Would you say it's like a basic bodily urge like eating, or more psychological (how it makes you feel), or both?
For me it was definitely more psychological.
I drank 12 beers per night for about 19 years.
I remember many times bracing myself when leaving work that
this time I'm going to have a nice supper instead but like a robot I would see myself walk into that convenience store and buy my case of 12.
Physically when I was in rehab my fine motor skills were shot for about 10 days. My hands weren't visibly shaking but I couldn't write for shit
Alcoholics can act like 100% normal person if they don't touch alcohol but once they drink even single beer... They fucked up and there is very high chance they will lost controll again.
I know if I start drinking again I'm dead. It's as simple as that.
I've been lucky so far as I rarely had any urges or triggers since I quit in 2018.
Rehab was the best thing that ever happened to me. I found out I wasn't alone and benefited from the wise teachings of other drunks who were now counselors
PS: I went back to that convenience store after rehab to buy a bag of chips & a 2 litre of Pepsi.
The owner was a nice expressive chinese man.
He exclaimed to me "What... NO BEER!??"
When I told him I quit I could immediately see how disappointed he was

Let's see. A case of 12 was around 20$.
Multiply that by 30 so I was giving him 600$ a month.
No wonder he seemed pissed!