Western values (Oxford Union, 11/1/23)

Video: Ben Shapiro talks about Israel vs Hamas and why he would never support Biden over Trump (Oxford Union, 11/1/23)

These students are... making me sad. False equivalencies. The support and promote of terror. Not trying to have a discussion, but trying to goad and gaslight. If this is the next generation, we are in for an awful time.


I just see what people think Israel and Jewish people in general should do in the face of people who don't want them to exist anymore. If the Palestinians all wanted peace and Hamas ended they could have it tommorow but they will not allow that so what are they supposed to do?


I'm hoping they are doing this to shut down the anti-semitic/Israel and pro-Hamas voices in their administration, who probably need safe spaces because the US is standing by Israel.

At least I hope, because this is tone deaf af.

This has to be a freakin joke. This is something that the Babalyon Bee would put out.

Deleted member 1159

Unconfirmed Member
I'm hoping they are doing this to shut down the anti-semitic/Israel and pro-Hamas voices in their administration, who probably need safe spaces because the US is standing by Israel.

At least I hope, because this is tone deaf af.

They’re just trying to appear balanced because they’ve gotten so much blowback for their justifiable support of Israel.

Salty Hippo

I'm hoping they are doing this to shut down the anti-semitic/Israel and pro-Hamas voices in their administration, who probably need safe spaces because the US is standing by Israel.

At least I hope, because this is tone deaf af.

Leftists are made of pure satire.


I'm hoping they are doing this to shut down the anti-semitic/Israel and pro-Hamas voices in their administration, who probably need safe spaces because the US is standing by Israel.

At least I hope, because this is tone deaf af.

They’re doing it to get the regressive left votes next year. The Hamas fanboys on the academic left are crying “how could Biden do this us” by not wanting Israel to disappear from the world map. Biden is a classic liberal and you could see from his initial speeches how he was all in with Israel and its war.

This is just vote management.
They’re just trying to appear balanced because they’ve gotten so much blowback for their justifiable support of Israel.
Yeah, I agree. The irony is that in order to appease the aggressive left side, they will lose support - potentially - from others. Because announcing the support to combat islamophobia at the time, when you literally have stars of david being drawn on the doors and people assaulted - is a tone deaf move.
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ידע זה כוח
Yeah, I agree. The irony is that in order to appease the aggressive left side, they will lose support - potentially - from others. Because announcing the support to combat islamophobia at the time, when you literally have stars of david being drawn on the doors and people assaulted - is a tone deaf move.
They got the poll numbers showing Muslim Americans went from 80% to like 17% support for Biden, because Biden believes Israel should exist.


ידע זה כוח
More grounded poll numbers. It's clear older people who remember the past so they know some history are very much aligned with Israel, not to mention those who also remember 9/11.

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More grounded poll numbers. It's clear older people who remember the past so they know some history are very much aligned with Israel, not to mention those who also remember 9/11.

It's good to see the majority clearly understand the difference between 'terrorist' and 'freedom fighter'. There is no going back from the actions taken surrounding the music festival and there damn well shouldn't be.


Now that Iran getting more officially involved through their yemenese proxies, I wonder how wide this conflict can get, as it a pretty nasty signal. Don't want to see America get drawn into another war over this crap, as there far too much at home to take care of, including national defense.
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