Any W40K player knows what this really means:So basically ISIS Part 2... yeah cause the first one did so well
Blood for the blood god
It is the goddam Khorne followers who think like this.
How the fuck can any normal human being doesn't see this for what it is, pure hatred and unadulterated nihilism. If your goal align with any khaos god maybe reevaluate yourself.
I remember long a go Dantec, a french writer talking about the pure nihilism that drive terrorists. I didn't understand then, but i think i get him now.
When destruction of oneself and the other is the ultimate goal, any human being is supposed to ask hisself why the fuck do i follow this ideology...
Exactly, it will be like a moron at a party antagonizing dudes twice his size because he knows people will break them and he can do his "hold me or i'll fuck this dude up" routine, only to realize his friends left long ago and he will have to own up to his words... It is never pretty but the dude deserves it.Terrorist groups are blessed that the western style countries they cause trouble take the high road and don’t do gurriel a style ambushes. Their militaries have a more controlled way of doing things for sale of process and PR.
The difference is Israel doesn’t give a shit this time. They basically carpet bombed blocks of buildings. It’s like teasing an animal behind a fence knowing you’ll get nothing back but a pissed off growl. But this time the owner left his fence door open on purpose. So if you’re going to poke and laugh, you better carry a big stick because this time you got 4 angry dogs running at you and the owner doesn’t care anymore.