Punished Miku
What you don't understand is the enormous cost paid by the US for everything your country does. For decades the whole world has tried to point out international law violations and only the US vetoes it, which fuels blowback for us. Part of the motivation for 9/11 is blowback for that. Billions for free annually in aid. Now the US is literally legally on the hook for potential crimes from aiding genocide while you talk about scare tactics. The diplomatic cost is impossible to quantify. We could honestly do fine for our own interests aligning with all middle eastern countries, even Iran. But instead we're mortal enemies just to back you guys up and we really get nothing for it. You didnt seem like you were crying when Israel just bombed a foreign government embassy. You were making a Lord of the Rings joke about it. Iran's backlash for that is likely to hit US military. That was an insane WW3 level of provocation and you treat it like a joke when its 100x worse than the 7 aid workers. It was literally right next to the Canadian embassy. The blowback from the last 6 months will create an entire new generation of extremists ready to kill Americans for decades all across the middle east. It helps provide China and Russia with political cover for imperialism since we've obliterated our world standing on this. None of this is even touching the morality of the situation. Your country lives in a decades long propaganda bubble and treats its only "ally" like complete shit. Even if you were nice to us, we get literally nothing out of this.I also need to say, people who don't live here don't understand how traumatizing this event was for all of us.
You grow up in a country that was build on the ashes of the Holocaust, saying never again. We will never let ourselves be weak. We built one of the strongest countries in the world in just 75years. Not just army wise, but tech, food, agriculture, science, etc.
We believed IDF is our defender, and we thought it was so good, we reduced the length of service, reduced the amount of people needed to run it, and so on.
Then you wake up to this slap in the face. I was supposed to celebrate a friend's bday. I had to run to my building's stairway every time an alarm went off, which was almost every hour that day. I had to tell people who kept Shabbat what was going on.
The bubble has burst, we let our guard down, we failed. This trauma will live on for a long long time. Losing faith in our number one institution. I can't explain how difficult that is to live with this failure, and it's been on going for 6 months. I still cry, not as much, but it happens. And we still have 132 people there, women, men, elderly, a toddler, and a baby.
This is literally the 1st time in my lifetime I've ever seen anyone in the US government complain about Israel and the reaction we've gotten really shows us how much our interests seems to matter to your government. Zero.