Hey that's me in the OP!
I was surprised with
Paragon. Given the Epic pedigree, I expected a pure shooter but with the hero philosophy, like Overwatch. But they came and said: nope, this is a MOBA.
In fact, it will be one of the few real 3rd person action game full MOBA, that I know of. I'm not counting Smite because it doesn't have "free aim" (the Y axis is locked) nor "free movement" (you are normally glued to the ground, leaps are specific abilities, you are invulnerable while doing them).
Paladins is very weak right now, it gives me the feeling it should have be presented and released the closed beta six months later than it did. Maybe they felt pressured by the competition. And I both liked Tribes and Smite, so it isn't like I don't like the company. The mode is super simple and right now the game consist in a lot of fire spam into a single conquest point and then run like crazy to the enemy base. And graphically is below previous titles, which a kind of ugly art style

Obviously it will improve in the coming months, but I expected something better.
Smite is pretty good, I played 700 hours.
Battleborn imo isn't as bad as some people say. The problem at the core is that is a FPS (or FP action game, as some characters are melee) but the movement and gunplay feel mediocre in comparison with real AAA FPS, slow, floaty and lacking punch. It kind of makes sense, as if you think about it, the combat in Borderlands games was never good, people played because the loot/levelling. But imo it's still playable. In part I think that lack of speed and damage comes from trying to be a half-MOBA, where people have to use abilities, teammates have to cover between themselves, etc etc, it wouldn't work if this would be Call of Duty.
The art style isn't as striking as in the concept videos, Overwatch has a better translation to the real game.
The good part is the game mode itself, it's pretty good. It isn't a full MOBA, but their own thing, taking just inspiration of them. Two lanes instead of three makes the game more focused and with more possibilities of flaking and jumping from one side to the other, while still ask for the player to be watchful of the big picture. No towers, you only have to escort your minions to certain points in the map, which are deeper into the enemy territory as the game progresses. No jungle, but there are some crystals around the map that you have to collect, and you can use them to spawn/upgrade a few structures around the map and your own gear, so the game can be pretty strategic, as you have to shuffle between
-killing/harassing enemy players
-pushing your lane
-helping the other lane
-recollecting crystals when possible, and upgrading stuff
Gigantic... has a lovely art style, with original and striking characters, lovely scenarios, lovely animations, all very lovely... but imo it has to improve a ton in the game itself.