There is no way that he has a functioning penis and a vagina. Hermaphrodites like that do not exist.
He probably has a condition called cryptorchidism where his balls did not descend and his ballsack is somewhat pulled inside his body. The ballsack is homologous with vulva (during development, testosterone causes developing proto-ovaries to become testicles and descend into the vulva and "push them out" into a ballsack) so it could look like he has vulva. I'm sure the victim probably was not paying close enough attention to distinguish folds.
Like most "intersex" nonsense, this is a birth defect and deformity, not a sexual identity.
He probably has a condition called cryptorchidism where his balls did not descend and his ballsack is somewhat pulled inside his body. The ballsack is homologous with vulva (during development, testosterone causes developing proto-ovaries to become testicles and descend into the vulva and "push them out" into a ballsack) so it could look like he has vulva. I'm sure the victim probably was not paying close enough attention to distinguish folds.
Like most "intersex" nonsense, this is a birth defect and deformity, not a sexual identity.
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