And we'll never get a movie or show about that....but that revolt failed.
There's only a single long-term successful slave rebellion in recorded history.
And we'll never get a movie or show about that....but that revolt failed.
There's only a single long-term successful slave rebellion in recorded history.
We do know the summary and we do know what the basic tone is from the writer interviews. We know they want to tell a nuanced story around a US with the institution of slavery intact.
A modern day envisioning of the slavery of Black Americans is a flawed message to start, so progressive is a difficult message to wrap around that.
How about this? Would you expect people to be ok with a show with the premise being the Nazis didn't lose WW2 (and before you say, Man In The High Castle) AND the Jews were still subjected to experiments, torture and death camps as a major story point.
Would people be waiting around to see how progressive the underlying message might be before weighing in?
Should we wait and see how 'nuanced' the telling of the story is when the premise is so inflammatory?
And we'll never get a movie or show about that.
Random question but this made me wonder... does the Wolfenstein series depict aspects of the Holocaust in anyway?
And we'll never get a movie or show about that.
Get Out had decent writers
A show where modern day black people as cattle as progressive? In what way?
How about this? Would you expect people to be ok with a show with the premise being the Nazis didn't lose WW2 (and before you say, Man In The High Castle) AND the Jews were still subjected to experiments, torture and death camps as a major story point.
Would people be waiting around to see how progressive the underlying message might be before weighing in?
Should we wait and see how 'nuanced' the telling of the story is when the premise is so inflammatory?
And we'll never get a movie or show about that.
Because it's a sensitive subject; especially in today's society. I'm a black male and I'm highly skeptical about this show. Whether I choose to watch it or not.
All we have is a bad, ahistorical, and frankly insensitive premise, and showrunners with a reputation of being exploitative and socially unaware.
That is way more than enough to shit on this.
It's laughable that some people pretend they can't see why slavery doesn't scream great entertainment.
I mean, there is already a show like Man in the High Castle where Nazis rule over the USA after WW2 with all their racism intact. And it's perfectly fine. Why should a version about Civil War not be possible or well done by HBO and the GoT producers?
Being skeptical is perfectly fine but I don't get what they are apoligizing for beforehand. Wait and see if it is in good taste or not, the announcement itself didn't tell you if they were going a wrong way.
If they don't do the topic justice though, by all means, go nuts on them.
The south had 0 major industry. They had no natural metals of any abundance, no real ability to mine or refine steel, no major metropolitan areas compared to the north, no real cohesion of government, etc etc.
Alternative history is only interesting if it's at least semi plausible, nothing about the Confederacy being a stable, economic and political entity 150 years and a series of wars later is plausible. So if this has ANY chance of being good, they'd better have fucking nailed that background information.
But I won't see it regardless, I have 0 interest in propagating more slave shit.
I think the bigger problem is that they're not pretending. They legitimately can't empathize or even sympathize with the idea of people of color finding a prestige HBO show centered around imagining the modern day enslavement of black people disturbing. They think it's a bunch of whining. They literally can't relate or aren't even trying. To them the premise is totally fine.
D&D are just not talented people. They're the worst part of GoT and suck at making anything that's not lifted straight from the books. The topic of their next show is already questionable enough, but with those two heading the project and it all being original material, I have next to zero faith in it turning out well.
I think part of what bothers me about this project is that the very premise as they explain it, "modern day slavery," seems to understate/ignore the very real ways in which aspects of the institution of slavery managed to carry on in some form or another throughout post-civil war America (Jim crow, prisons, etc.). There's just a very damaging and prolific view in white America that the civil war definitively ended slavery, and MLK/civil rights act definitely ended what was leftover of racism, so it's not a really big problem anymore. I have very little confidence that D&D have any understanding of US racial history beyond the surface level, whitewashed shit taught in high school. And even less confidence that they would be respectful to that history (and modern day situation) in their portrayal of this show.
Because the Nazis lost completely and Germany has been adamant that their ideology never gains ground again. Meanwhile while the Confederates lost the war they still maintained control thanks to Reconstruction failing and still have it. We got an Attorney General that's named after the Confederate president for goodness' sake.I mean, there is already a show like Man in the High Castle where Nazis rule over the USA after WW2 with all their racism intact. And it's perfectly fine. Why should a version about Civil War not be possible or well done by HBO and the GoT producers?
Being skeptical is perfectly fine but I don't get what they are apoligizing for beforehand. Wait and see if it is in good taste or not, the announcement itself didn't tell you if they were going a wrong way.
If they don't do the topic justice though, by all means, go nuts on them.
We've had a few alternate universe nazi stories told through several books, videogames, and movies yeah. Are you asking me why the premise to fictional stories about my relatives don't anger me?
I love when people are purposefully obtuse.
