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Has No Man's Sky make people more accepting of games that are broken/unpolished/unfinished at launch?

Do people pay less attention to a game's launch state because of No Man's Sky?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 8.9%
  • No

    Votes: 123 84.2%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 10 6.8%

  • Total voters


I think people pay even more attention and are suspicious of launches due to NMS being probably the most misrepresented launch game from last gen hyped by heavy marketing along with being a console exclusive launch.

Fallout 76, Halo MCC, Battlefields, and other contributed too. Nowadays more than ever I wait for patches, improvements and all DLC to be released, GOTY complete editions or ‘director’cuts.


Gold Member
No Man's Sky wasn't broken. It's just half the stuff they said was going to be in there wasn't in there. The developers were able to get the good will back but it took a couple of updates.

Cyberpunk was the most egregious example. They basically released a beta as a finished game. If your game needs 4 or 5 hotfixes to be stable then that thing isn't finished.


No. With the exception of those who were so overhyped fanboys, they would rather hold that tiny hope than accept that they've been wrong. Those will still use it as an excuse. "it'll work!... Just give it some time..."

However it did make developers/publishers use it as an argument when they see their high profile trainwreck being abandoned by players. "Sure, owr high profile game came out without content, without futures, badly balanced, predatory and buggy as fuck, but keep spending money on those loot boxes because we are working on some No Man's Sky reversal."


No Man's Sky is definitely an exception.

Call me crazy, but NMS was actually one of my favourite games of the previous gen. I just really enjoyed the exploration and all the rest. I'll play it again one day on the PS5, with all the new updates.
No man sky wasn't about being broken, it was about flat lies that he knew when where lies when he advertising it.

This is it. I keep reading about these massive content updates they do for the game, for free, but I cannot ever hit that download button again and see what it's like these days because I was so disgusted with the launch. It's completely poisoned the game and studio forever for me.

What made me sooooo angry was that on the steam store page, they had one of those early ad videos with all this shit you "could do" but it was all lies. NONE of it wound up in the release game, at least at launch. But yet Valve allowed them to have blatant false advertising right there as the first thing on their store page for AGES after everyone complained that it was all lies.
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I dont think so. I mean look at how cdpr torpedoed their reputation with cyberpunk. And now that its fallen off the sales chart, they are just sinking cash into it with the hopes it will rise back to relavenct
We were already conditioned to it before. Battlefield has a history of broken launches, yet people still get really hyped for the next game. Same goes for Bethesda games


Cyberpunk 3.6 Metacritic userscore for the PS4 version says NO!

As mentioned, NMS was not broken. It just launched barebones.


1. NMS wasn't broken. It was just lacking content.
2. The best example is probably FF14. The original game was broken to the point that S-E had to pull the game and relaunch it a couple years later.


If games work and play well just lacking content at launch people will be more willing to revisit later than they used to. Sea of Thieves seems like another example


Gold Member
I dont think it'll change gamers one bit.

But it'll change gaming employees going on stage an saying Yes to everything. When they make their next big game I guarantee you all Sean Murray wont be blowharding saying Yes to every feature in the world asked of his game.



Yeh the main problem with NMS was the outright lies and deception about what the game was and what was in it.

He said many times at the start that its more of a solo game and will barely have any multiplayer features at first.

He also compared it to something like minecraft version 1 where they will improve and upgrade it over the years and it wont be close to the final model of the game at launch


He said many times at the start that its more of a solo game and will barely have any multiplayer features at first.

He also compared it to something like minecraft version 1 where they will improve and upgrade it over the years and it wont be close to the final model of the game at launch
He also said that you can see other players which was a complete lie. He lied about many, many things. Most of the footage was complete bullshit that didn’t exist in the game. The “PlayStation” footage that they showed was 60fps pc footage because the game was only 30fps on ps.


He also said that you can see other players which was a complete lie. He lied about many, many things. Most of the footage was complete bullshit that didn’t exist in the game. The “PlayStation” footage that they showed was 60fps pc footage because the game was only 30fps on ps.
You can see other players now.

Im pretty sure he said there is no traditional multiplayer at launch. I remember him getting that question a million times by media. You can only see a name of someone if you randomly appear on the same planet which would be rare


You can see other players now.

Im pretty sure he said there is no traditional multiplayer at launch. I remember him getting that question a million times by media. You can only see a name of someone if you randomly appear on the same planet which would be rare
Now, sure, but he straight up said at launch that you could see other players if you came across them, which within days was proven to be a lie.

Not sure why you’re arguing this? It is very well and widely documented about all the straight up lies he told about the game.


Now, sure, but he straight up said at launch that you could see other players if you came across them, which within days was proven to be a lie.

Not sure why you’re arguing this? It is very well and widely documented about all the straight up lies he told about the game.

Im not arguing it. I was really hyped for the game and remember watching probably every interview he done for it and he said multiple times its not a traditional multiplayer game, maybe down the line. People really tried to make it something it wasn’t and he would say no, its like an old sci fi movie where you are solo in a vast universe And all sorts.

Plus most the things he said that would eventually be in the game have happened anyway


Im not arguing it. I was really hyped for the game and remember watching probably every interview he done for it and he said multiple times its not a traditional multiplayer game, maybe down the line. People really tried to make it something it wasn’t and he would say no, its like an old sci fi movie where you are solo in a vast universe And all sorts.

Plus most the things he said that would eventually be in the game have happened anyway
But again - he didn’t say that down the track they’d be added, he specifically and literally said these things were all there on day 1. That’s the problem. He outright lied.


LOL, only people who think NMS was some sort of trend setter are oblivious to what was already obvious in the industry for years.


Hell no. NMS turnaround is the outlier. Many many buggy and broken games have released since and didn't have the same turnaround as NMS did. To change opinions this kind of massive turnarounds should be far more prevalent.


But again - he didn’t say that down the track they’d be added, he specifically and literally said these things were all there on day 1. That’s the problem. He outright lied.
Be nice to see him saying that in a video. I remember him saying theres no multiplayer on day 1

SF Kosmo

No Man's Sky is still the exception that proves the rule, not to mention a cautionary tale in it's own right. It matters in as much as we get to ask the question "Will they pull a No Man's Sky" when a game launches fucked up, but we all still know most games won't and even if they do a bad launch will cost a lot of good will.


On the contrary, I think it puts a lot of pressure on game developers to launch EA games. After all, no Man's Deep Space has kept us waiting for a long time, but it's been updated for free.
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No, NMS had so many lies about what was missing when most of it was there. The main things missing were multiplayer and the giant snake, that’s about it.

Cyberpunk is a far better example.


this few decades are 'incomplete' cos of game patches that includes
- extra content ( free or paid )
- performance reasons
- censorship content ( if any )

gone are the days of the 'complete' games but i also like recent of remasters of past games have everything included such as " Tales of Vesperia HD" ( i did not buy all the cosmetic dlc during those days )
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