Mirror D 80s
great thread guys a lot of great choices allready chosen.
heres my top7-
1-eternal sonata
Great rpg about Chopin in another world with his music. i hope they make it BC in the next batch.
2-silent hill hd collection
a lot of the complainers were wrong this games bugs were fixed on X1 unlike the buggy crashy ps3 version. i deffinetly reccomend this great collection along with homecoming and downpour which are also back compat.
3-mars war logs
very unique rpg betumup kinda like total recall. prety short but different and leads into the technomancer on X1 which was part of game pass and games with gold.
4-metal gear solid peacewalker
very underated game in the series. the fact that it has coop really held it up for me. fun upgrading mother base.
i picked the lesser popular one. while the anniversary didnt have multiplayer, 2 only had splitscreen, 3 has full online coop. this fable mayhve been too diferent for many to like but is very unique in its approach.
6-mass effect1
what more can i add?
7-tomb raider legend
the first reboot of Tomb raider i personally enjoyed more than the second 2013 revival. it had light humor which is missing a lot from the 3rd reboot which i still liked. and its back compat
honrable mentions that are backwards compatable-
splinter cell: conviction,blacklist,double agent
darkness 2
kane and lynch games 2
call of jurez bound by blood, the cartel
king kong
persona 4 arena
assassins creed 1, revelations
perfect dark
soul calubur 2
saints row 4
call of duty world at war , black ops 1 ,2
dead space 1,2,3
fable 1,2
the sabotuer
mass effect3 with addons
silent hill home coming, downpour
alice madness returns (dlc of the original game was free)
hitman blood money
mafia 2
sonic adventure 1,2
red dead redemption
far cry blood ,3
crysis 2,3
zone of enders
mgs hd
brothers in arms hells highway
honrable mentions continued that are not as of yet back compat on X1/XSex-
condemned 2
bianary domain
kane and lynch deadmen
fear 1,2,3
lost via domus
la noire
max payne 3
soulcalibur 4
the club
the godfather
persona 4 arena ultimax
heres my top7-
1-eternal sonata
Great rpg about Chopin in another world with his music. i hope they make it BC in the next batch.

2-silent hill hd collection
a lot of the complainers were wrong this games bugs were fixed on X1 unlike the buggy crashy ps3 version. i deffinetly reccomend this great collection along with homecoming and downpour which are also back compat.

3-mars war logs
very unique rpg betumup kinda like total recall. prety short but different and leads into the technomancer on X1 which was part of game pass and games with gold.

4-metal gear solid peacewalker
very underated game in the series. the fact that it has coop really held it up for me. fun upgrading mother base.

i picked the lesser popular one. while the anniversary didnt have multiplayer, 2 only had splitscreen, 3 has full online coop. this fable mayhve been too diferent for many to like but is very unique in its approach.

6-mass effect1
what more can i add?

7-tomb raider legend
the first reboot of Tomb raider i personally enjoyed more than the second 2013 revival. it had light humor which is missing a lot from the 3rd reboot which i still liked. and its back compat

honrable mentions that are backwards compatable-
splinter cell: conviction,blacklist,double agent
darkness 2
kane and lynch games 2
call of jurez bound by blood, the cartel
king kong
persona 4 arena
assassins creed 1, revelations
perfect dark
soul calubur 2
saints row 4
call of duty world at war , black ops 1 ,2
dead space 1,2,3
fable 1,2
the sabotuer
mass effect3 with addons
silent hill home coming, downpour
alice madness returns (dlc of the original game was free)
hitman blood money
mafia 2
sonic adventure 1,2
red dead redemption
far cry blood ,3
crysis 2,3
zone of enders
mgs hd
brothers in arms hells highway
honrable mentions continued that are not as of yet back compat on X1/XSex-
condemned 2
bianary domain
kane and lynch deadmen
fear 1,2,3
lost via domus
la noire
max payne 3
soulcalibur 4
the club
the godfather
persona 4 arena ultimax