I know there is tons of media with Nazi alternate universe stories. If one was announced by the GoT showrunners, where one of the main story plot points was, following WW2, half of Germany continued to be Nazis (with concentration camps and experiments continuing to go on, specifically on Jewish people in modern day) would you need to see what the underlying message was in order to be bothered by the concept?
A premise to a story does not bother me as much as how it unfolds, but okay. Sure. I love when people assume their next door liberal neighbor is somehow not on their side because they weren't enraged by a premise.
If your hypothetical premise to a story (which btw has been a similar premise to stories in the past as well) was an HBO miniseries, I'd like to see how the main characters fix that obvious problem too.
I'm not going to join you on the DVD burning before I tear off the plastic around the box. I'd need to know more. Sorry. But like I said, I'm not thrilled at the original Confederate concept either way. It's just not interesting enough a concept.
that's way more dangerous.
It's pretty ridiculous that a lot of folks don't understand why this is insensitive and worthy of skepticism.
I'm Jewish, and if the only way Jewish actors could get work of substance for decades was by doing Holocaust movies, I'd be pissed. If Jewish actors managed to carve out a niche for themselves, to start producing work of real merit outside the Holocaust, to actually reflect the modern Jewish experience, and then a couple gentiles decided to do "What if the Final Solution worked and there were only a few hundred Jews left on Earth?" I'd be pissed. With reason.
Seriously, look inward. Think about why this is hurtful to so many, and think about why your instinct is to deflect and devalue rather than trying to empathize and connect. Yeesh.
Modern day slavery already exists
what exactly are you imagining for black people though and why should I sit through it
So they are making a worse version of Spartacus.All but guaranteed plot lines from this show:
Young son of a long time slave owning family is conflicted, has second thoughts about the whole institution when he falls in love with a very attractive slave
Samuel L Jackson type character from Django Unchained as one of the villains
Female slave owner who uses her male slaves for sex
Some form of either gladiator or competitive sport where the participants are all slaves. These slaves enjoy perks others dont and even enjoy fame, but theyre still bound to slavery and the paradox is devastating!
Slave rebellion at some point
Its going to be awful.
So they are making a worse version of Spartacus.
I imagine they could have avoided a lot of the controversy by not attaching it to the GoT bros, who are some of the last people I'd want near any sensitive subject matter.
It's laughable that some people pretend they can't see why slavery doesn't scream great entertainment.
Just think bout this, With Man in the High Castle working, I thought this would happen eventually tbh
I think how the producers have handled race before is what has some people concerned
You know, this discussion is really making someone would make a film adaptation of Malorie Blackman's Noughts and Crosses book series, which is set in an alternate world where Africa become the world's dominant power, leading them to African people taking European people as slaves...leading to a 21st Century world where segregation continues to exist between blacks and whites, with whites being the ones often relegated to socially inferior positions within that specific society.
I feel a faithful adaption of that series could be a much more interesting alternate history story to watch play out on screen, and far less problematic than what HBO is trying to do here.
I'd rather see High Man in White Castle.
It's interesting how "both sides" have gone after this. We have people here and elsewhere raising legitimate concerns on how the topic will be handled or that they are very uncomfortable with the premise. And then we have people whining how HBO will portray all the southerners as bad guys and all the slave owners "mistreating" their slaves. Or how they wont show irish slaves too.
That's why we need our own industry. It's kind of retarded begging white people to do a good movie about you when they already hate you.
I forgot where I read or heard about this, but the reason why such shows like this will exist and be accepted is because non-black audiences don't care too much about black people's stories outside of narratives done about slavery. You could even go as far as to say using slavery as a backdrop to write a story is easy since folks have an idea of what kind struggles and hardships slaves faced.
The irony is that if, for example, you had a story that was removed from slavery, and had predominantly non-black characters for it and it was positively received with lots of attention, then that same story being told with predominantly black characters down to the same character arcs, settings, and plots, it would be predicted to do poorly. Folks would see it as a 'black' story only for black people.
But make it about slaves, then you get attention of the masses and not just black people.
It's sad tbh. Black people have to be slaves or criminals to be noticed, regardless of how well-written such characters can be. And on top of that, for a story with black people to be successful, it's either pitched as being for only black people or being a slave narrative so that non-black people can be comfortable with it.
I have a bit more I could say about stories made that are supposed to appeal to 'everyone' and stories that appeal to a black audience (mandated by a corporate marketing team in most cases), but that kinda goes beyond the scope of this thread.
EDIT: There are outliers that do give me hope like with Get Out and Moonlight (still need to see this). N.K. Jemisen is doing great as well despite me not liking The Fifth Season.
EhhhTechnically a couple of white male humans help the robots get autonomy in order to give them freedom.