I think he will as soon as he does this movie with Nolan.

What sayeth gaf, is he in the same league as (just throwing it out there), Leo DiCaprio or Baleman?
What are you talking about? Seann William Scott is the constant.
Wait, people are mentioning Magic Mike like it is a good movie?
Wait, people are mentioning Magic Mike like it is a good movie?
Wait, people are mentioning Magic Mike like it is a good movie?
Bolstered by a strong performance from Matthew McConaughey in the title role, Mud offers an engaging Southern drama that manages to stay sweet and heartwarming without being sappy.
He was God list status already, so I guess downgrading to A lister makes sense.
Damn, guess ill check it out. Was only mildy interested, but this helps.
He is severely underrated but I don't think he's quite an A-lister because I don't think he has the same box office draw as Tom Cruise, Will Smith, or Leo. He's been great in plenty of great movies though.
Will Smith is overrated.
He only had two flops in his entire career, and one of those movies was wild wild west alllllll the way back then and another was the indie flick seven pounds which broke even worldwide. Overrated? LololololWill Smith is overrated.
Mud potentially in Oscar race?