The show could end with Selina finally getting elected to President only to show that she is just as miserable, if not more so, than she was as veep.
She's going to be Maddox's VP.
The show could end with Selina finally getting elected to President only to show that she is just as miserable, if not more so, than she was as veep.
The show could end with Selina finally getting elected to President only to show that she is just as miserable, if not more so, than she was as veep.
I've seen a suggestion elsewhere which I really like: She gets to president... but with the opposition in the House and Senate. Higher job, still can't do anything.
this is the only way i see that working. wouldn't even feel contrived either given the state of modern american politics.
The show could end with Selina finally getting elected to President only to show that she is just as miserable, if not more so, than she was as veep.
Heh, fast forward to Selina mindlessly spinning in her chair. New desk, same frustrations.
Heh, fast forward to Selina mindlessly spinning in her chair. New desk, same frustrations.
This would be perfect.The idea of a depressed Selina doing her chair spin in an empty oval office is too good of a shot not to happen.
Here you go!
Selina's staff and family are annoyed by the presence of her new personal trainer; Jonah and Mike negotiate a photo opportunity; Catherine protects her mother from a protestor; Selina attends a women's gun show.
I Better get some motherfucking bob benson tonight or else I'll riot.
edit: I need to go back to bed, woops lol
Catherine! Catherine! Catherine!That PUNCH.
Great episode.
Did anybody catch that stupid pointless jump kick he did? Hahahaha
The former PM using the nightmarish assistant of Santa that terrorizes Finnish children to describe Jonah was fantastic.
Man Meloni through this show and SJ has shown that he is a great comedic actor. I hope we see more of him in this role.